Kay's Summoner Memorial Page | New Guide is linked inside!

What about a helmet like this for the build? I mean its mirrored but like the stats for the bonus +1 int gem. Its just some bonus damage i guess but it wasnt too expensive to get the stats if you dont need Res on helmet
Последняя редакция: Traces666#2437. Время: 16 янв. 2020 г., 12:43:42
one of the best guides made by mankind hahaha
gratz bro
DrPriapism написал:
kayella написал:

This is the base:


6-link astral plate with 3b3w. It is magical with only +1 spectre or +1 spectre and 1 high level resist. They are on the market every league.

You also need a craicic chimeral:


1. Go to menagerie and beastcraft imprint on your magic astral plate.
2. Use regal orb.
3. Did you get t1 life or t1 resist? Yes: craft useless prefix (this is to reserve a space for %life later), go to 4. No: restore imprint, go to 2.
4. Exalt slam. Did you get t1 life or t1 res? Yes: repeat 4. No: restore imprint, go to 2.
5. Scour crafted prefix
6. Craft 10% life as es or 8% life or something else you like.

Couple notes for this particular craft. Firstly, the highest item level base you can get with +1 spectre is 83.

This was indeed a 6L 3b3w +1 Spectre w/ T2 Cold Res (highest tier res at il83) that i duped for quite a while. Kind of got bored with duping and multimod crafting, already accumulated a good amount of currency to carry me through the league so this was the last dupe base i had for sale, and it hadnt sold so i figured id craft one out with a conq orb since i needed it for a challenge.

Process i took:
Imprint magic base and regal. I prefer the resist over the life because i valued 45% over 20-30 life (difference between crafted life and t1 or t2 life)

If you dont hit it, imprint and try again (i hit it on the first regal)

After that with the resist you have 1 prefix and 2 suffix (since i opted for resist)

Craft random suffix

Slam conq exalted orb you want to use. I opted for Hunters because t2 %life is nice (t1 %life cant roll on 83 base), +1 curse is nice, and %life regen is nice. Had the best possible out comes.

Hit any of the 3 (pray you dont get phys taken as chaos) and youre golden. Craft life on and regular exalt slam the last suffix. Offering suffix is super pog.

Thank for for the detailed response
So how do I summon slave drivers with PoH? The video solution did not seem to work anymore.
Swaiper написал:
So how do I summon slave drivers with PoH? The video solution did not seem to work anymore.

I just did it earlier with my setup. You have to have two gems, both in slot 1 of PoH and your backup wand, and they have to be the same level and etc. The game will pick that up as the same gem and not despawn.
Hi, i recently changed my build from W/S to PoH and the DPS upgrade is awesome but this new build seems very squishy.

Is there a particular way to play this one ? Because i'm getting oneshoted (or nearly) by bosses or some rare mobs at least once per map.

I'm using the same gear / flask listed in this guide, with capped elemental resistance and 49% chaos resistance.
Hola, soy nuevo en este juego e intentado hacer tu build con escudo y vara, pero no me aumenta el % de bloqueo a 75% y 52% según tu pastebin, por favor explícame como lo lograste, saludos y gran build!!!

If you have a question about the build, could you please post it here in the build guide? I cannot always answer questions in-game.

15 JAN:
New test build 'Wand & Shield / EB & MoM'
Build notes on p. 822

12 JAN:
All builds updated.

W&S mostly unchanged.
Added +1 int amulet to get 5th spectre.
Added +2 wand to get 5th spectre.
Added new crafting notes.

PoH 3.9 updated to v2.
Many changes to reduce overall cost of build.
Many changes to gems.
New PoB: https://pastebin.com/mkEh23nU

Added new showcase videos for the Sirus fight.

PoE 3.9.2 - Slave Drivers vs Sirus [Awakening 8] with explanation

PoE 3.9.1 - Goatman Fire-Raisers vs Sirus [Awakening 8]

More videos at https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming

My twitch stream: https://www.twitch.tv/kayellapoe


Path of Building Pastebin
(includes levelling trees)

Passive Skill Tree

Level 100

Kill all


1st: Mindless Aggression
2nd: Unnatural Strength
3rd: Bone Barrier
4th: Mistress of Sacrifice

Major: Soul of Lunaris - avoid projectile, extra dodge, avoid chain
Minor: Soul of Shakari - poison immunity


Note: Always look for highest total life and any resists you need.
See: Crafting section below for how to craft your gear.

