Kay's Summoner Memorial Page | New Guide is linked inside!

kayella написал:
LonelyGodPoE написал:
Thanks for this great build guide. It's my first time playing a necro and even though I picked it up in the last few weeks of the league, I'm really enjoying the style of play. I followed the build on the first page the life/wands and the last week switched to spiders. Love the spiders!

Can you explain how EVF damage works? I'm having trouble figuring out what type of damage they do and how the support gems work. I'm basically just using what you're posting without understanding much about it.

Also, I'm finding the build dies a lot when I try to run t15/16 maps. I have 6k/2k life/es and I'm running SO on CWDT at level 7. When it procs, I get over 3k es but I still to get killed fast sometimes. I wonder if I'm just not playing summoner properly.

(edit) I even switched desecrate in the shield for an immortal call (lvl 9) which helped, but still getting killed.

Thanks again!

EVF do 100% elemental melee damage. PoB doesn't have the correct information about them and you have to ignore the DPS numbers in PoB.

The best support gems in the 6L are:

You need to use CWDT level 1, Desecrate level 1 and Spirit Offering level 8.

CWDT 1 will trigger the linked spells after you take 528 damage. CWDT 7 will trigger after 1000 damage. So CWDT 1 will give you the 3k ES more often.

You will also need a new flask: Cinderswallow Urn. Try to get 3% life recovery. This will give you life every time a monster dies from poison.

thank a lot, but i still have confuse. Hit of EVF can "bleed" Monster??
melee physical and ruthless gem need it to maximum damage
kayella написал:

EVF do 100% elemental melee damage. PoB doesn't have the correct information about them and you have to ignore the DPS numbers in PoB.

The best support gems in the 6L are:

You need to use CWDT level 1, Desecrate level 1 and Spirit Offering level 8.

CWDT 1 will trigger the linked spells after you take 528 damage. CWDT 7 will trigger after 1000 damage. So CWDT 1 will give you the 3k ES more often.

You will also need a new flask: Cinderswallow Urn. Try to get 3% life recovery. This will give you life every time a monster dies from poison.

Thanks for the prompt reply. I will make those changes.

Are you still using Arma, CoH and EW, as well? In the alternate shield is lightning spire best?
I will blame you when my favourite summoner build (spidermancer) is now triple the price, Kay :P You have already made arakaalis more than twice as expensive as they were before your update. They are so scarce that I am worried what their price will be on league start
Hey Kay.

Do you know already now whats going changed in 3.10?

Really Looking forward to you 3.10 update :)
kjanos89 написал:
kayella написал:

I don't think there will be any major changes to necros, so I'll start updating the forum guide tomorrow or the day after.

Well in my opinion unnatural strength will be nerfed to +1 level to minion skill gems so necro builds will be brought down to mortal levels without spending a big amount of currency on +2 lvl items to reach the 5 spectre cap.
Your build is just too cheap and powerful compared to others.
I'm also very interested in your guardian (mentioned a few pages before) variant of the build so it might be only my hopes and dreams talking, but honestly necro representation was way too high for 2 leagues now, GGG will not ignore it.

If Unnatural Strength becomes +1, I might even drop it from the 'starter/ssf' build because getting level 25 will become too costly or just not possible for ssf. Level 23 -> 24 is only 4.5% more damage, so Plaguebringer will be a bigger damage boost. Also, 4 spectres is not a major problem because the 5th spectre was new in 3.7. For a long time people played with 3x 6L spectres in a cheap rare chest or 4x 5L spectres in a Vis. Getting 4 spectres in a 6L Vis was a luxury.

I just did a quick conversion to Guardian Summoner to see how the damage is. The build's passive trees passes the Templar starting area, so you just need to use 3 passives to connect (change 3 passive from witch start area).

Passives, I picked Unwavering Crusade, Time of Need and Radiant Hope. Harmony of Purpose doesn't do much because minions are not party members. Bastion of Hope might be good if you have lots of block.

Guardian Summoner:
4x EVF with 2.65M DPS

Witch without Unnatural Strength:
4x EVF with 2.8M DPS

I don't know much about min-maxing mana guardians, though.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Последняя редакция: kayella#0845. Время: 4 марта 2020 г., 9:38:42
Forkerino написал:
I will blame you when my favourite summoner build (spidermancer) is now triple the price, Kay :P You have already made arakaalis more than twice as expensive as they were before your update. They are so scarce that I am worried what their price will be on league start

I just checked the price. It was 20c when I bought it for the build. Now I see 40, 50, 60, 60, 80, 100, 1ex.

🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
BA3YDADDY написал:
Hey Kay.

Do you know already now whats going changed in 3.10?

Really Looking forward to you 3.10 update :)

No idea. I just hope nothing too major. I don't think GGG will destroy Summoner.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
YamiYami0204 написал:
thank a lot, but i still have confuse. Hit of EVF can "bleed" Monster??
melee physical and ruthless gem need it to maximum damage

They can't do bleed damage.

Melee Phys is to increase their base physical damage before conversion. This will help a lot when they hit with cold damage (+Hatred aura).

Ruthless has 132% more on third hit. This will make freeze, stun and shock better.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
kayella написал:

I don't know much about min-maxing mana guardians, though.

Well I don't know much about them either, all I know is they get armor from their reserved mana with Memory vault helm and skin of the loyal/lords body armor to increase tankiness, but that isn't an option for us.
BA3YDADDY написал:
Thanks Kay, ill keep to my setup then :)

I have been Looking the big wep of information for a great Melee focus Spectre doing phys damage.

I am using EVF and I love em, but I would like to try other setups to :)

Can you recommend Any?

I hear Ash Harvester should be good?


Ash Harvester looks like it would be good, but it is slow, has poor attack AI, and doesn't cyclone often enough to be useful, alas.

Going to list some YouTubers who have tried out many different types of spectres. Find some that look interesting and fun to you and give them a whirl.

iAcclaim_POE's Raise All Spectres:


Angry Roleplayer's spectre comparison:

Leary93's Spectre of the day (couple years old):

And just for fun (The Amazing Shinrha):

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