[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

so how do we know if how much is our actual damage output? on our current gearing state? on POB it only says the "average damage" on CheeQu's POB he's averaging around 200k dmg and on his guide, he claimed 7million shaper DPS. I was excited for the guide update since CheeQu promised that he will include an explanation on how to calculate total damage output but sadly I don't see anything about it from the update.
glocknine написал:
so how do we know if how much is our actual damage output? on our current gearing state? on POB it only says the "average damage" on CheeQu's POB he's averaging around 200k dmg and on his guide, he claimed 7million shaper DPS. I was excited for the guide update since CheeQu promised that he will include an explanation on how to calculate total damage output but sadly I don't see anything about it from the update.

It's updated already in the new PoB as promised. Click on "Notes".
The damage is with all flasks and buffs up, only 1 enemy. etc... it's very few cases where you actually have all that damage.

actually you forgot to activate vaal RF in the mix ;)
Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
Последняя редакция: Dkodr#6088. Время: 10 янв. 2019 г., 5:44:38
Pibacc написал:
Headhunter good for this build or is the CDR belt too valuable? Can finally afford one this league and want to do a fun build with it.

Although it messes with the attack speed at times it's great for general mapping (useless for bossing though).

Use some boots with CDR if you want.
"Fixing the endgame was hard - No matter how hard we buffed red maps, people would keep spamming Gorges.
So we turned Gorge into a red map"
Just wanted to chime in to say thanks. A lot. Very nice job with the update and I can't find a better way to spend points in PoB. I tried removing the area around Blood Drinker because it looks inefficient.

Also, @glocknine: Those Shaper damage figures are usually reverse-engineered by logging the time it takes to phase him.

If you want to actually calc dps, you need to do a lot of work. There's the main Ice Nova that procs x times per second, the Frostbolt and the secondary Ice Nova proccing and even Cyclone hits all the time.
since we dropped Phase acro .. i use vaal grace instead of banner (i like instant oh shit Buttons ^^).

is 1k ES enough to make Advantage of watchers eye with es on hit?

how important is it, to be on crit cap?
im at 90% Cyclone crit .. this means 5% less Damage?
im still struggling with mana .. some reccomendations?

this was my league starter from day 1 but ur build
realy put my ideas on another Level .. good Job!

ill respecc later and Looking Forward to do my first shaper kill this league .. i did several red elders und will hopefully face my first uber elder with ths build <3
Последняя редакция: rotheee#2686. Время: 10 янв. 2019 г., 6:01:43
So, i was looking at your character sir, the tree for this build has alot of more Spell crit nodes, so, do we not take those, and focus more on ehp or not ?
Dkodr написал:
The damage is with all flasks and buffs up, only 1 enemy. etc... it's very few cases where you actually have all that damage.

actually you forgot to activate vaal RF in the mix ;)

Buffs are always up in this build. Flasks are always up as well (even uber elder if you know how to play and manage flasks properly).

Only 1 nearby enemy isn't always up though, that's correct.

Vaal RF is included if you read the whole thing.
Nozumi написал:
So, i was looking at your character sir, the tree for this build has alot of more Spell crit nodes, so, do we not take those, and focus more on ehp or not ?

These nodes where allocacted in previous versions but got removed.

The reason is, this builds needs crit chance for both spells and attacks.

While trying to increase our cyclone's critical strike chance, our spell crit chance also increases.

That means our spell crit is already pretty high (95%+) and that excess critical strike chance for only spells is not very useful anymore. These points are not bad per se, but they lose a lot of value compared to other builds.
Последняя редакция: CheeQu#4316. Время: 10 янв. 2019 г., 6:11:30

This + co-ordination puts my aps at 3.75 (according to pob).

2 questions;
Does this count as "slightly under 3.78" or is it a little too high

Is there anything in pob I should make sure I add/remove that may mess with my aps
Последняя редакция: ChrisBiscuits#7856. Время: 10 янв. 2019 г., 6:16:04

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