[3.5] Guffin's McSundae Strike | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices
" Curious, why do you like Innervate more than Hypothermia? What are pros and cons having one versus the other anyway? Последняя редакция: SolloPoE#3012. Время: 9 июня 2018 г., 5:45:13
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" Looking forward to that update, going for uber lab soon and rebuilding my skill tree... I have a good guess where 2 jewels go, but no idea about the third. |
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Последняя редакция: Neveroyatnii#3154. Время: 28 окт. 2020 г., 20:56:12
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" innervate just seems to kill things faster not to mention shocking tough rares in incursions and temples seems to make them go down much easier. the extra freeze from hypothermia made things super safe though so a tradeoff I guess. |
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" You don't need any other sources of Leech than the Tree and your Gear/Gems provide for this Build. Warlords mark is wasted. Is it viable? I mean, to you maybe yes. Play however you want. It's still unnecessary. No, Heralds don't Chain with ToA. We take Heralds because HoI is an extremely substantial Clear Speed Boost, both through the added Crit from the Power Charges and the extremely useful Explosions. HoA is a really big Singletarget Increase on Endgame Bosses. ToA and Wasp Nest are just recommended Uniques because they offer a solid starting amount of PDPS for a low price point. That said, your Gear is all over the Place. You simply CANT use a Taproot. It does NOT work as a Statstick, as it is a dagger and BF as well as Reave attack with it as well. You significantly gimp your Damage like that. Drop the taproot, get a Moonbender's Wing and Thunderfists or a Shaped Helmet for your Reave. Just try to follow the guide and you will have better results. Don't use a Quicksilver Flask and don't use a Mana Flask, you have Mana Leech from Soul Raker and should move around with Whirling Blades or Leap Slam, which I both can't see on your Gear. No Offense or anything meant btw, just trying to help out :P I just woke up, so I might come off as grumpy, that's not intended. " Great that you give it a try as one of your first builds of this kind :) It depends on your Crit Chance whether or not you will see explosions/shatters. Your Claw has really low Chance by default, so you will see it less. For now, pick up Heartseeker and see if it gets better. If that doesnt get you there, you can try picking up Twin Terrors instead of Fangs of Frost. It will smoothen out your crit tremendously, at a slight DPS loss compared to FoF. I didn't need the Crit to shatter reliably on my Characters, so I didn't go for it. Also, something which I actually will add into the Guide, if you are just map farming for extended periods of time you can try the following: Vaal Reave in a 6l in your Belly with EDwA, Multistrike, DoFL, Inc Aoe, Inc Crit Strikes while socketing Blade Flurry into your pseudo link. BF has enough DPS to down Map Bosses and tough rares etc. in a 5l easily, just like Reave can clear everything on a 5l, but this way Reave will have very reliable Shatters while even Offscreening at 8 Stages. No Colour Changes required. Also, some quick things for your gear: A Moonbender's right now probably still beats your Statstick, i'm 80% sure. Check it out in PoB, but that Axe really isn't good. Try to transition away from Thunderfists to a shaped Innervate Helmet, because that frees up the Gloves for Tombfist which will offer a lot of Life and TONS of damage through Intimidate. " Cool to see it's going well :) " Hypothermia against already Chilled Enemies is way stronger than Innervate, even with the Innervate Buff active. That said, you first have to Chill them to get that advantage, so your first Hit is gonna be a wet noodle and your next ones way stronger. It's great for clearing extremely tanky packs, but it just seems like you get more reliable one shots on packs with Innervate. I don't think Hypo calculates it's damage knowing that your first Hit will Chill, so it doesnt already buff that Hits damage. At least from my Observation, didn't find anything on that on the Wiki. Small Update on me: Still had 0 time to play ): . Последняя редакция: Guffinn#6759. Время: 9 июня 2018 г., 16:38:47
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Upgraded to a 350pdps claw and statstick for a 120k dps increase and switched over to the might of the meek tree and the build feels amazing. 6100 hp and 1mil BF dmg 400k reave dmg everything melts, well except those incursion and temple rares haha those damn things are tough im trying to keep my temples ILVL 80 for now because they take forever at 82 or 83.
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" Twin Terrors is better than Fencing. Also, the 4 Points of Fencing you could Invest into 2 Frenzy Charges which is exactly the same Damage but will make mapping faster through more Attack Speed. Also gives you a tiny bit defensives via 4% Inc Evasion per Frenzy Charge. Don't go the left way on the upper left Might of the Meek. Go for Int/Mana IMO. The Life Regen is worthless to us anyways, so it's a toss up between the first two nodes when deciding where to go. The other Node gives us 12 INT, which will make gearing a bit easier and negates the lower INT from the Might of the Meek tree. .
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what about hrimsorrow? The convert 50% physical to cold with winter spirit it's pure 90% physical to cold dmg
and i can do statstick with "gain physical dmg as extra elemetnal damage" it will be good idea? |
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" No. This was talked about in this thread a couple of times already. Tombfist are just too strong. .
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" but before we get watcher eye with damage conversion from hatred it's still bad idea? Последняя редакция: negnal#6674. Время: 9 июня 2018 г., 18:53:19
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