[3.5] Guffin's McSundae Strike | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices
" Yeah I was just using it to level as I got my base currencies and such. I'm not following your build exactly as I'm just dickin around, havin fun, trying to understand what makes it tick. I'm kind of an experiential learner. Take a piece out the engine and fire it up to see what it does - kinda guy. " Ah so you actually ACTIVELY WANT something that DOESN'T work for BF/Reave in your off hand so the damage of the main hand weapon is effectively doing all the pulling? Hmmm cool! That's really helping me understand a lot of the practices in POE. " Absolutely, will do. I actually HAD a moonbender's but the tooltip DPS was lower than if I used 2x touch of anguish. However I'm assuming this is a false statistic from your description of how a statstick works, then? Edit: I just swapped in the moonbender's and it feels less impactful than 2 touch of anguish's, tooltip dropped to half damage and the time to kill on mobs reflects that. Am I crazy or am I just not specced out to the point where the moonbender's benefit kicks in? Sorry I know its something so simple I'm not seeing but gotta learn somehow right? " Yeah the QS flask was just to push me through the acts fast. I'll ditch the mana as soon as I log on. The movement skill thing I haven't done just because I get sidetracked and don't like spending any of my currency :p " None taken, I'm a big boy. I really appreciate the care you put into helping me out. I didn't expect you to even check my build on my profile, that's extremely thorough of you and I appreciate how generous you're being with your time. I'm still learning how everything works in this game, every bit of every build I try is a new thing to learn. I'm so bad at this game, once I finally start understanding more interactions with gems, stat focuses for builds, my goal is to start learning what it takes to make some currency. Once again I really appreciate your expertise and guidance. Keep up the good work! Последняя редакция: Strudelnoodle#5550. Время: 10 июня 2018 г., 12:54:28
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" Basically that's the concept of "stat sticks". Certain Skills only attack with your Mainhand, and certain ones (Like Blade Flurry and Reave) only work with certain Weapon Types. If you then have another Weapon that doesn't get used, it can be as shitty as it wants to be but doesn't have any negative effect on the Damage of the Skill. On the contrary, you gain any "global" Properties the Weapon has without any downsides. "Global" because it affects your Character as a whole, not only the weapon that has the properties. In the case of Moonbender's Wing, that is the 50% Conversion to Elemental Damage. Together with the Notable Passive "Winter's Spirit", you will have 90% of your Physical Weapon Damage converted to Elemental Damage. Conversion in this game works as such, that any Modifiers to the damage you convert from (physical Damage in our Case) still apply even if you would convert everything. That means we benefit from Increases to Physical as well as Elemental Damage, and opens up a lot of strong Support Gem Possibilities that pure Physical Builds don't have acces to. " Tooltip DPS in this game is extremely wonky for some Skills. For Blade Flurry specifically it is worthless and doesn't reflect the real DPS in any way. That said, the Time to Kill shouldn't decrease at all. That would only be the case if you had no Elemental Penetration Nodes, but you already have 2/3 we grab. Gonna look into that later. Lastly, thanks for the kind words :) I try to help out wherever I can, but recently it got a bit too much. If you have the time, maybe check out "Engineering Eternity"s Beginner Guides on Youtube. He does really polished and in depth explanation Videos on many things in the game. . Последняя редакция: Guffinn#6759. Время: 10 июня 2018 г., 14:45:54
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Hello can you tell me please how you deal with low amount of mana? my reave cost 25 mana but i have only 150 with herald of ice and hatred activeted, do i miss something?
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" Yes, you are missing Mana Leech. When you complete the Claw Nodes, the lower Wing has "Soul Raker" which gives you all the Mana Leech you need. Until then, you can take 1 0.4% mana Leech Node on the down right side of the Tree. It's just 1 Point for you. .