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Crafted +1 helmet -> (Wraithlord) -> life helmet -> Crafted +3 helmet

Any chest -> 5L rare -> Tabula Rasa or 6L rare -> (6L Vis Mortis) -> 6L crafted delve +1.
NOTE: never buy 5-link Vis Mortis!

(thanks MoistCheezIT for Vis Mortis)

Crafted gloves

(Bones of Ullr) -> Fossil-crafted boots

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Wand from Atzoatl or
Convoking wand with +1 minion gem or
Convoking wand with +1/+1 minion/spell gems

NOTE: must not have 'adds x lighting damage to spells'

Any shield with high life -> Crafted Shaper shield with 'recover 5% life when block'

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Any belt -> Stygian Vise

Amulet: Rare amulet or Jinxed Juju or Rmulet with +1 int gems

Rings: any ring; vermillion recommended.

Jewels & Flasks
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You can craft or buy ghastly eyes. Mod priorities:
#1: life
#2: increased minion attack/cast speed or increased minion damage
#3: Taunt

Highly recommend for Sirus fight
'Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you'

Recommended Unique Jewels:
Anatomical Knowledge: +flat life & 8% increased maximum life
Unending Hunger: 50% chance for minion to gain Soul Eater

Recommended Flasks:
Blood of the Karui - fast life recovery + instant life recovery
Bubbling Divine Flask of Staunching - instant life flask & remove bleed
Chemist's Quicksilver of Adrenaline - 70% increased movement speed
Experimenters's Quartz Flask of Heat - 10% Dodge & remove freeze
Rumi's Concoction - 20%/10% block & 3000 armour


Note: Crafting results are random, so you may need to repeat the craft several times to get the required mods.

Cheap 5-link/6-link chest

Look for a 5-link/6-link chest with INT base & Screaming Essence of Greed.

SSF: Farm 6 Dapper Prodigy cards.

Trigger Wand

Trigger will auto-cast any gems in your wand when you use another skill.

You will need: wand with 1 free suffix.

Bench craft 'trigger' (3c).

Note: This craft comes from syndicate encounters and is rare.

+1 Minion Wand

You will need:
Convoking Wand
Bound fossil
1-socket resonator

Notes: Bound fossil increases the chances of getting a minion mod, but the chance is still low. You can also use the alt/regal method.

+2 Minion Wand

You will need:
Convoking Wand
4-socket resonator
Jagged, Shuddering, Corroded, Metallic fossils

Notes: These 4 fossils will block all mods except spell and minion.

+1 Spectre Gem Level Boots

You will need:
Any boots
2-socket resonator
Bound, Shuddering fossils

+3 Minion Helmet

This will give your support minions more survivability.

You will need:
item level 86 Bone helmet
1-socket resonator
Bound fossil


Body Armour

For Slave Drivers: 6 blue sockets.

If more DPS is needed, swap Feeding Frenzy for Conc Effect:

Please see Alternative Spectres section for gem links for other spectres.

Helmet, Boots & Gloves

Helmet: 1 red & 3 blue.

1. Stone Golem gives life regen.
2. Zombies provide support DPS.
3. Elemental Army: -10% lightning res exposure.

Boots: 3 blue, 1 red.

1. Wrath + Generosity gives minions more lightning damage.
2. Skitterbots chill and shock enemies.
3. Convocation teleports your minions to you and heals them.

Gloves: 4 blue.

1. Armageddon Brand is used to apply Elemental Equilibrium (-50% lightning res).
2. Armageddon Brand applies Elemental Weakness curse (-50% elemental res).
3. Flame Dash to teleport away from danger or over terrain.

NOTE: Keep Armageddon Brand at level 1.

Weapon & Shield

Weapon: 1 green, 2 blue.

1. Desecrate spawns corpses.
2. Bone Offering consumes corpses to increase block chance for minions and necro.
3. Skeletons add extra minions for Bone Barrier buff and pulling agro.

