[3.4] Pasta's Dex Stacking Build Crit(Barrage/Scourge Arrow LA/TS/Ice Shot) All Content Viable

Miffy23 написал:
wastefulby написал:
what about use Hypothermia instead Elemental focus?
In this case we are shocked enemy...and Hypothermia + Shoked give more damage then Elemental focus!
Or I missed something?

It's unecessary on regular map bosses, which die in split seconds anyway and are knocked back, and Shaper/Elder etc are very hard to reliably shock, better off just using Vaal Lightning Trap and more damage from focus.

An option I did think of is to use Ice shot instead of TS bossfights and chill/bleed them with that. Swap Inc Crit dmg for Hypo and thats a 570k dps increase. I may try that for a uber epeen dps showcase but it's a little impractical and I would need a 4 off color chest.

edit: Just remembered this build did run Artic Armor early on with Perfect Form. So Hypothermia instead of Inc Crit Dmg is probably better if you need extra dps and don't mind rubbing your face up against a boss before you kill it.
Последняя редакция: PastaAdventures#5964. Время: 21 марта 2018 г., 15:16:13
rossko написал:
RellikIsMyGod написал:
Miffy23 написал:

Thank you for nothing sir :). I know how to use PoB but it just nice to get some advice from other players playing the build, like yourself, possibly :D. In the time you spent being passive aggressive towards me, you could of instead actually helped me !

For anyone that does have the time to give me some advice, that'd be very much appreciated ^_^

I am sorry but he is right.
You dont even have to pob....just read the guide.
Your armor is starter armor. 6l obviously> 5l and +1quiver > not +1 quer.
But that is obvious and for all others we would have to use pob too.... and if you switch one res piece you maybe need to switch more. Its just easier to figure it out yourself. ...

PS. Maligaros gloves give me more dmg even with low crit on bow.... but again pob gives you an answer for your gear status.

He may be right but is there really any harm in asking on the thread? I know that a 6 link is more damage, I just wanted to know what would be my first priority :). Asking questions is what the forums and thread are for after all, right? ^_^
Последняя редакция: RellikIsMyGod#4702. Время: 21 марта 2018 г., 15:13:28
do you recommend chaos or alt spamming to get a bow for this build?
Hi there !
So it's been a while since I used a Bow Build, but since Mirror Archer was introduced I wanted to do a new one !
So how this build goes against the all mighty Doomfletch Prism Build ? Any pros & cons ?
Akalamiammiam написал:
Hi there !
So it's been a while since I used a Bow Build, but since Mirror Archer was introduced I wanted to do a new one !
So how this build goes against the all mighty Doomfletch Prism Build ? Any pros & cons ?

Better dps to price ratio. No abyssus. Notably though, doomfletch is quite weak now since it's nerf. I did attempted it before I made this build
Последняя редакция: PastaAdventures#5964. Время: 21 марта 2018 г., 15:18:37
PastaAdventures написал:
Akalamiammiam написал:
Hi there !
So it's been a while since I used a Bow Build, but since Mirror Archer was introduced I wanted to do a new one !
So how this build goes against the all mighty Doomfletch Prism Build ? Any pros & cons ?

Better dps to price ratio. No abyssus. Notably though, doomfletch is quite weak now since it's nerf. I did attempted it before I made this build

Oh yeah totally forgot about Abyssus, that's indeed a really huge +1 for this build. Time to reroll then !

Edit : it seems that the prophecy for Hirry's Demise is not listed in poe trade, or is it me ?
Последняя редакция: Akalamiammiam#0785. Время: 21 марта 2018 г., 15:30:32
I'm not saying "learn to PoB" to be toxic to you.
It's a legitimate piece of advice.

In the time you take to ask here and act annoyed that people are giving you that piece of advice you could have already compared dozens of pieces of gear, enchants, % quality etc on your setup and found out for yourself.
Miffy23 написал:
I'm not saying "learn to PoB" to be toxic to you.
It's a legitimate piece of advice.

In the time you take to ask here and act annoyed that people are giving you that piece of advice you could have already compared dozens of pieces of gear, enchants, % quality etc on your setup and found out for yourself.

Well I'm sorry then. But 'learn to PoB' does sound fairly toxic !! Also, I'm not annoyed, haha.
RellikIsMyGod написал:
Miffy23 написал:
I'm not saying "learn to PoB" to be toxic to you.
It's a legitimate piece of advice.

In the time you take to ask here and act annoyed that people are giving you that piece of advice you could have already compared dozens of pieces of gear, enchants, % quality etc on your setup and found out for yourself.

Well I'm sorry then. But 'learn to PoB' does sound fairly toxic !! Also, I'm not annoyed, haha.

Sorry I no longer answer any gear questions anymore, I've gotten too many on forums and in-game.
Последняя редакция: PastaAdventures#5964. Время: 21 марта 2018 г., 19:42:42
Fun project build so far!

Nowdays it seems that its not so "budget" anymore, but I'm guessing when OP and early people started with it, you could have easily get the gear needed for much much less!

Eitherway, I'm trying to push it further, currently only lvl84, endgame goal is 95.

Here is my take on it. Oh and also my favorite part because Wise Oak is love!

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