edu1991 написал:
Hello. Im was looking for an Freezing pulse build and i found your build, seems very interesting. Since pulse got some goood buffs... This can be used as league starter?
Thank you.

Yes u make start, but very hard lvl up no gear, i try on "standart", very very weekness HP and def...
edu1991 написал:
Hello. Im was looking for an Freezing pulse build and i found your build, seems very interesting. Since pulse got some goood buffs... This can be used as league starter?
Thank you.

I remember trying this build in the last Turmoil Race Event that happened and it was quite good. I didn't play much but I got the 2 Void Batteries and a +1 Tabula + Pandemonium and had 800k dps with full frenzy charges. I feel it should be quite good this league and I'm gonna use it as my Leaguestarter.
I think this will be my starter fot the next league. But there are still a few thigs i would like to hear your opinions on.

1. Elemental overload for leveling? Its not very close to the starting area but i think it will take a while to get good crit / crit multi.

2. Ascendancy order? My Idea was Opportunistic first for bosses and movement speed then both Infusions and Ambush last?

3. Any advice on budget options especially for weapons? I've read in another FP Assa guide that the Divinarius dagger is good? What about the Shimmeron or rather rares.
Is there no skill tree for the build yet or am i just dumb and not seeing it

Edit: the POB link doesnt seem to work for me
Edit2: nevermind i am dumb and figured it out
IGN: Chesterr
Последняя редакция: Chester204#0151. Время: 7 марта 2019 г., 12:11:01
skill tree pls ımage
The POB is working fine for me.
Thanks for the build guide. Great work! I'll be making this my league starter, with a few changes...

1) Movement skill is just preference I suppose, but with new Dark Arts wheel I'll totally be running Flame Dash instead of Lightning Warp.

2) I'll probably add Zealotry aura

3) According to DPS-per-passive analysis with your PoB, the branch to take Heart of Ice doesn't seem worth taking over something like Arcane Potency. And then from Arcane Potency you're able to grab Purity of Flesh which is really nice.

Maybe Heart of Ice is necessary for the ES leech?

Same issue with Lethal Assault — not enough DPS boost for the two point investment.

Последняя редакция: Nairul#4127. Время: 7 марта 2019 г., 15:18:15
I see hypothermia in your skill setup and chilled condition when calculating the shaper dps. Isn't shaper immune to chill and you better use some other support gem?

With all the buffs, over 3million shaper dps is insane. I couldn't kill uber elder with my RF Bladevortex 1.1-1.7 million shaper dps after many many tries. Despite, 7.3k life & some life sustain I sometimes die very quickly and it had been very frustrating for me.
aknmemo написал:
skill tree pls ımage

Rampage Rank 7 lv 100 BONJWA_TOP_DAWG
Talisman SC Rank 7 Lv 100 LaBonjwa_Neymar

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