{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀

Singrave написал:
it's not a newbie stuff and can't be obtained till endgame.

Check out the leveling guide. It starts covering how to use the lesser poison support under act 1 gems.
Последняя редакция: Romalar#3889. Время: 4 сент. 2019 г., 13:24:53
Hello I had great fun with this build in legion and i look forward to go on with it in Blight. However i was not a fan of keeping poison stacks up, so is there a decent alternative to carrioncrawler? or are you still sticking with it for blight.
All theese minion changes are looking hot

For the new Hybrid build, any changes to skill tree if you skip poison and HoAg?

Edit: I plan to go with this build again since I am not sure if spectres will be good enough nor easy to get 4 of.

I want to squeeze Cyclone+SRS and Animated Guardian here as well. That will be fun :)

What Cyclone reduce in movement speed, it delivers in survivability and hopefully SRS. With hybrid build, we should be quite tanky. Damage haven't been a problem with either necro build I have tried.
Последняя редакция: Rakio#5532. Время: 4 сент. 2019 г., 18:49:51
Hummm i dont get it, whats the tree for the build in 3.8? it is on the main topic? (page 1) i guess he said its really hard to edit it, so where is it?
Romalar написал:

Check out the leveling guide. It starts covering how to use the lesser poison support under act 1 gems.

i've read the whole guide
the only way is to use Cyclone-Ball Lightning-CwC-Lesser Poison in glowes\boots\shield\helm.
But then you have only one "ball".
With poison affix you can put Greater Multiple Projectiles to have more "balls".
FunestedKillah написал:
Hummm i dont get it, whats the tree for the build in 3.8? it is on the main topic? (page 1) i guess he said its really hard to edit it, so where is it?

it's not fully decided yet
Singrave написал:
FunestedKillah написал:
Hummm i dont get it, whats the tree for the build in 3.8? it is on the main topic? (page 1) i guess he said its really hard to edit it, so where is it?

it's not fully decided yet

The latest I found is for Hybrid Life/ES build: https://poeplanner.com/ABIAAQsAEjMAAILfilSufdIi9G0ZCPRqQ7zqLJzsimvbTLPQH-_rBAeD21XGOlhsC5Mnf8Z-WaKjwfMkmq1IGh1yxV2OEZYHHpUu8NVJUe-I-TfXz0mxES18g-vui3ZWLjrpHginCNrdj0abocy8qsSFYE25MtFFR4hAKpiQM6asqqnAZgSzogDwH2jyHRT60hZv42pmnqDmZ3FKn4m8EFGYTTrGcg-Ub2ZUWfMaOJBVJy8c3LiTjxoo-nHzeX9jQeDdCSyu9Jitgsf56EGHtz7-Cti98kU64aZXTeM1kv6PV8kNfBFQpyua4EWdU1LJPb-X8h6-iqEvvkke2otl7IPTj0eF_oHZXjkLm4q-TwAAAAAA

From https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2242389/page/125#

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I'm curious if you're planning on taking Carrion Golem. I'm also curious if there's a viable variant with Infernal Legion. I really want a horde of flaming minions.
@ everyone:
I have finished editing my 3.8 Patch Notes overview.

@ FunestedKillah:
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FunestedKillah написал:
Hummm i dont get it, whats the tree for the build in 3.8? it is on the main topic? (page 1) i guess he said its really hard to edit it, so where is it?
whats the tree for the build in 3.8?

There is a tentative tree in the 3.8 Patch Notes overview, in the Passive Tree spoiler. I will be updating the 3.8 Roundup post with a guide to the new build. It will be very similar to the Poor Man's ES Hybrid.

@ DeathJester73:
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DeathJester73 написал:
This is the first time I have actually tried to talk to someone in this forum and I am sorry if it is out of Normal but I have hit a brick wall. I am working on a Dual Wield Midnight Bargain build but it has me to the point I am about throw in the towel because the 60% life reserved is getting me killed every time.
I was excited at first because I got 11 zombies, 11 Skellys, 6 Spectres, 10 phantasms, and that was before i popped the Vaal Skelly. It just seemed that it wasn't going to work though.
Then the news about Blight came out and I am not ready to give up on it just yet. It wont work with my Cyclone>Desecrate>CwC>Volatile Dead 4L (I am trying that and your suggestion for the SRS. I want to try and get out as large of an army as possible with as mys Damage as I can give it (Phys,Chaos, and Elem) but I am at the end of my rope here. Any thoughts on what may work with Blight coming or should I file this project as DOA?

Thanks for your Guide BTW. Once I found it I really haven't played much of any other Character build.
NeoLearner написал:
Not abnormal to talk on a forum :) not really the thread for it though. You would probably be better of in a Low Life (LL) summoner thread like this one?
Generally, if you are planning on reserving 60% life you need to go Low Life. This implies using a Shavronne's for the chaos damage bypass, getting a lot of ES and buffing minions through aura's. So a lot of aura efficiency and reduced mana reservation. This build won't be cheap and not really a league starter.

Send me a PM if you want to discuss, I still have a Midnight Bargain build on my "to play" list.
I am working on a Dual Wield Midnight Bargain build

You'll need to stack and rely on Energy Shield in place of your Life pool, and protect yourself from Chaos Damage (e.g. Shavronne's Wrappings). We do not cover that in this build, as Midnight Bargain is not ideal for us.

It wont work with my Cyclone>Desecrate>CwC>Volatile Dead 4L (I am trying that and your suggestion for the SRS.