NOTE: You can use Vaal Skeletons.
NOTE: Keep Desecrate at level 1.

Shield: 2 red, 1 green

1. Cast When Damage Taken + Immortal Call will reduced damage taken by 28%.
2. Phase Run gives +40% movement speed, phasing (run through monsters) and reduced visibility (monsters won't attack you).

NOTE: The green socket must be unlinked.

NOTE: Cast When Damage Taken should be level 15.
NOTE: Immortal Call should be level 16.


Ravenous Horde

Minions deal 20% increased Damage
Minions have 5% increased Attack Speed
Minions have 5% increased Cast Speed
Minions have 20% increased Movement Speed
Minions have 10% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill


You can add an AG to the build for added utility. It can be equiped with armour and a weapon, which allows it to give party buffs & enemy debuffs.

NOTE: If your Animate Guardian is killed, all the equipment will be lost! I recommend only using the cheap gear below.

In your helmet, replace Minion Damage -> Animate Guardian.

Recommended gear:

Video guide on how to summon and equip your AG:

The Animate Guardian can be equipped with even more powerful equipment for more investment. See below:

Endgame Animate Guardian

The Kingmaker axe will provide you and your minions with fortify (20% reduced damage taken), culling strike & +50% crit multi. We can also equip the AG with a -9% lightning res helmet so it will debuff nearby monsters.

Recommended Gear:

Helmet Crafting:
Any helmet + pristine and metallic. You want to hit -9% lightning res, and 1% life regen.

Boot Crafting:
Boots with 2% regen enchant + pristine.


If you prefer Shield Charge:
1. Link all sockets in your shield
2. Replace CWDT, IC and PR with Shield Charge, Faster Attacks and Fortify.

You will have to use Bone Armour as your Guard skill.


You can get a substantial DPS boost at the cost of survivability.
DPS increase from 797k to 1.3M.
Block decrease from 75/45 to 48/18.
Spectre life decrease from 52k to 42k.

Refund Ascendacy passives:
Bone Barrier (10 regrets)
Mistress of Sacrifice (10 regrets)

Take Commander of Darkness & Plaguebringer.

Replace Bone Offering -> Flesh Offering


In act 1, use holy flame totem and zombies. Stand close to the totem for 6% heal. Zombies will sometimes die, re-summon them. Later, you will get skeletons. Summon skeletons to kill monsters and bosses.

In act 2, you will get skitterbots. Link them with infernal legion gem. They will burn and kill most monsters. Summon skeletons against bosses.

In act 3, replace skeletons with spectres. Keep zombies & skitterbots.


Craft 10% ms boots

Sell to town vendor: white boots + augmentation orb + quicksilver flask. Socket links and colours do not change.

Craft Flask of Animation (heals minions)

Keep your minions alive in Acts 1 - 5.

Sell to vendor: Orb of Transmutation + Any life flask + Bone Spirit Shield.

Craft +1 minion gem helmet

Increase minion damage in Acts 3+.
Only do this craft if you find a 4-link helmet.

Sell to vendor: Orb of Alteration + Flask of Animation + blue helmet.


Make sure you have these gems at the end of each Act.

End of Act 1



Buy amber amulet from Nessa if you need strength to level up Holy Flame Totem.

End of Act 2



End of Act 3




End of Act 4




End of Act 5




Buy all remaining gems in Act 6


Levelling trees are at my imgur account: https://imgur.com/a/FYLPyDM.

The level ranges are labelled below the image. The level ranges are based on my own playthrough which included doing the side quests for extra passive points. You might be slightly ahead or behind.


