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finsti написал:
mefistofx написал:
I just anointment my amulet to Death Attunement but I can't raise more Zombies and more than 3 Spectres, what happened?

Read the guilde on the first side.
In the FAQ section: HOW DO I GET 4 OR 5 SPECTRES?

Ok, so I have to have Raise Spectres lvl 25 to get 4 spectres? I don't fully understand the requirements.

Atm I got lvl 19 spectre gem + Unnatural Strength (passive) + Death Attunemet + All Raise Spectre Gems (boots)
That gives you a lvl 22 gem (19 + 2 ascendency + 1 boots), so you're missing 3 levels. If you get a lvl 21 base gem, that will leave 1 level to get from your equipment (quite easy from the wand) and you'll be at gem lvl 25, allowing for an additional spectre.
mefistofx написал:
finsti написал:
mefistofx написал:
I just anointment my amulet to Death Attunement but I can't raise more Zombies and more than 3 Spectres, what happened?

Read the guilde on the first side.
In the FAQ section: HOW DO I GET 4 OR 5 SPECTRES?

Ok, so I have to have Raise Spectres lvl 25 to get 4 spectres? I don't fully understand the requirements.

Atm I got lvl 19 spectre gem + Unnatural Strength (passive) + Death Attunemet + All Raise Spectre Gems (boots)

Spectre gem lvl 19 = 2 spectre from gem
Death Attunement + 1 spectre

= 3 spectres.

for 4 spectre you need gem level 25 or higher
for 5 spectre you need +1 spectre on body.
I've done the first Sirus. Damage is definitely on the low side for t16s (~320k per spectre single target not counting shock, 170-220k clear), but it's fine for now. I'm using 5-link Redemption Sentries with LMP/Vicious Proj and Deathmark (huge quality of life on tough rares and bosses, definitely worth it over better clear gems). I'm in a small private league with no magic/rare item drops, which means no way to get +1 spectre chest AFAIK and worse gear in general so early into the league. For normal trade league it should be easy enough to obtain a 6L and/or 5 spectres at this point by getting a chest and the required +2 levels from wand/neck/21 gem, which at that point the dps is enough for all content. Can also craft cluster jewels, the +2/+2 shield and a nice helm eventually.

Survivability is great for such horrendous gear, I'm using Enduring Cry with the keystone and +endurance charges on tree with CWDT-Immortal Call. Still tons of upgrades to be made on every piece of gear (life...). For later in the league I can fit in ailment immunity (unveiling the right mod is pretty hard in no magic/rare league) and if I'm lucky I can pick up Divine Flesh at some point.

Saltbringer написал:
I league started with this and have had a very smooth level up to low 80s so far. On the cusp of yellow maps, and am starting to feel the ceiling with my current gear and setup. For my weapon 1s, should I run another setup than the Desecrate-Offering-Cascade if I don't have the Diadem helm?

Also advice on next gear pieces would be much appreciated.

You forgot to post your chest and your flasks. Which spectres are you using? Do you have low damage, or are you dying? You don't need spell cascade for only bone offering.

turko написал:
I have a question for people running RS without cluster jewels, how is damage after t11 maps? SD seem to be lacking DPS here.

See above. Easily 400k per spectre with a 6 link. Haven't tried Slave Drivers.
Последняя редакция: Whurthic#5700. Время: 22 июня 2020 г., 9:22:28
Should we be following the pastebin from your youtube video the other day or one of the ones on here :P?
Hey there can some one help me upgrade mei set , step by tep ?

Current Set :

Thank you very much.
Последняя редакция: oODKOo#7331. Время: 22 июня 2020 г., 10:18:58
wanted to ask one thing,we are using brand in curse on hit setup with elemental weakness,doesn't it mean we have to cast brand on every pack of mobs to curse them?because now it seems we dont do that and Kay in her new vid said just run around.So are we using brand only on the bosses?Or how does it work?
oODKOo написал:
Hey there can some one help me upgrade mei set , step by tep ?

Скрытый текст

Current Set :

Thank you very much.

Get more life on gear, speed on boots, rare 6L with life/resists.

The first 2 (major) upgrades to look at are total spectre gem lvl 25 and trigger wand:
lvl21 Gem
+1 spell/minion wand
+1 spectre gem lvl boots
Hey Kay ! Hey Everyone !

First, thanks again for the amazing build guide Kay !

Second, for Redemption Sentries, without Devouring diadem with Enlighten, wich Aura Setup is better?

1) Hatred + Haste (for the atk speed for sentries)


2) Hatred + Skitters w/ Bonechill ?

Thank you all !
Hey guys,

Appriciate the previous help with annointment.
I'm now wondering what upgrade path should I take. I'm currently around tier 12 maps and the damage feels lacking. Dont have much money to spend, around 30c, but would like to know what should be my main goals for the next few levels to get the dmg up.

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