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what does spell cascade do when you connect with flesh offering and desecrate? does it make them have more effect?
Hey there!
The new spider build rocks, wasn't really a fan of the EB/MoM one as it felt very squishy to me, but the Arakaali version is much tougher and makes map clearing speed builds look like a joke, I simply keep my phase run and QS flask up and run until no mobs are left alive.
Thumbs up for this!
Now I have a strange question:
Since the last Sirus fixes in the last phase I keep dying to the "die!" attack because my fps drops to close to 0 (even bought an SSD to see if it helps but it doesn't) and can't dodge the beams, lost many Sirus fights where I entered the last phase deathless because of this.
As I was browsing the forums this bug isn't new and many people suffers from it.
Still I want to survive those attacks somehow, I just don't know if this build can facetank it with a little more investment or changing a few gems.
Thanks in advance for your help! :)
Hi Kayella,

What are the significant differences you've noticed in the spider build, as compared to the build on the first page?

Regarding end game content, is it faster at mapping and/or faster with bosses?

Do the spectres not die as easily as slave drivers?
bffinn написал:
Hi Kayella,

What are the significant differences you've noticed in the spider build, as compared to the build on the first page?

Regarding end game content, is it faster at mapping and/or faster with bosses?

Do the spectres not die as easily as slave drivers?

As you know, the first page has two builds:
1. "W&S / Life"
2. "W&S / EB & MoM"

But without the titles, they really are:
1. fresh league starter / SSF
2. mid-league / trade league

So I will relabel the builds for 3.10 and add some explanation.

The spider build is part of the mid-league build. The tree is 99% the same. The major difference is the weapon and helmet. So my plan is to have two build options. Something like:

Option 1: pure spectres
Option 2: spectres & spiders

I think the spiders have about the same clear speed as a pure spectre build that uses solar guards. For the best clear speed you use GMP with SGs, but that reduces damage by 26%, so their boss killing power is pretty bad. You need to gem swap GMP with Ele Focus or some other blue support gem, so you really need a white socket.

The spiders actually have less DPS for mapping, but it's not a problem because they have enough to kill trash monsters. There are 20 spider all with melee splash, so there's a lot of overlapping damage. My build doesn't scale spiders for boss killing and I actually suggest despawning them completely against bosses because the spectres will handle that.

Other spider builds use the spiders for boss killing as well which also need a gem swap (usually melee splash -> multistrike) because of increased boss hp in 3.9 and awakening 8. There is also the major problem of despawning and resummoning.

I chose EVFs for boss killing because they have about the same boss killing power as SDs. EVFs hit very hard, but are melee and move like snails, so positioning can be a problem. For example, Phoenix and the Hunter might need some chase and convocation to bring the EVFs to the boss.

SDs hit softer, but use ranged spell and move quickly, so they have better up time. However, they do stop casting sometimes and will sometimes use a melee hit.

The big difference is the hp. If you look in PoB, EVF have x4.50 and SD have x1.00. So if we build for 3M DPS each:
EVF will have about 150k life and 6k regen and 8k leech.
SD will have 41k life and 800 regen and 8k leech.

SDs will die to almost anything whereas EVFs can stand in sirus storms.

🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
kjanos89 написал:
Hey there!
The new spider build rocks, wasn't really a fan of the EB/MoM one as it felt very squishy to me, but the Arakaali version is much tougher and makes map clearing speed builds look like a joke, I simply keep my phase run and QS flask up and run until no mobs are left alive.
Thumbs up for this!
Now I have a strange question:
Since the last Sirus fixes in the last phase I keep dying to the "die!" attack because my fps drops to close to 0 (even bought an SSD to see if it helps but it doesn't) and can't dodge the beams, lost many Sirus fights where I entered the last phase deathless because of this.
As I was browsing the forums this bug isn't new and many people suffers from it.
Still I want to survive those attacks somehow, I just don't know if this build can facetank it with a little more investment or changing a few gems.
Thanks in advance for your help! :)

There also another way to make the build tankier if you are OK to use 4 spectres instead of 5. Use this kind of elder body armour instead of +1 delve armour. Combined with Cinderswallow Urn = 9% life recovery per kill and passive 1-2% regen.

Do you mean the die beam barrage or the spinny beams?