Act 1

starting zone: pick up wand. pick up 'fire ball'. open chest. pick up 'arcane surge'. link: fireball + arcane surge. kill hillock. enter the town.
town: talk to tarkleigh. take raise zombie. buy freezing pulse. sell fireball.
link: freezing pulse + arcane surge
the coast: get waypoint. go to tidal island.
tidal island: kill hailrake. take medicine chest. portal to town.
town: talk to nessa. take quicksilver flask. take summon phantasms. waypoint to coast.
the coast: go to entrance to mud flats.
mud flats: break eggs. find entrance to submerged passage.
submerged passage: find flooded depths.
flooded depths: kill deep dweller. portal to town.
town: talk to tarkleigh. take skill book. talk to nessa. buy holy flame totem.
link: holy flame totem + phantasms.
waypoint to submerged passage.
submerged passage: find entrance to the ledge.
the ledge: find entrance to the climb.
the climb: find entrance to lower prison.
lower prison: find waypoint, head back to town.
town: talk to nessa. take minion damage support. buy infernal legion. waypoint to lower prison.
link: zombies + minion damage
lower prison: labyrith trial, find entrance to upper prison.
upper prison: find entrance to boss. kill boss. exit to prisoner's gate.
prisoner's gate: waypoint to town
town: talk to tarkleigh. take summon skeleton. talk to nessa. buy flame dash & minion damage. waypoint to prisoner's gate.
link: skeletons + infernal legion + minion damage
prisoner's gate: find entrance to ship graveyard.
ship graveyard: find entrance to cave.
cave: find the dead slave. get the allflame. exit to ship graveyard. find entrance to canvern of wrath.
cavern of wrath: get waypoint. waypoint to ship graveyard.
ship graveyard: find fairgraves, kill. portal to town.
town: talk to bestel. take skill book. talk to nessa. take flesh offering. buy bone offering. waypoint to cavern of wrath.
cavern of wrath: find entrance to cavern of anger.
cavern of anger: find merveil's lair & kill boss.

Act 2

Follow: Passive Trees Stage 1

southern forest: find entrance to forest encampment.
forest encampment: go to old fields.
old fields: find entrance to the den.
the den: kill old beast. find exit.
old fields: find entrance to crossroads.
crossroads: follow path to find waypoint. continue following path to find broken bridge.
broken bridge: find & kill kraitlyn. portal to town.
town: talk to yeena. take quicksilver. go to riverways.
riverways: follow path to find waypoint (use flame dash to jump over the streams). head to the left of the map to find entrance to wetlands.
wetlands: find & kill oak. find waypoint. waypoint to riverways.
riverways: follow path to find entrance to western forest.
western forest: follow path to find waypoint. continue following path to the bottom of the map. kill blackguard. pick up thaumetic emblem, open path. find & kill alira. find weaver's chamber.
weaver's chamber: kill weaver and get maligaro's spike. portal to town.
town: talk to eramir to get 2 passive pts. talk to silk. take elemental focus. talk to yeena. buy concentrated effect & deathmark.
link: zombies + minino damage + deathmark
waypoint to act 1 town.
act 1 town: talk to bestel. take skill book. waypoint to crossroads.
crossroads: go to the right to find entrance to felshrine ruins.
felshrine ruins: follow path to find the crypt.
crypt level 1: complete labyrith trial
crypt level 2: get golden hand. portal to town.
town: talk to yeena. take survival instincts. and book of regrets. waypoint to crossroads.
crossroads: head left. find extrance to chamber of sins
chamber of sins: go to level 2, kill fidelis. grab baleful gem. find labyrinth trial. portal back to town.
town: talk to helena. talk to greust. take desecrate. talk to yeena. buy skitterbots. portal to wetlands.
link: skitterbots + infernal legion
link: skeletons + minino damage
(link change)
wetlands: poison the tree roots.
vaal ruins: just run as fast as possible to exit.
northern forest: find waypoint, don't go to town. find entrance to caverns.
caverns: find waypoint. find entrance to ancient pyramid.
ancient pryamid: kill boss