Are you using VD for EE or damage? As a source of damage it won't do much for us.

I found SRS to be sorely lacking in damage when I initially tested them in 3.7. I had expected more based on the PoB numbers, but they sadly had little bite. They should improve quite a bit in 3.8, so I'll be giving it another whirl then.

Any thoughts on what may work with Blight coming or should I file this project as DOA?

In general, because my time is limited, especially right now, I keep my advice to only my build. If you are asking about modifications to this build, I can give recommendations. Otherwise, if you're trying to make your own build, it'd be best to ask elsewhere.

@ Alerean:
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Alerean написал:
"Labyrinth Traps now deal 90% less bleeding damage to Minions."

Oh baby...

I'm super keen for Hybrid ES.
I'm super keen for Hybrid ES.

It's going to be super good with the Spirit Offering and Desecrate changes. I am excited!

@ Jarovb:
Jarovb написал:
Wicked Ward keystone can be good for us? It's very close from Ravenous Horde which for sure we want.

It may not be worth the passive point for us, but I've included it in the tentative tree for now since we're right next to it. I'll reserve judgement until after properly testing how often recharge matters to us when we have Spirit Offering.

@ RobRikkers:
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RobRikkers написал:
Hi there, thanks for youre comprehensive guide. I am new at the game and this is my first build. I have a question. I cannot figure out in youre endbuild what u use for the chaos/poison trigger? i am using lesser poison support gem, but this takes up a gemslot. Secondly youre main weapon is gone in the profilebox of youre endgear.
NeoLearner написал:
A "Socketed gems are supported by level 18-20 Poison" on a set of Elder gloves.
Weapon used to be an Elder claw (Life gain on hit) with "Support by level x Main" and either "Supported by Faster Attacks" or "Supported by added fire". A lot has been shaken up by the 3.8 rework, so some changes to be expected.
Singrave написал:
it's not a newbie stuff and can't be obtained till endgame.
Romalar написал:
Check out the leveling guide. It starts covering how to use the lesser poison support under act 1 gems.
Singrave написал:
i've read the whole guide
the only way is to use Cyclone-Ball Lightning-CwC-Lesser Poison in glowes\boots\shield\helm.
But then you have only one "ball".
With poison affix you can put Greater Multiple Projectiles to have more "balls".
I cannot figure out in youre endbuild what u use for the chaos/poison trigger? i am using lesser poison support gem, but this takes up a gemslot.

You'll want to use a Hypnotic jewel with flat added chaos damage to Spells. This is covered under Item Requirements in the main build guide. My character did not need this jewel simply because of the mod on her helmet. I don't recommend this mod, though, as it takes up the last Prefix slot and thus the helm cannot have Life crafted onto it.

Secondly youre main weapon is gone in the profilebox of youre endgear.

I temporarily moved the claw over to Children_of_the_Mind for testing pure Zombies.

Singrave написал:
But then you have only one "ball".

@ Singrave: One ball is fine. It has a deceptively large radius of 22 (= L1 curse radius)

GMP Balls can't hit the same target, so there's no difference against a single target. GMP is mainly for easy aiming and more coverage (good for LGoSH).

@ pietra666:
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pietra666 написал:
Hello I had great fun with this build in legion and i look forward to go on with it in Blight. However i was not a fan of keeping poison stacks up, so is there a decent alternative to carrioncrawler? or are you still sticking with it for blight.
All theese minion changes are looking hot
is there a decent alternative to [agony]crawler?

Check out "thoughts on dropping Herald of Agony" in the Roundup.

or are you still sticking with it for blight.

There was a noticeable drop in clear speed when I switched out of the Agony Crawler and Projectile Weakness. SRS was too weak, Spiders were good but maintaining them with the Worm flask was annoying, and Zombies were fine but react too slowly. I'll be conducting further tests after Patch 3.8, with the hope that Zombies or SRS will perform far better.

@ Rakio:
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Rakio написал:
For the new Hybrid build, any changes to skill tree if you skip poison and HoAg?

Edit: I plan to go with this build again since I am not sure if spectres will be good enough nor easy to get 4 of.

I want to squeeze Cyclone+SRS and Animated Guardian here as well. That will be fun :)

What Cyclone reduce in movement speed, it delivers in survivability and hopefully SRS. With hybrid build, we should be quite tanky. Damage haven't been a problem with either necro build I have tried.
For the new Hybrid build, any changes to skill tree if you skip poison and HoAg?

No, not currently. Accuracy will be important whether we're using the Agony Crawler, Zombies, Carrion Golem, SRS, or Spiders.

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@ Callipygian:
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Callipygian написал:
I'm curious if you're planning on taking Carrion Golem. I'm also curious if there's a viable variant with Infernal Legion. I really want a horde of flaming minions.
I'm curious if you're planning on taking Carrion Golem.

I'll be scouting him, but the investment for more golems may not be worth his contribution.

I'm also curious if there's a viable variant with Infernal Legion.

Like Decay, burning doesn't stack. You either want it for clear on a minion that spreads out, like Raging Spirits, or on a singular minion for bosses.

Gem reveal shows it deals 1315 DPS. It's going to be tricky to scale this up. In the end, I think this will require a dedicated build and won't see much use outside of leveling, Minion Instability (Earendel's Embrace, Tavukai, Siegebreaker), or ele-immune Golem shenanigans.
Carrion Golem only adds 41 phys damage to nearby non-golem minions, is that even worth bothering with? Seems quite low as most minions can easily clear over 1K on their own . . .

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