I also had big problems with the spinny beams. The beam hits many times per second and each hit needs some calculation, so when it hits minions there are too many calculations and fps drops to 0 (you can get the same problem if you use frost sentinels in delve and the game needs to do a lot of chill and freeze calculations).

The solution is to make sure the spectres don't stand in the beam. Use convocation to reposition them when you are clear.

I read another solution on reddit: set your effects volume to 0.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Последняя редакция: kayella#0845. Время: 24 февр. 2020 г., 4:32:37
genocidegrand написал:
what does spell cascade do when you connect with flesh offering and desecrate? does it make them have more effect?

Actually for spectre + spider it does nothing. It's a leftover from the pure spectre build. Only empower will increase the effect, but it's only 1%, so not really worth it.

genocidegrand написал:
that spider find with the helmet is actually great. pretty sure there is more optimization can be done there any other suggestion?

remind me of impale from champion which give more damage to minions. per impale on enemies. wonder how effective is impale guardian with zombies and spiders? that seems to give the most amount of minions? maybe also use srs? since the impale champion give damage to each minion. should be overkill though.

It's overkill really. There's enough damage to do fast map clearing.

If you want to use pure spiders, then impale does give some decent damage!
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Последняя редакция: kayella#0845. Время: 24 февр. 2020 г., 4:43:13
BA3YDADDY написал:
Thx for all the help Kay :)

Last Question i promis :p

Raise Spectre EVF: 5B/1R - Level 31 spectre gem using Empower in the Red socket vs 5B/1R - Level 25 spectre using Melee Phys in the Red Socket?

What is strongest?

Level 25 + Melee Phys will be about 5-10% more dps. Or 15% if you have awakened melee phys.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
MaidenPain написал:

Thank you for a nice build! Have never played necro before. Quite nice experience

Now playing on SSF and have a question about +1 spectre delve armor. I`m at depth 175 and have seen only 1 minion items location. Is it real at all to find this armor on SSF? Maybe some hints, where to look? Which delve depth or what regions of delve?

Thx in advance!

They only drop from the node in delve with 'contains minion or aura items'. It seems like it's just random chance for a drop. I did 4 nodes this league: 169,225,385,561. I got a +1 chest at 225 and 561.

I decided to skip them because I just wanted to go to 600 quickly for challenges, but the nodes become more common as you go deeper. Maybe the +1 might be a bit difficult on SSF unless pushing depth.

I didn't do any sulphite rotas and didn't buy sulphite scarabs, so I think it's quite possible to go deep in SSF with only niko mission and scarab from syndicate.

Thanks for asking! I'll add this explanation to the guide later.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
"Do you mean the die beam barrage or the spinny beams?

I also had big problems with the spinny beams. The beam hits many times per second and each hit needs some calculation, so when it hits minions there are too many calculations and fps drops to 0 (you can get the same problem if you use frost sentinels in delve and the game needs to do a lot of chill and freeze calculations).

The solution is to make sure the spectres don't stand in the beam. Use convocation to reposition them when you are clear.

I read another solution on reddit: set your effects volume to 0.

Thanks, will try to place them out of the beam's way.
I meant the barrage, but now that you mentioned it my problem's cause might be the spinning beam/calculation stuff because I rarely pay attention to the position of the spectres when I need to dodge stuff (as I use deathmark on the boss and place them on the boss after every phase transition I assume they're hitting him in melee range) and the spinning beams are only there in the last phase, exactly when my fps drops start.
Thank you again, going to try this out as soon as I can.
Последняя редакция: kjanos89#4617. Время: 24 февр. 2020 г., 11:21:12
kjanos89 написал:

Thanks, will try to place them out of the beam's way.
I meant the barrage, but now that you mentioned it my problem's cause might be the spinning beam/calculation stuff because I rarely pay attention to the position of the spectres when I need to dodge stuff (as I use deathmark on the boss and place them on the boss after every phase transition I assume they're hitting him in melee range) and the spinning beams are only there in the last phase, exactly when my fps drops start.
Thank you again, going to try this out as soon as I can.

Yeah, if you just put DM on Sirus and let the spectres walk around, they are probably walking through the spinny beams and causing the lag.

It's important to stay close to Sirus to avoid his attacks. So just remember to cast Convocation when you're near him. That should fix the problem.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶

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