Act 3

city of sarn: save clarissa. find entrance to town.
town: head straight to entrance to slums.
slums: find the crematorium.
crematorium: take the waypoint. complete labyrinth trial. find piety. take tolman's bracelet. portal to town.
town: talk to clarissa. get sewer keys. buy wrath, elemental weakness. talk to maramoa. take convocation. go to the slums.
the slums: find the sewer grating. unlock.
the sewers: find waypoint. find 3 quest items. find entrance to marketplace.
marketplace: find waypoint. find the entrance to catacombs.
catacombs: complete labyrinth trial. portal to town.
town: talk to hargan. take skill book. waypoint to marketplace.
marketplace: find entrance to 'the battlefront'
battlefront: find waypoint. find Blackguard chest. take ribbon spoon. find entrance to solaris temple level 1.
solaris temple level 1: find waypoint. find entrance to level 2
solaris temple level 2: find waypoint. talk to dialla. take jade amulet (need dex). waypoint to the battlefront.
battlefront: find the entrance to the docks.
docks: find supple container. pick up thaumatic sulphite. find waypoint. waypoint to to solaris temple level 2.
solaris temple level 2: talk to dialla. take infernal talc. waypoint to the sewers.
sewers: clear the undying blockage. find entrance to ebony barracks
ebony barracks: find waypoint. kill gravicius. find entrance to lunaris temple.
lunaris temple: find waypoint. go to town
town: talk to maramoa. take raise spectre. talk to clarissa. buy animate guardian.
unlink: summon skeletons
link: raise spectre + minion damage + elemental focus + concentrated effect
way point to solaris temple level 2.
solaris temple level 2:use desecrate to create corpses. look for 'flame sentinel'. raise two spectres. take waypoint to lunaris temple.
lunaris temple: find portal. kill piety. take the tower key. portal to town.
town: talk to grigor. take skill book. waypoint to ebony barracks.
ebony barracks: find entrance to imperial gardens.
imperial gardens: head to top of map to find waypoint. find the library.
the library: find siosa and waypoint. find 'loose candle'.
archives: find golden pages. return to siosa.
library: talk to siosa. take feeding frenzy.
link: raise zombies + minion damage + feeding frenzy
waypoint to town.
town: talk to clarissa. buy elemental army, generosity. waypoint to imperial gardens.
imperial gardens: heard to top-left to find the labyrinth trial. complete trial. find 'locked door'.
scepter of god: go up two levels. find waypoint. find entrance to upper scepter of god
upper scepter: go up two levels. find entrance to tower roof top. kill dominus. talk to dialla to open portal to act 4.

Act 4

aqueduct: find the entrance to the town.
town: upgrade boots. go to dried lake entrance.
dried lake: head to the bottom-right of map to find boss. kill boss. get deshret's banner. portal to town.
town: open mines entrance. don't enter. talk to oyun. take stone golem.
mines level 1: find entrance to level 2.
mines level 2: find deshret's spirit. find entrance to crystal veins.
crystal veins: find waypoint. talk to dialla. waypoint to town.
town: talk to tasuni. take skill book. waypoint to crystal veins.
crystal veins: enter kaom's dream.
kaom's dream: find entrance to kaom's stronghold.
kaom's stronghold. get waypoint. find boss room. kill kaom. take 'eye of fury'. portal to town.
town: waypoint to crystal veins.
crystal veins: talk to dialla. enter daresso's dream.
daresso's dream: find entrance to the grand arena. kill daresso. take 'eye of desire'. portal to town.
town: waypoint to crystal veins.
crystal veins: talk to dialla. take waypoint to town.
town: talk to dialla. take spell echo. talk to petarus and vanja. buy increased area of effect, curse on hit.

When you reach level 38:
gem change: remove concentrated effect
link: raise spectre + minion damage + spell echo + elemental focus

crystal vein: enter belly of the beast.
belly of the beast level 1 & 2: find entrance to bowels of the beast.
bowels of the beast: defeat piety. enter the harvest.
the harvest: find waypoint. find & kill doedre, maligaro & shavronne. talk to piety. enter the black core.
the black core: fight malachai + piety. go into second boss room. defeat malachai. portal to town.
town: exit town.
the ascent: head top-left of map to find portal to oriath.

Act 5

the slave pens: find entrance to overseer's tower (town).
town: talk to lani. take whichever ring helps you balance your resists. go to act 3 town
act 3 town:talk to clarissa. buy armageddon brand. return to act 5 town.