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Sorry I am new, how does one reset the skill points between level 68 and 75 as shown in the guide:
https://poeplanner.com/AAwAAMkADBAAAGE7KAOWbj1gQ4MJb57KSl-wm7XDOiLqMgGyGc966Na1SNRChG91_Ra_JpVh4lVLpn_tQetjES82PZ2qbIxirAW1jb_UIzBx3ahLeDpCUUcwfI19I_ZNkqOKfyv9bn7dePmNue4Ogazkaql5sbMMc5VmA4fTfgBeGY7tgwguG60EsXsU_MUNjX11_rqHdkp9W69OKio4FHXIzO-P32--vILkkBGKr0rIbqq18jWS2L0kiw-rAl-kDGDeqLt7bpchwXwh0AAAAAAA to https://poeplanner.com/AAwAAN0ADBAAAGs7KAOWbj3PeujWtUjUQoRvdf0WvyaVYeJVS-1B62MRLzY9napsjGKsBbWNv9QjMHHdqEt4OkJRRzB8jX0j9k2So4p_K_1uft14-Y257g6BrORqqXmxswxzlWYDh9N-AF4Zju2DCC4brQSxexT8xQ2Nh3ZKfVuvTioqOBR1yMzvj99vvryC5JARiq9KyG6qtfI1kti9m42-gJsmelNh6_4K8kU64aZXTeP-jz7Pvealy7TFwuwM8ow2idNwUuLVFf2NgQJfpAxg3qi7e26XIcF8IdCmrx3CAAAAAAA= I can't reset any of the nodes between the nodes shown in the guide. I can only reset the nodes at the end of a line. Not sure what I am missing, thanks! |
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" You are missing the Uber Lab. The Lvl 75 Tree is what it looks like if you did Uber Lab (like it says right in the Link), which allows you to start from another Point as well as the middle. We choose the Ranger Start for that. Until you do your Uber Lab, just fill get the Stuff you can see in the Endgame Tree, but you will be lacking a few Skillpoints until you do the Lab. . Последняя редакция: Guffinn#6759. Время: 10 июня 2018 г., 16:40:35
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Im having a blast playing this build. Starting endgame and everything melt. Had a mad mad lucky RNG and have decent gear.
I would also talk about the corrupted darkray. It seems they cant roll +1 frenzy with corruption. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/8nqf4m/protip_1_frenzy_charge_corruption_on_boots_just/ So it seems we can discuss about other boots for mapping. Do you have any idea except gg rares? |
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" Thanks for pointing that out, didn't notice they shifted that around! Just thought they added Frenzies to gloves now. Darkrays are still the best for Speed, because no other Boots will give us a Frenzy now :P Stormchargers are very close in terms of pure Damage, and offer more Res. The Dodge Chance from Darkrays is still great tho. That said, you could just go for 1 Socket Bubonics for the max Life and like 40 Flat from Jewel. Added with the 20 to 30% flat increased damage and the DPS from a good Jewel, they will be comparable. Three Step Assaults are a Cheap Defensive alternative, maybe for HC. Tons of base Evasion, 70 Life and the 10% Spelldodge while Phasing is up 100% while mapping thanks to the Quartz Flask and 100% inc Evasion from Onslaught as well. Some Unique choices, but good Rare Boots are also contenders. All in all didn't make up my mind yet. Gonna do that tomorrow probably. That said, had some Time to play tonight and 6linked my Belly after ~1k Fuses. So decently lucky Also finished my Atlas for my shaped Strategy. . Последняя редакция: Guffinn#6759. Время: 10 июня 2018 г., 19:21:08
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Can someone please take a look at my character and let me know what all is wrong or missing. I just started maps and my damage seems pretty low, especially on bosses (yes I'm using BF).
Am I not benefiting from damage on full life because I don't have vaal pact yet? I thought I would be able to do noob maps somewhat easy but something seems off. I still need merc lab to get raider. I know all of my gear is pretty trash and I need way more life considering I'm on hardcore, but for some reason mapping feels so clunky. Just realized a big mistake though. I had my CWDT set up in stat stick and I was wondering why I kept getting lightning warped..that was a big no no, almost died a few times because of it. Would someone mind making a list of what upgrades I should prioritize? Note that I'm on hardcore. And yes I did read the guide but I still have trouble understanding some things and in what order to upgrade. I'd appreciate any and all help. |
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Well now things are getting quite fluid, this is where I'm at now:
Obviously there is space for improvement, but even now T15 was quite easy, everything just melts. Overall, nice build. Последняя редакция: tetrisk#7726. Время: 11 июня 2018 г., 21:06:16
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