POB has been updated, also made a note in the "patch changes" section

All the best in synthesis
ign: ROCSpoe
RocsPOE написал:
POB has been updated, also made a note in the "patch changes" section

All the best in synthesis

Is there a way to build this as ES Trickster and unitize new ES leech mechanic?
I tried playing around with tree and switching items but then 3mil soon drooped to 1mil and since Void batteries are not an option for everyone, with more realistic weapons and items it all went down to 150-300k damage tops.

I don't feel like 4,3k hp and 1k+ unreserved mana for MoM is enough to play comfortably, this is more like a glass cannon build.
Aurava написал:

I don't feel like 4,3k hp and 1k+ unreserved mana for MoM is enough to play comfortably, this is more like a glass cannon build.

just spec more life/mana and less dmg
Actually I feel like going hybrid is a viable option here.
Life+MoM+EB+New trickter's ghost shrouds, with certain items and high evasion could result in very solid survivability
Aurava написал:
Is there a way to build this as ES Trickster and unitize new ES leech mechanic?
I tried playing around with tree and switching items but then 3mil soon drooped to 1mil and since Void batteries are not an option for everyone, with more realistic weapons and items it all went down to 150-300k damage tops.

I don't feel like 4,3k hp and 1k+ unreserved mana for MoM is enough to play comfortably, this is more like a glass cannon build.

Here is a quick take on how a ES version would look. Havent change any gear and skills but just to show the tree.

RocsPOE написал:
POB has been updated, also made a note in the "patch changes" section

All the best in synthesis

Just curious, with the changes to Hatred giving ~20% More Cold damage, would it be worth dropping MoM and going for purely life based? Possibly grabbing the life wheel if needed for survivability and dropping loreweave for a rare chest with a lot of life (possibly shaped with spells have increased crit?).

One more thing, thoughts on flame dash with the new dual wield nodes (30% increased cooldown recovery of movement skills) or would lightning warp outperform it.

I find it extremely hard to get enough defenses without MoM but I wanted to test out some more auras. Thanks for any feedback :)
P0Powich написал:
RocsPOE написал:

Life alone is nothing if you don't have secondary damage mitigation. It will work only until you get hit and you will be hit a lot. Most of the time you will be face-taking mobs even if FP is a ranged skill.

Going for Essence worm ring is an option if you are willing to sacrifice a ring slot. Then Hatred reserves no mana.

Aul's Uprising with Hatred attribute is also an option if you can spare 5ex+ :P
Последняя редакция: Aurava#3709. Время: 7 марта 2019 г., 4:39:26
Would the node Frost Walker be worth to use ?
Cold damage, cast speed w/ cold skill seems nice to me.
Hello. Im was looking for an Freezing pulse build and i found your build, seems very interesting. Since pulse got some goood buffs... This can be used as league starter?
Thank you.

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