{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀

Hiya Hercanic, super awesome build and guide, really feels unique to the build I was playing last league. Kinda had a noob question: in path of building, Decescrate, Spirit Offering and Purifying Flame are level 7, 8 and 11 respectively. Was just wondering how come is all :)Thank you for your awesome work!
Alerean написал:
I'm a bit confused about what elements I should have "added x" on my gear to properly use EE. We deal Cold, so I want anything but that right?

You don't actually need any added elemental damage on your gear. Assuming you're using the normal setup with frost sentinels and hatred, yeah, you want to avoid any added cold damage; if you're using fire spectres, you want to avoid added fire damage. If you want Cyclone to apply EE, then you want added lightning damage to attacks, but you don't actually need that, since you can just apply EE with Ball Lightning.

bledge написал:
Hiya Hercanic, super awesome build and guide, really feels unique to the build I was playing last league. Kinda had a noob question: in path of building, Decescrate, Spirit Offering and Purifying Flame are level 7, 8 and 11 respectively. Was just wondering how come is all :)Thank you for your awesome work!

Cast when Damage Taken only triggers gems with a "required level" below a certain level. You can increase that by leveling up CWDT, but that also increases the amount of damage it takes to trigger CWDT, so we don't really want to do that if we can help it. At level 1, CWDT can trigger gems of "required level" 38 and below, which gives us those level limits for the gems we're linking to it. Make sense?
I would like to thanks for guide. In legion I was using SRS necro from other guide and it was really scary and didn't fit into league mechanics. This build is much easier as well - tons of mobs that can taunt, you don't have to worry that you will die ;) So far, Hercanic guide is the best one from all of guides I was following in POE.

On side note, there is one thing that bothers me. In CWDT link we have desecrate -> spirit offering. However, as far as I know desecrate procs after a frame, but offerings proc immediately - so it won't work, as long as there aren't any other corpses on ground. Is this correct? Or maybe something was changed lately?

Also, are you guys using discipline or skitterbots? Because we don't have enough mana reserves for both. I'm using skitterbots right now, but I have just made it to mapping (t1 - t2) so my character is pretty underleveled :P
Hi are there any videos out there for this build in 3.8 (not explain, just gameplay).

I currently play with shield charge because it feels fast.
I have no idea how this should work with cyclone and all the other stuff.
Would be very cool if someone has a gameplay footage so I become an idea how this works
Is there any chance not to kill gargoyles, lieutenants etc. at aspirant's trial using this build? I really like running uberlab with this build, but i always end up killing gargoyles and lieutenants, even tho i always unsocket GMP before the fight
scorpion1771 написал:
Is there any chance not to kill gargoyles, lieutenants etc. at aspirant's trial using this build? I really like running uberlab with this build, but i always end up killing gargoyles and lieutenants, even tho i always unsocket GMP before the fight

I saw a video where the minion master stands on the right upper corner (the corner behind the big circle) and do all the fighting up there.
He waited there at the beginning, move way when the aoe or the jump comes and then moves back.
Can't find the video :(

But in the video he also says that this works the most times, but not always.
Hope this helps.
So I see a lot of people taking triad grip over grip of the council. Is this the go to change now, or is the damage increase not that huge if you aren't going pure spectre?
Sorator13 написал:
IFollowYou написал:
Joomin написал:
Hey there! Amazing build, really allows for a strong sense of creation when trying all the different possibilities. Thank you for making this, I can see the hard work and effort you put into making something amazing.

Also, I wanted to share my progress so far, I've gone for the Triad Grip setup with a Lightning focus using slave driver specters. I've also kept using your Cyclone setup with ball lightning and added Avatar of Fire.

Id appreciate feedback from anyone.

Also this is still just a start, I'm debating on using a heretic's helm and adding a conductivity curse.

Just wanted to share in case anyone was hoping to do something similar!

If you want to keep using elemental equilibrium, you can't use ball lightning as your proc skill. I'm currently using power siphon + pierce to proc EE and my curses. If you want to keep using cyclone cwc, I would recommend something like magma orb.

They've got Avatar of Fire, so their Ball Lightning deals fire damage, which lets EE work for them.

Thanks for all the suggestions.

So ya I guess I did not do a great job giving my intentions with the setup. The idea was to continue to use cyclone as the original build variant does but also make use of the Triad Grip gloves without trying to socket 4 greens. By picking up avatar of fire my Ball Lightning actually becomes more of a fire ball, so I'm able to retain the benefits of Ball lightning and cyclone, while converting and using lightning and cold damage with EE.

Also using Slave Drivers!

So this is my build so far, i have farmed up to t13 easily, and i have saved ~3 exalts worth of currency. Question, what should I aim for, i know my gear is bad, so i'm aiming to improve to reach shaper and kill it with this build. Any recommendation of what to change first ?
Can someone please tell me if im doing right or not
I'm using Frost Sentinels and this is my 6-link

Is it ok? Should i switch frost sentinels on something better?

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