[3.4] Pasta's Dex Stacking Build Crit(Barrage/Scourge Arrow LA/TS/Ice Shot) All Content Viable

You peeps need to learn how to use PoB =)
That's the easiest way to figure out your own upgrades.

Mostly what Darth said though. Get 20/20 gems, get the optimal flasks, look at your jewels and build, last but not least get enchants for head and quiver and when all that is done you can try to craft or obtain gozu rings/boots/bow.
Switched to this build recently was able to kill shaper very quickly. I was wondering if you've tested out
? my PoB gives me a 250k DPS increase if I can get a +1 barrage onto it. Also any thoughts on
I'm thinking of removing the crafted mod and trying to slam flat ele... But idk monkaS
Bigpaluda написал:
Switched to this build recently was able to kill shaper very quickly. I was wondering if you've tested out
? my PoB gives me a 250k DPS increase if I can get a +1 barrage onto it. Also any thoughts on
I'm thinking of removing the crafted mod and trying to slam flat ele... But idk monkaS

I personally would, probably. The 20% is not a huge loss and you have a good chance of rolling some at least equal damage in form of a low ele damage roll, and a small chance of getting a big upgrade with t1 ele or maybe frenzy on kill (though that does nothing for boss damage, obviously).

Ofc you could also roll leech, but there aren't tooo many prefix options there so i'd say worth the risk and not a big loss if it does brick.

As far as the head goes, it strikes me as a bit odd that 15% dex would beat, say crit, ias and flat dex from something like a Starkonja. Not worth the tradeoff in my opinion in any case, the build has plenty of damage to go around as it is, better grab life and survivability where you can to avoid oneshots imo.
DarthStef написал:
mromcy написал:

Anyways, whats next? upgrade my pieces with bad rolls? get barrage helm? +1 quiver? Dying sun? I really have no idea lol.

Sorry for the huge post, and again , thanks for all the info!

A diamond flask should be your first cheap and major dps update (for my POB it's 22% increased DPS). I'm running with 0 life flasks while you're running 2. Also, your magic flasks aren't quality 20 and your onslaught flask can only be used 1 per full refill. You want reduced charges or extra charges as a prefix.

Your tree could be optimised a bit: drop the 4% life small nodes next to thick skin (2 points), drop the resist nodes and get more resists on rings/boots, even if it means you lose some dex (you can get resist on jewels next to dps/life mods) (2 points).

Also, you took 3 point jewel socket and heading towards a 4 point jewel socket when you haven't taken the 2 point jewel socket next to Golem blood.

With the 4 extra points use two to get the jewel socket next to Golem Blood, get the 4pt Jewel socket you're heading towards (4 pts for 2 jewel sockets). As for once you've got those two, use further points to get the life nodes from ranger starting area (4% HP & %evasion) rather than the thick skin nodes that only give 4% hp.

Replace that Viridian jewel, it's awful. No life, proj speed is not that great. A massive upgrade would cost around 30c. Your abyss jewel is also pretty bad. T5 cold, T4 Lightning, T2 fire. Use poeaffix.net to find out what the Tiers of dmg are on jewels and focus on T3 (minimum, T2 preferable) or above rolls. To do this you add the minimum low roll and minimum max roll and divide by 2 and put that value into poe.trade.

Once you do this (mostly admin stuff and cheap fixes) your priority, imo, should be +1 barrage helm (wasn't that expensive last time I checked).


Also dude, Quality 20/Level 19/20 on all DPS setup gems. I just saw that you have Q0 gems. Most times, a 20/20 gem will give more than a 21/0 gem. Use Path of Building to check which is best. (I.E. a 20/20 Elemental Damage with Attacks will give more damage than a 21/0). Always do your upgrades in order of cost. Cheap ones first, expensive ones later. Your last upgrades will be Dying sun, +1 arrow quiver, a better bow.

Appreciate all the advices. Been trying to mess aroung with POB, but it looks kinda confusing at first. Still gonna try to figure that out tho.
Miffy23 написал:
Bigpaluda написал:
Switched to this build recently was able to kill shaper very quickly. I was wondering if you've tested out
? my PoB gives me a 250k DPS increase if I can get a +1 barrage onto it. Also any thoughts on
I'm thinking of removing the crafted mod and trying to slam flat ele... But idk monkaS

I personally would, probably. The 20% is not a huge loss and you have a good chance of rolling some at least equal damage in form of a low ele damage roll, and a small chance of getting a big upgrade with t1 ele or maybe frenzy on kill (though that does nothing for boss damage, obviously).

Ofc you could also roll leech, but there aren't tooo many prefix options there so i'd say worth the risk and not a big loss if it does brick.

As far as the head goes, it strikes me as a bit odd that 15% dex would beat, say crit, ias and flat dex from something like a Starkonja. Not worth the tradeoff in my opinion in any case, the build has plenty of damage to go around as it is, better grab life and survivability where you can to avoid oneshots imo.

It's because its 15% strength and int too which gives flat ele from the quiver. But yeah, Starkonja's is easier to get +1 and more defensive.
Looking for my next big upgrade. Any thoughts?
Последняя редакция: Spoonluda#6243. Время: 21 марта 2018 г., 11:40:09
what about use Hypothermia instead Elemental focus?
In this case we are shocked enemy...and Hypothermia + Shoked give more damage then Elemental focus!
Or I missed something?
wastefulby написал:
what about use Hypothermia instead Elemental focus?
In this case we are shocked enemy...and Hypothermia + Shoked give more damage then Elemental focus!
Or I missed something?

It's unecessary on regular map bosses, which die in split seconds anyway and are knocked back, and Shaper/Elder etc are very hard to reliably shock, better off just using Vaal Lightning Trap and more damage from focus.

Worth divine?
f0nko написал:

Worth divine?

For 3 more Dex? No.
Crit is at cap for that Tier.

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