Start using Slave Driver Spectres.
control blocks: desecrate corpses. look for 'Slave Driver'. raise 2 spectres.

gem removal: holy flame totem, summon phantasms, infernal army
unlinked: skitterbot
link: wrath + generosity
link: armageddon brand + curse on hit + elemental weakness
link: raise zombie + minion damage + elemental army + feeding frenzy

You can do Labyrinth after getting Slave Drivers -> Ascend to Necromancer -> Mindless Aggression

control blocks: find miasmeter. find entrance to oriath square.
oriath square: get waypoint. waytpoint to town.
town: talk to vilenta. take skill book. waypoint to oriath square.
oriath square: head to top-right to find entrance to templar courts.
templar courts: get waypoint. find entrance to chamber of innocence.
chamber of innocence: find boss room. defeat avarius. talk to sin. exit boss room. enter torched courts.
torched courts: find entrance to ruined square.
ruined square: find the ossuary. get waypoint.
ossuary: find sign of purity. exit to ruined square.
ruined square: find reliquary. ignore utula.
reliquary: get waypoint. find the 3 quest items. portal to town.
town: talk to lani. take skill book. waypoint to ruined square.
ruined square: find cathedral rooftop.
cathedral rooftop: find and kill kitava. talk to sin. talk to lily roth.

Act 6

town: talk to lilly. go to twilight strand.
twilight strand: kill all monsters.
town: talk to lilly. take book of regrets. go to the coast.
the coast: find the entrance to mud flats. get the waypoint. enter mud flats.
the mud flats: find & kill boss. take quest item. find & talk to nessa. find entrance to karui fotress.
karui fortress: find & kill boss. find entrance to the ridge.
the ridge: waypoint to town.
town: talk to tarkleigh. take skill book. talk to lilly. buy cast when damage taken, immortal call, phase run, precision.
the ridge: find entrance to lower prison.
lower prison: grab waypoint. portal to town.
town: talk to tarkleigh. take skill book. portal to lower prison
lower prison: find labyrinth trial. find entrance to shavronne's tower.
shavronne's tower: find entrance to prison rooftop.
prison rooftop. kill shavronne and brutus. talk to sin.
warden's chambers: find entrance to prisoner's gate.
prisoner's gate: find entrance to valley of the fire drinker (top-right).
valley of the fire drinker: kill abberath. talk to sin. return to prisoner's gate.
prisoner's gate: find entrance to western forest
western forest: follow path to top to find waypoint. grab waypoint. continue to find entrance to riverways.
riverways: follow path upwards to find waypoint. grab waypoint. go left to find entrance to wetlands.
wetlands: find entrance to spawning ground.
spawning ground: kill rysratha. talk to sin. portal to town
town: talk to bestel. take book of skill. talk to tarkleigh. take book of skill. waypoint to riverways
riverways: find the entrance to southern forest.
southern forest: find the entrance to caverns of anger. grab the waypoint.
caverns of anger: open flag chest. take black flag.
passage: find entrance to beacon.
beacon: grab waypoint. complete 'refuel the beacon' escort puzzle. light the beacon. click on beacon. talk to weylam.
brine king's reef: find the brine king's throne.
brine king's throne: kill boss. talk to sin. talk to weylam to go to act 7.

Act 7

broken bridge: follow path to entrance to crossroads
crossroads: follow path to the waypoint. grab waypoint. head to the right of the map. find entrance to fellshrine ruins.
fellshrine ruins: follow the path to the crypt entrance.
the crypt: grab waypoint. find labyrinth trial. find sarcophagus (entrance to next area). enter stairs. search map for 'container of sins'. take maligaro's map. portal to town.
town: take waypoint to crossroads
crossroads: find entrance to chamber of sins level 1.
chamber of sins level 1: find silk. grab the waypoint. use 'maligaro's map' in the map device. enter portal to maligaro's sanctum
maligaro's sanctum: find maligaro's workshop.
kill maligaro. take black venom. portal to chamber of sins level 1
chamber of sins level 1: talk to silk. take obsidian key. find entrance to level 2.
chamber of sins level 2: complete labyrinth trial. find entrance to the den.

