[3.5] Dual wield Mjölner Untethered revived! Shaper+Uber Elder down! (Pathfinder)

wraith797 написал:
why you craft in ring and amulet +1 to minimum frenzy charges?

for attack speed+damage, i spent around 10 more ex on my build yesterday. its pretty strong now
have some questions, i dont understund how you generate frenzy charges and what pantheon?
wraith797 написал:
have some questions, i dont understund how you generate frenzy charges and what pantheon?

i generate frenzy charges with the new master mod craft +1 to Minimum frenzy charges.

use soul of sharaaki with poison immunity and soul of arakaali with life recovery mod
we dont trigger soul of arakaali very easily. maybe in uber elder with the physical degen is good, but what about the rest ? no bleed, no ignite, no poison. maybe we can use blood rage
Clearing speed is insane and fun, but single target is not that good at guardians map? maybe because my gem needs to be 20+ atleast?
Tecken1407 написал:
Clearing speed is insane and fun, but single target is not that good at guardians map? maybe because my gem needs to be 20+ atleast?

try to get a lvl 21 arc gem. that boosts the dmg by a lot.
also use ball lightning with slower proj support
Is a plain 21 arc better then a 20/20? No quality needed?
LightUpTheDarkness написал:
Is a plain 21 arc better then a 20/20? No quality needed?

yes because lvl 21 arc chains 1 additional time, providing another 15% more dmg. in combination with the flat dmg u get from lvl 21, that should be around 20% more dmg than a lvl 20/20 arc gem
Последняя редакция: Sacr0#4430. Время: 22 дек. 2018 г., 9:19:44
Where did you get +1 minimum frenzy charge recipe?
Hi.. Just wanted to say I'm really enjoying this build and its so satisfying to spin around and destroy everything at super speed.

I only have one issue.. I currently have 6k+ life and max resistances but I do get 1 shot a lot of times.

Is there something im missing? Any advice?

Thank you in advance.

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