{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀
axedice написал:
Food for thought for Triad users. How about 50% cold and 50% lightning, along with both hatred and wrath? Still no better than 100% chaos, but much cheaper and with vis mortis it has a lot of potential. Requires 4 points to work though (sovereignty cluster).
Having tried both, I find ele better than chaos because our spectres won't benefit from chaos conversion and thus theres no good curse that can boost both spectres and ground minions damage. Wrath overall only seems to provide about a 10% DPS boost so I don't think it's worth the hit in survivability (not to mention having to invest in Mana reservation nodes). I would rather have skitterbots for another aura... Which I may try at some point if I can afford an appropriate Auls.
Последняя редакция: IFollowYou#3609. Время: 15 сент. 2019 г., 19:06:02
ES gained on hit while affected by Discipline doesn't seem to be working with my watcher's eye with ball lightning and cyclone?
1. is discipline active? Often forgotten by even the best, to buff, then fight, not the other way around.
2. second, do you actually hit something? Ball lightning is kinda slow, and your minions might just kill faster, before you hit...
3. Does your watcher's eye actually has the stat, "XX Energy shield gained on hit while affected by discipline" Plenty of other ES stats on a watcher's eye also with discipline...
If all above is checked, and it stil doesn't work, then it's something that's wrong. Also note that 10 ES gain or 50 ES for example is a big difference.
The cause is indeed that he doesn't have Discipline anywhere on his character.
Is there any chance not to kill gargoyles, lieutenants etc. at aspirant's trial using this build? I really like running uberlab with this build, but i always end up killing gargoyles and lieutenants, even tho i always unsocket GMP before the fight
I saw a video where the minion master stands on the right upper corner (the corner behind the big circle) and do all the fighting up there.
He waited there at the beginning, move way when the aoe or the jump comes and then moves back.
Can't find the video :(
But in the video he also says that this works the most times, but not always.
Hope this helps.
I can confirm this works... most of the time. I works for things you need to wait though (do not cast anything while waiting), but for things you should not kill, well, there's always the risk of collateral damage from all your minions (I'd say mostly spectres / phantasms).
After posting this, I realized I'm not getting something right. My gem is at lvl 19. With the + 2 to skills from the ascendancy, its at lvl 21. That should give me three spectres. I should get one more from Death Attunement but I can only spawn 3 total. Can someone clue me in?
I'v noticed it too that when spectres are lvl 21 with a source not of their own and not yet lvl 20 they don't give the amount of spectres they should. It's either made this way or it's a bug, but I guess the later one, because of all the changes that happened to them.
I'm not going to lvl (or buy) a lvl 19 gem to confirm and report, but I suggest for those who have spectres lvl 19 to take some screenshots and report it (if no one has yet)
I can't test just yet as the other spectre gem I'm leveling is still level 17, but I'm pretty sure I got my 4th spectre when my gem was level 19 (I had taken unholy strength first when leveling).
@FutureFear can you post a screenshot of your spectre gem tooltip (hovering the gem) so we can try to see what's going on?
I just have a quick question, sorry if it's already been asked. Is there a reason that the Necromantic Aegis node is not taken while running Victario's Charity? Is it simply because ball lightning hit's enough to proc frenzy charges on its own?
I just have a quick question, sorry if it's already been asked. Is there a reason that the Necromantic Aegis node is not taken while running Victario's Charity? Is it simply because ball lightning hit's enough to proc frenzy charges on its own?
Yeah necromantic aegis is really far away, and we can get the frenzy charges on our spectres with our cyclone (easier when using CWC ball lightning, but also possible when just using melee hits).
Unfortunately necromantic aegis is not one of the keystone we can take with oils.
I just have a quick question, sorry if it's already been asked. Is there a reason that the Necromantic Aegis node is not taken while running Victario's Charity? Is it simply because ball lightning hit's enough to proc frenzy charges on its own?
My best guess is because we'll lose alot of the extra stats of our shield for ourselves. We could do without sure, but you'll have to sacrafice 4 passive points to get there aswel, and those probably come from either life, jewels or ES nodes... Unless you're willing to sacrifice minion damage. So in the end you'll be sacrificing alot of defense or damage to gain some faster gain of frenzy charges. They have a limit of 3 (unless you anoint +1 on your amulet) wich ball lightning, or in my case Arc can certainly keep up with.
Although i'm not sure how Frenzy charges work on our minions, if they have a limit or not, but in the end I don't think it's worth it to spend points on.
If you're unsure or want more "frenzy" charges perhaps a talisman like the one below could help.
I just have a quick question, sorry if it's already been asked. Is there a reason that the Necromantic Aegis node is not taken while running Victario's Charity? Is it simply because ball lightning hit's enough to proc frenzy charges on its own?
My best guess is because we'll lose alot of the extra stats of our shield for ourselves. We could do without sure, but you'll have to sacrafice 4 passive points to get there aswel, and those probably come from either life, jewels or ES nodes... Unless you're willing to sacrifice minion damage. So in the end you'll be sacrificing alot of defense or damage to gain some faster gain of frenzy charges. They have a limit of 3 (unless you anoint +1 on your amulet) wich ball lightning, or in my case Arc can certainly keep up with.
Although i'm not sure how Frenzy charges work on our minions, if they have a limit or not, but in the end I don't think it's worth it to spend points on.
If you're unsure or want more "frenzy" charges perhaps a talisman like the one below could help.
Hercanic answered this earlier in the thread. Basically, we only care about having frenzy charges on minions since frenzy benefits them about 3x more than it does for us. Power charges would only give ~15% more dmg. As long as we can hit frequently enough to proc frenzy charges for minions, we'd rather have the shield block and other stats for ourselves.
Последняя редакция: IFollowYou#3609. Время: 15 сент. 2019 г., 20:41:03