[3.5] CCC - "Cospris Cool Crit" - Assassin | Cyclone + Ice Nova (+GC)| fast mapper and boss killer
" Due to language barriers I dont not fully get your point. Are you saying that we have to get to a certain amount of APS to ensure that we get our maximum amount of casts per second? |
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" What I'm unclear about based on conflicting evidence out there is whether cyclone is hitting at its tooltip aps or at 2x its tooltip. If the former, then we should be aiming for 7.5 aps at 14+%cdr, if the latter, then 3.5ish aps. |
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Currently trying to build this one and buying gear for it.
However i got no clue what i am talking about but why not 2x those weapons or 1x that weapon + mojner with lightning gems in it? Wouldn't that yield far more dmg output? And why not 3x nova instead of different skills. Последняя редакция: GATYGUN#5324. Время: 29 дек. 2018 г., 0:54:48
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" Because Lycosidae is better then everything else. It gives huge amounts of hit chance which results in crit chance. It simply ensure a smooth playstyle without dead spins. Multiple Ice Novas in a CoC or Cospris set Up doesnt make sense as always only one spell can be triggered at once. On your first critical hit the first in order spell is chosen and casted. On the next critical hit (and after the cooldown) the second spell in order is casted, if there is no second spell the first one will be triggered again. (when i am talking about order I mean the order of linked sockets when the start is in the left top and end is in the right bottom) |
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Ah thanks. Will get the shield then.
Another question i got, is this gem on my archer basically budget headhunter mod. Is it possible with your build to get that thing to work? the buffs you get are insane and ups clearling speed massively of maps. Name of it is: Inspired Learning Crimson Jewel. It does: With 4 notables allocated in radius, when you kill a rare monster, you gain 1 of its modifiers for 20 seconds. It needs 4 bigger nodes to surround it to work, i had it on my archer on the right middle side, which your build also seems to get close towards. Maybe you could add this gem + build line into your mix. As its a massive dmg boost. Also i use on my archer bisco leash heavy belt. What it gives is: 35 str 40 cold resist 5 item quantity ! increased rarity of items found per 15 rampage kills Rampage. Rampage can up to 1000 stacks and what it does: Every 20 rampage kills ( so basically kills you do in rampage which with your build is easily to uphold it seems ) 1% movement speed and 2% increased damage At a 1000 rampage = 50 movement speed, at a 1000 rampage = 100% more damage ( spell and melee ) At a 1000 rampage = 50% rarity increase Then you got 13 stages where different things happen: Tier Kills Effect 1 15 A nova of spears that damage and stun surrounding enemies 2 30 A large area of effect Detonate Dead 3 45 Animated weapons 4 70 A damaging nova that echoes off of enemies (like Vaal Ice Nova) 5 100 A nova of arcing spears that damage and stun surrounding enemies 6 135 Animated bows 7 175 Five damaging novas cast with ~1 second intervals 8 220 A cyclone spawns from the player. When the cyclone kills an enemy, another cyclone appears 9 270 A heavily damaging nova that echoes off of enemies 10 325 Cyclone that explodes nearby enemies 11 385 Five novas of spears that damage and stun surrounding enemies 12 450 Two cyclones that explode nearby enemies 13 520 Large explosions around the player that detonate corpses Now you average map clear will get you ~500 which basically makes you proc all those tiers of effects which are incredible strong really and add a metric ton of defense and dps. I had groups of swords tank bosses as example. So conclusion of those 2 items, gem + belt. Gem can add 100% movement speed buff of mobs pretty darn often, it also adds constantly 3k energy shields, more damage, more defense etc as it steals from rares which helps big time with clearing. Belt adds a metric ton of damage, movement speed, and defense with that. I already got my whole gear setup ready now farmed over the weekend big time and its pretty darn easy to push the belt into the build as there aren't many uniques used really in comparison to my archer which has everything unique besides helmet + quiver. I would love to see what to sacrifice to get that gem to work really. Would appreciate it a lot. Последняя редакция: GATYGUN#5324. Время: 30 дек. 2018 г., 0:45:56
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Hi man,
Can you tell what are the main skills you are using for this build? Is it cyclone only? i mean what about the Warlord Mark, Ancestral Protector, frost bomb? also, your current gear is not working. Thank you! |
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" WM is apllied through Blasphemy, Ancestrall Protector is triggered manually and Frostbomb will be casted by "Cast when damage taken support". |
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Thx for the answer mate.
One more question, im pretty new to the game and can't understand why frost bomb skills cannot work when Cast when damage taken support is in high level (level 15), and works when Cast when damage taken support is level 1. Also, are you using immortal call with manual trigger? Последняя редакция: doctorslay#4736. Время: 1 янв. 2019 г., 7:01:29
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" In PoE it is very important to read skill descriptions and if there are still uncertainties left you should read the wiki entries to these skills. In the case of CwDt the descrition tells you that only skills with a certain Level requirement can be supported. And as we only need Forstbomb to apply its Cold Res debuff which doesnt scale per level we just leave it on level 1. |
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" And basically you can skip leveling frost bomb too? or you can level it up? also, any specific reason you chose lightning golem and not ice golem? ice one can help with the crit chance. thx! Последняя редакция: doctorslay#4736. Время: 1 янв. 2019 г., 7:13:02
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