reeld написал:
Does a watcher's eye with 10% chance to Recover 10% of Maximum Mana when you use a Skill while affected by clarity works with cyclone ?
It does, but we don't use clarity in this build. Not necessary and no mana to reserve.
СообщениеLordrius#64369 янв. 2019 г., 12:13:38
Lordrius написал:
reeld написал:
Does a watcher's eye with 10% chance to Recover 10% of Maximum Mana when you use a Skill while affected by clarity works with cyclone ?
It does, but we don't use clarity in this build. Not necessary and no mana to reserve.
You can fit clarity at level 1 to trigger the watcher's eye, and it could help if you have mana issue
edit : since you are using might x2 + unnatural, what di you think about scion as assassin / slayer ? ( or templar slayer if you can have good crit chance without assassin )
Последняя редакция: reeld#7099. Время: 9 янв. 2019 г., 12:19:25
Сообщениеreeld#70999 янв. 2019 г., 12:15:47
reeld написал:
Lordrius написал:
reeld написал:
Does a watcher's eye with 10% chance to Recover 10% of Maximum Mana when you use a Skill while affected by clarity works with cyclone ?
It does, but we don't use clarity in this build. Not necessary and no mana to reserve.
You can fit clarity at level 1 to trigger the watcher's eye, and it could help if you have mana issue
It's very hard to have mana issues, if the build is properly followed. Most people complaining about mana were missing things that make mana not be a problem.
СообщениеLordrius#64369 янв. 2019 г., 12:18:51
reeld написал:
Lordrius написал:
reeld написал:
Does a watcher's eye with 10% chance to Recover 10% of Maximum Mana when you use a Skill while affected by clarity works with cyclone ?
It does, but we don't use clarity in this build. Not necessary and no mana to reserve.
You can fit clarity at level 1 to trigger the watcher's eye, and it could help if you have mana issue
edit : since you are using might x2 + unnatural, what di you think about scion as assassin / slayer ? ( or templar slayer if you can have good crit chance without assassin )
ass/slayer or ass/inquisitor are both excellent alternatives.
Ass/Slayer's overleech and increased area of effect are both very handy, particularly the overleech. Not to mention the 5 extra passive points.
Inquisitor/ass is just flat out higher dps v end game bosses.
Последняя редакция: mrpetrov#7089. Время: 9 янв. 2019 г., 12:23:18
Сообщениеmrpetrov#70899 янв. 2019 г., 12:22:58Участник Альфы
Hi there, I got a noob question. I just got cospri with 9% attack speed and Starkonja and I respect the "coordination" node, I got no increased attack speed elsewhere. However the APS is just 2,(I checked it on pressing C) as opposed to below 6.06
Am I missing something or overlooked something? Please help I am newbie.
СообщениеJDong2019#23409 янв. 2019 г., 12:37:40
Arrensen написал:
Enfeeble Curse Effect (#1 for 99% of cases and very cheap to get too!
sure about that ? dont know if your guide is responsible for that, but the cheapest starkonjas with enfeeble enchant are at 6ex at the moment.
other than that im curious about testing this build out. got about 20ex to spend, for which version should i go starting from the ground (besides an already leveled 93 assassin) ?
Sorry about that, this guide got popular and prices kinda changed. I bought my helm for 20c.
With 20ex you are probably looking somewhere around full stage 1 gear and probably half of stage 2?
СообщениеCheeQu#43169 янв. 2019 г., 12:39:47
JDong2019 написал:
Hi there, I got a noob question. I just got cospri with 9% attack speed and Starkonja and I respect the "coordination" node, I got no increased attack speed elsewhere. However the APS is just 2,(I checked it on pressing C) as opposed to below 6.06
Am I missing something or overlooked something? Please help I am newbie.
You are checking default attack APS, not cyclone!
СообщениеCheeQu#43169 янв. 2019 г., 12:40:44
CheeQu написал:
Arrensen написал:
Enfeeble Curse Effect (#1 for 99% of cases and very cheap to get too!
sure about that ? dont know if your guide is responsible for that, but the cheapest starkonjas with enfeeble enchant are at 6ex at the moment.
other than that im curious about testing this build out. got about 20ex to spend, for which version should i go starting from the ground (besides an already leveled 93 assassin) ?
Sorry about that, this guide got popular and prices kinda changed. I bought my helm for 20c.
With 20ex you are probably looking somewhere around full stage 1 gear and probably half of stage 2?
Help me out here CheeQu. Nothing comes close to killing us except uber or maybe guardians if you muck up. Not even t16 syndicates.
So Enfeeble reduces guardian/shaper/elder damage by 6%. With a 30% enchant, that becomes 7.8% (30%x1.3x0.2). So this enchant is for a 1.8% damage reduction...?
For the same enchant slot, you can get the anger mana reservation reduction of 15%, and then run *all together* - anger (with crit multi), discipline and aspect of the spider...
I really struggle to understand enfeeble echant's value...!
Сообщениеmrpetrov#70899 янв. 2019 г., 12:43:41Участник Альфы
Enfeeble is good for mapping/delving and that's about it.
Последняя редакция: ojejku#1220. Время: 9 янв. 2019 г., 12:50:02
Сообщениеojejku#12209 янв. 2019 г., 12:48:50
mrpetrov написал:
Help me out here CheeQu. Nothing comes close to killing us except uber or maybe guardians if you muck up. Not even t16 syndicates.
So Enfeeble reduces guardian/shaper/elder damage by 6%. With a 30% enchant, that becomes 7.8% (30%x1.3x0.2). So this enchant is for a 1.8% damage reduction...?
For the same enchant slot, you can get the anger mana reservation reduction of 15%, and then run *all together* - anger (with crit multi), discipline and aspect of the spider...
I really struggle to understand enfeeble echant's value...!
As the guide states, that's the best enchant for 99% of cases but not against 80% reduced cursed effectiveness bosses. 40% Ice Nova damage is better for that.
You can go for your setup which is even better against uber elder (but you still lose around 600 EHP from not running enfeeble at all). I can't really advise people to buy anger enchant, change auras, get an anger watcher eye and switch all of that for just one encounter! Especially when the damage is there already and we sacrifice 600 EHP.
In all other fights enfeeble setup is superior so I can't change the whole guide's setup just for that :P
Последняя редакция: CheeQu#4316. Время: 9 янв. 2019 г., 12:55:24
СообщениеCheeQu#43169 янв. 2019 г., 12:52:47