Can do labyrinth 2 now -> Unnatural Strength

the den: grab the waypoint. find entrance to the ashen fields.
the ashen fields: grab waypoint. follow path to find entrance to fortress encampment (boss room).
boss room: kill greust. talk to sin.
northern forest: find entrance to dread thicket.
dread thicket: collect fireflies. find entrance to den of despair.
den of despair: kill gruthkul. portal to town.
town: talk to eramir. take skill books. waypoint to northern forest.
northern forest: find the entrance to the causeway.
the causeway: find waypoint. find kishara's star (close to vaal city entrance).
vaal city: find waypoint. portal to town.
town: talk to weylam. take book of skill.
vaal city: talk to yeena. enter temple of decay level 1.
temple of decay level 1 & 2: find entrance to arakaali's web.
boss fight: kill arakaali. talk to sin. talk to yeena. enter sarn ramparts.

Act 8

sarn ramparts: grab waypoint. find entrance to town.
town: enter toxic conduits.
toxic conduits: find doedre's cesspool.
doedre's cesspool: find boss room ('loose grate').
the cauldron: kill doedre. enter 'sewer outlet'.
doedre's cesspool: find entrance to the quay.
quay: find 'sealed casket'. open and take 'ankh of eternity'. find ressurection site. talk to clarissa. kill tolman. find grain gate.
grain gate: grab waypoint. find & kill gemling legion. find the imperial fields.
imperial fields: follow path. grab waypoint. find solaris temple.
solaris temple level 1: find waypoint. waypoint to town.
town: talk to maramoa. take skill book. talk to clarissa. take skill book). waypoint to solaris temple level 1.
solaris temple level 1 & 2: find & kill boss. take sun orb. portal to town.
town: waypoint to toxic conduits.
toxic conduits: find the grand promenade.
grand promenade: find the bath house.
bath house: complete labyrinth trial. kill hector. take wings of vastiri. find high garden.
high garden: kill yugul. portal to town.
town: talk to hargan. take skill book. waypoint to bath house.
bath house: find entrance to lunaris concourse.
lunaris concourse: grab waypoint. find lunaris temple.
lunaris temple level 1 & 2: find & kill boss. take moon orb. portal to town.
town: waypoint to lunaris concourse.
lunaris concourse: find the harbour bridge.
harbour bridge: find the sky shrine. kill both bosses. talk to sin.

Act 9

blood aqueducts: find entrance to town.
town: find the entrance to 'the descent'
descent: find exits.
vastiri desert: find the waypoint. find storm-weathered chest (yellow !). take storm blade. continue towards top of map. go to the right. find blocked entrance to 'the oasis'. find the entrance to the foothills.
foothills:find the waypoint. near waypoint is the entrance to the boiling lake.
boiling lake: find and kill boss. take basilisk acid. portal to town.
town: talk to petarus and vanja. ignore items. talk to sin. talk to petarus and vanja again. take bottled storm. waypoint to vastiri desert.
vastiri desert: go to entrance to the oasis.
oasis: find and kill boss. portal to town.
town: talk to irasha. take skill book. waypoint to foothills.
foothills: find entrance to the tunnel.
tunnel: complete labyrinth trial. find waypoint. find entrance to the quarry.
quarry:find waypoint. find entrance to shrine of the winds. kill boss. talk to sin. return to quarry.
quarry: find entrance to the refinery.
refinery: find and kill boss. open theurgic precipitate machine. take trarthan powder. portal to town.
town: talk to irasha. take skill book. talk to sin. waypoint to quarry.
quarry: enter belly of the beast.
belly of the beast: -> rotting core -> black core.
black core: talk to sin. kill shavronne, maligaro and doedre. talk to sin. enter the black heart.
black heart: kill depraved trinity. talk to lilly. sail to oriath.

Act 10 & Epilogue

town: enter cathedral rooftop.
cathedra rooftop: enter cathedral apex. kill monsters. talk to bannon. return to town.
town: talk to bannon. talk to lani. take quartz flask. go to cathedral rooftop.
cathedra rooftop: find entrance to the ravaged square
ravaged square: find entrance to the control blocks.
control blocks: find waypoint. find arena. kill boss. portal to town.
town: talk to lani. talk skill book. waypoint to control blocks.
control blocks: enter ravaged square
ravaged square: ignore reliquary entrance. find entrance to the ossuary. take waypoint. enter ossuary.
ossuary: complete labyrinth trial. find sealed chest (yellow !). take elixir of aullure. portal to town.
town: talk to weylam. waypoint to ravaged square.
ravaged square: find entrance to the torched courts.
torched courts: find entrance to desecrated chamber.
desecrated chamber: take waypoint. find sanctum of innoncence. kill avarius. take staff of purity. portal to town.

