[3.4] Pasta's Dex Stacking Build Crit(Barrage/Scourge Arrow LA/TS/Ice Shot) All Content Viable

sivertry написал:
crazytrain334 написал:

yep and this is the kinda shit i don't listen to or care to listen to im a passive aggressive person and i have taken what people have said that have tried to give me constructive criticism and also i never said i was good at poe iv played other arpgs for many years tho and most apply other then mechanics so in essence no im not complete freaking shit so blow me dude

its a evasion based build...u will die sometimes its ok, if u have problem with bosses just use a 20/20 decoy totem, this will make almost all boss fights easy

its more about learning the bosses mechanics than anything though, people can do shaper with tabula and white weapons, while someone with 30ex worth of gear cant

yea i understand this i just wish people weren't such douche bags. Some one from the forums here is trying to help me ingame a bit with poe trade and stuff at least some people are willing to help
Is 1s shroud of the lightless is a viable option for this?
Is aspect skills really THAT good?
A-and, how should i proceed?

Craft IAS then regal?
Imprint then aug?
Just yolo aug-regal-craft IAS-slam?
Just curious, what optimal explicits should i aim for?
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cold per 10 dex
flat ele
something like that?

Both are strong, bow could use some more ele dam but otherwise it's great.

Chest is 6 out of 5-8 for both life and dex, so probably worth divining imo.

Yeah I guess I am just worried about getting a crap crit roll. Otherwise I think life and lightning res are low to medium rolls far as I can tell. Maybe I will give it a try when I can afford a bunch.


Life is high, res is medium, crit is the least important roll on that imo, you shouldn'T need it. For overall value it's good though yeah.
Последняя редакция: Miffy23#7775. Время: 20 марта 2018 г., 19:09:34
crazytrain334 написал:
sivertry написал:
crazytrain334 написал:

yep and this is the kinda shit i don't listen to or care to listen to im a passive aggressive person and i have taken what people have said that have tried to give me constructive criticism and also i never said i was good at poe iv played other arpgs for many years tho and most apply other then mechanics so in essence no im not complete freaking shit so blow me dude

its a evasion based build...u will die sometimes its ok, if u have problem with bosses just use a 20/20 decoy totem, this will make almost all boss fights easy

its more about learning the bosses mechanics than anything though, people can do shaper with tabula and white weapons, while someone with 30ex worth of gear cant

yea i understand this i just wish people weren't such douche bags. Some one from the forums here is trying to help me ingame a bit with poe trade and stuff at least some people are willing to help

People have been giving you polite advice multiple times over and you choose to ignore it or get passive aggressive. Get some perspective.
rikutata написал:
Is 1s shroud of the lightless is a viable option for this?
Is aspect skills really THAT good?
A-and, how should i proceed?

Craft IAS then regal?
Imprint then aug?
Just yolo aug-regal-craft IAS-slam?
Just curious, what optimal explicits should i aim for?
Скрытый текст

cold per 10 dex
flat ele
something like that?

Craft crit, then regal and hope for ias or the double damage mod.
If you get something good on the regal, multimod imo.

Best mods to get are double dam/ias hybrid, t1 ele, pen, power charge on crit.
Lots of knowledge. Im quite new to path as well, aways played hardcore and aways played same build ( Neversink Tornado), so never really got to red maps. Just by readind all this comments is kinda enough to understand the concept. I tried Converting to this build once, like 1 week ago. Fcked up so bad and my dps droped ~60%. I couldnt map anymore( talk about t6 maps LOL). Had to borrow some chaos from a friend to buy some respect points and go back to old tornado shot build. Farmed my ass out and finnaly could afford a bow few days ago. If @miffy would said something about the other cheap bows i could use before that, i would prolly saved 2ex.

I see some people complaining about deaths. I cant give you solid advice, but what i can tell you is what has been working for me pretty danm well. I used to die a lot when i was running nerversink's tornado and right on the day when i switched to this. A LOT. So, i pretty much said fcked and stop trying to mechanics. i see the boss, blink arrow in( the 1.5 secs CD. is just golden) and burn the fcker before he can even move. srsly, they cant even move between knockbacks. Just like that , deaths went down by 95%. Im talking about t14 bosses that die on like 4 secs.

My gear is on a budget right now. I got some good rolls on some pieces, and some regular/bad ones on another. The thing is, im farming very well now, and i got
to kill bosses (guardians and elder) but i stick with
for fast mapping. as i said, map bossed die so fast i dont even bother swaping gear.

