[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

Don't know if I'm blind or the topic is to crowded but I can't find the explanation about Atziri's gloves...
hi chee :D


the damn thing stuck at 3.77. what should i do? also, i can get 3.69. is it fine?

as always thanks a lot.
sorry if this has been asked before but i didnt see much explanation of the shocking enemies when focused ring and wonder what the point of that is. thanks!
EDIT i found it disregard
Последняя редакция: l33tsauce7#0146. Время: 10 янв. 2019 г., 13:56:40
lordfratos написал:
hi chee :D


the damn thing stuck at 3.77. what should i do? also, i can get 3.69. is it fine?

as always thanks a lot.

3.69 is great 3.77 is bad :)
Is % cold damage leeched as life better/worse than phys damage leeched as life? It seems it would be better as thats the majority of our damage.
what is the math behind 7m dps?
FahnX написал:
Is % cold damage leeched as life better/worse than phys damage leeched as life? It seems it would be better as thats the majority of our damage.

yep cold. if you ask because of the mod on my ring, yes it's useless.
basti написал:
what is the math behind 7m dps?

can be found in the linked pob in the notes tab.
FahnX написал:
Is % cold damage leeched as life better/worse than phys damage leeched as life? It seems it would be better as thats the majority of our damage.

phys dmg leeched as life is garbage. we dont do any dmg almost through cyclone
Got a 2 Abyssal Socket Bubonic Trail, could you explain how we switch out Unbound Ailments + Decoy Totem when they are linked in different gear slots originally (Helm + Boots)?

Do we drop arcane surge if we have Vortex + Bonechill on our 2 socket Bubonic Trail?

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