Can do labyrinth 3 now -> Bone Barrier

town: talk to bannon. talk to innocence. waypoint to ravaged square.
ravaged square: find and talk to innocence. enter the canals
the canals & feeding trough:
find and kill kitava. go to oriath.
oriath: talk to lani. talk skill book. talk to kirac. do epilogue quests.

Drorond написал:
Hi, i recently changed my build from W/S to PoH and the DPS upgrade is awesome but this new build seems very squishy.

Is there a particular way to play this one ? Because i'm getting oneshoted (or nearly) by bosses or some rare mobs at least once per map.

I'm using the same gear / flask listed in this guide, with capped elemental resistance and 49% chaos resistance.

I switched to PoH too. At first was dying a lot, sometimes multiple times on 1 map. First check your HP and ES. i feel ok at 5.9kHP and 2.5kES
Could have more HP but changed my Vermillion ring for Unset one to have flesh offering.

Also i removed vaal skeletons and put Animate Guardian + Stone Golem. AG with kingmaker axe helps with clear speed and sometimes saving life too.

+ use Decoy Totem always, especially boss fights. Not always works perfectly but works for sure.

+ always remeber that Devouring Diadem saving your life too every 5sec, just make sure that corpses around.

+ not sure if it helps much, but watchers eye with phasing are good too. saves especially in mine and if your ES go to 0 and have no "mana" to cast flame dash, just go through and hope that youll be fine. + it looks great, some people think that its MTX, asking where to buy )))

Maybe... replace Plague Bringer with Bone Barrier. Spamming Bone Armour are nice too. Loose about 10-15% dps but 2200 life to you and your minions more tanky too. Im just too lazy for it. But in wand/shield i die sometime too, hoping that immortal call will save me. But when start spamming Bone Armour i easily get 97 lvl.
Danzanus написал:
Drorond написал:
Hi, i recently changed my build from W/S to PoH and the DPS upgrade is awesome but this new build seems very squishy.

Is there a particular way to play this one ? Because i'm getting oneshoted (or nearly) by bosses or some rare mobs at least once per map.

I'm using the same gear / flask listed in this guide, with capped elemental resistance and 49% chaos resistance.

I switched to PoH too. At first was dying a lot, sometimes multiple times on 1 map. First check your HP and ES. i feel ok at 5.9kHP and 2.5kES
Could have more HP but changed my Vermillion ring for Unset one to have flesh offering.

Also i removed vaal skeletons and put Animate Guardian + Stone Golem. AG with kingmaker axe helps with clear speed and sometimes saving life too.

+ use Decoy Totem always, especially boss fights. Not always works perfectly but works for sure.

+ always remeber that Devouring Diadem saving your life too every 5sec, just make sure that corpses around.

+ not sure if it helps much, but watchers eye with phasing are good too. saves especially in mine and if your ES go to 0 and have no "mana" to cast flame dash, just go through and hope that youll be fine. + it looks great, some people think that its MTX, asking where to buy )))

Maybe... replace Plague Bringer with Bone Barrier. Spamming Bone Armour are nice too. Loose about 10-15% dps but 2200 life to you and your minions more tanky too. Im just too lazy for it. But in wand/shield i die sometime too, hoping that immortal call will save me. But when start spamming Bone Armour i easily get 97 lvl.

Thanks for your answer. I will try AG and Decoy Totem. I also changed one of my jewel with minions dmg + to a jewel with Taunt and it seems to help too.

More practice with this build should help too.
Последняя редакция: Drorond#7521. Время: 16 янв. 2020 г., 16:36:51
Danzanus написал:
I switched to PoH too. At first was dying a lot, sometimes multiple times on 1 map. First check your HP and ES. i feel ok at 5.9kHP and 2.5kES

Just wanted to mention it here bc i see this often and am not sure if everybody understands it, only 30% of that ES protects your HP.

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