My currently gear is:

Kinda hate to ask this, but for you more experienced guys, what should i be focusing on upgrade now?
PLus . is the links all ok? i took liberty and put enlighten on spider gloves, so im rocking with 124 mana(103 without, and its still enough i think, i barely run out of mana when hitting things). I kinda wanna get rid of Yriel's, hate have to ressummon the rhoa all the time.

I feel like im lacking dex, it should be close to 1000, right? dont really know how to get more. im lvl 91 and made exactly same tree as this topic, with the lioneye's fall. Only diference is that i replaced 2 mana nodes from Druidic Rite and took 2 resist nodes( %15all) near duelist. Is that mana node really needed? plus, even if im burning stuff down fast, my dps tool tip on barrage is not even close to what you guys are saying.

This os tooltip mid fight with flaks and frenzy charges.

Anyways, whats next? upgrade my pieces with bad rolls? get barrage helm? +1 quiver? Dying sun? I really have no idea lol.

Sorry for the huge post, and again , thanks for all the info!

Последняя редакция: mromcy#7856. Время: 21 марта 2018 г., 1:21:58

How should I proceed to craft with this?
Imprint then Regal?
or craft crit or attack speed, imprint then Regal?
Dying__Lights написал:

Hey guys, having a blast with this build. Can reliably deathless clear T15 maps.

Any idea how to improve further?

My H/O dps is something like 30k with Barrage, and PoB without shock use is showing 540k dps on Shaper (This is with the Point Blank passive which I haven't taken yet)
How much do you think is needed to be able to kill Shaper/Guardians?

So i'm mostly at 80-90% effective crit on Barrage without Diamond Flask and I've gone with Fenumus as a cheap alternative for Aspect of Spider. Mapping and Bosses are fast and Fun. Haven't had a problem with any boss till now.

Just bumping this so it doesn't get lost :)
Really struggling to kill bosses past T10.

Gotta stack way more DEX
Последняя редакция: spark_Kegs#6498. Время: 21 марта 2018 г., 3:48:10
mromcy написал:

Anyways, whats next? upgrade my pieces with bad rolls? get barrage helm? +1 quiver? Dying sun? I really have no idea lol.

Sorry for the huge post, and again , thanks for all the info!

A diamond flask should be your first cheap and major dps update (for my POB it's 22% increased DPS). I'm running with 0 life flasks while you're running 2. Also, your magic flasks aren't quality 20 and your onslaught flask can only be used 1 per full refill. You want reduced charges or extra charges as a prefix.

Your tree could be optimised a bit: drop the 4% life small nodes next to thick skin (2 points), drop the resist nodes and get more resists on rings/boots, even if it means you lose some dex (you can get resist on jewels next to dps/life mods) (2 points).

Also, you took 3 point jewel socket and heading towards a 4 point jewel socket when you haven't taken the 2 point jewel socket next to Golem blood.

With the 4 extra points use two to get the jewel socket next to Golem Blood, get the 4pt Jewel socket you're heading towards (4 pts for 2 jewel sockets). As for once you've got those two, use further points to get the life nodes from ranger starting area (4% HP & %evasion) rather than the thick skin nodes that only give 4% hp.

Replace that Viridian jewel, it's awful. No life, proj speed is not that great. A massive upgrade would cost around 30c. Your abyss jewel is also pretty bad. T5 cold, T4 Lightning, T2 fire. Use poeaffix.net to find out what the Tiers of dmg are on jewels and focus on T3 (minimum, T2 preferable) or above rolls. To do this you add the minimum low roll and minimum max roll and divide by 2 and put that value into poe.trade.

Once you do this (mostly admin stuff and cheap fixes) your priority, imo, should be +1 barrage helm (wasn't that expensive last time I checked).


Also dude, Quality 20/Level 19/20 on all DPS setup gems. I just saw that you have Q0 gems. Most times, a 20/20 gem will give more than a 21/0 gem. Use Path of Building to check which is best. (I.E. a 20/20 Elemental Damage with Attacks will give more damage than a 21/0). Always do your upgrades in order of cost. Cheap ones first, expensive ones later. Your last upgrades will be Dying sun, +1 arrow quiver, a better bow.
Последняя редакция: DarthStef#1054. Время: 21 марта 2018 г., 7:14:25

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