CheeQu написал:
merdock271 написал:
Quick question - what 6L do you recommend for cyclone once you put fortify into Shield Charge? It's a bit redundant in your current gem setup, no?
Loving the build, thanks for the detail :-)
Gems and their descriptions are also updated, check that section for my suggestions!
Personally I have a white socket so I'll still use fortify most of the time.
Hey! Was referring to the recent changes - your old setup had Flame Dash, but now that you've shifted to shield charge + fortify, you don't feel its redundant to have it on cyclone too? Or is it just important enough for single target/way easier to keep it up on cyclone to be worth it?
Am somewhat curious generally if there are alternatives you've tried in the chest, but happy to also just experiment on my own :-)
Thanks again!
Сообщениеmerdock271#779410 янв. 2019 г., 19:50:40
merdock271 написал:
CheeQu написал:
merdock271 написал:
Quick question - what 6L do you recommend for cyclone once you put fortify into Shield Charge? It's a bit redundant in your current gem setup, no?
Loving the build, thanks for the detail :-)
Gems and their descriptions are also updated, check that section for my suggestions!
Personally I have a white socket so I'll still use fortify most of the time.
Hey! Was referring to the recent changes - your old setup had Flame Dash, but now that you've shifted to shield charge + fortify, you don't feel its redundant to have it on cyclone too? Or is it just important enough for single target/way easier to keep it up on cyclone to be worth it?
Am somewhat curious generally if there are alternatives you've tried in the chest, but happy to also just experiment on my own :-)
Thanks again!
hahah yeah I meant the chest part is also updated so you can check that :P
СообщениеCheeQu#431610 янв. 2019 г., 19:55:05
Hey man, thanks for this guide. Im at lvl 70 and everthing is melting.
Сообщениеbahomet#681010 янв. 2019 г., 19:59:21
Hi, great build btw. I was wondering why we don't socket another spell like Frost Bomb in the weapon so we can get that juicy -20 cold resist?
СообщениеInkant#565110 янв. 2019 г., 20:17:47
aka2411 написал:
Anyone can suggest best gem setup for Uber elder consistently?
I am running HoI, Enfeeble with VRF for less active skills but not sure it provides enough.
Not really can afford a Watcher for Discipline yet
Сообщениеaka2411#236110 янв. 2019 г., 20:18:55
Jyaen68 написал:
Hi, great build btw. I was wondering why we don't socket another spell like Frost Bomb in the weapon so we can get that juicy -20 cold resist?
Good question. We use cospri to leech so we need as many hits as possible in there to reach the leech cap rate fast. If we used frost bomb we would only have 3 hits per sec from frostbolt compared to 9 hits per second as it is now.
If you use warlords mark (meaning you leech from all damage output) then it would be a good option to do that, though warlords mark comes at the cost of enfeeble which isn't a good idea to do.
Последняя редакция: CheeQu#4316. Время: 10 янв. 2019 г., 20:22:30
СообщениеCheeQu#431610 янв. 2019 г., 20:22:05
aka2411 написал:
aka2411 написал:
Anyone can suggest best gem setup for Uber elder consistently?
I am running HoI, Enfeeble with VRF for less active skills but not sure it provides enough.
Not really can afford a Watcher for Discipline yet
I wouldn't change much from the main post. Maybe add phase run to the helmet (to use when you are slowed in combination with quicksilver).
Also check pantheon section for the ideal pantheon against uber elder.
Kaom's roots is also another great option but you will have to balance resists elsewhere - kinda annoying to do.
Последняя редакция: CheeQu#4316. Время: 10 янв. 2019 г., 20:24:49
СообщениеCheeQu#431610 янв. 2019 г., 20:24:11
Really enjoying the build , have a couple questions
Did I read correctly that the level gem for Discipline has to be level 1, if so why?
This is a bit off topic but you may know, how much is too much resistances while using loreweave, I have 100+ on all resistances at the momement , but I do not know if that is over kill.
Also the items on this thread have steadly gone up in price to the point that I cant catch up anymore with the new changes LOL
СообщениеD2Junkie#227110 янв. 2019 г., 20:36:57
CheeQu написал:
aka2411 написал:
aka2411 написал:
Anyone can suggest best gem setup for Uber elder consistently?
I am running HoI, Enfeeble with VRF for less active skills but not sure it provides enough.
Not really can afford a Watcher for Discipline yet
I wouldn't change much from the main post. Maybe add phase run to the helmet (to use when you are slowed in combination with quicksilver).
Also check pantheon section for the ideal pantheon against uber elder.
Kaom's roots is also another great option but you will have to balance resists elsewhere - kinda annoying to do.
just bought the new watcher eye for discipline, spent 2ex and cannot get the 4 blue in helmet for VRF and discipline :D
Guess I will just settle with decoy totem and discipline in the helm.
WDYT on VRF on unbound ailment? is it suitable for uber elder
Последняя редакция: aka2411#2361. Время: 10 янв. 2019 г., 20:48:15
Сообщениеaka2411#236110 янв. 2019 г., 20:41:54
aka2411 написал:
just bought the new watcher eye for discipline, spent 2ex and cannot get the 4 blue in helmet for VRF and discipline :D
Guess I will just settle with decoy totem and discipline in the helm.
WDYT on VRF on unbound ailment? is it suitable for uber elder
You could swap setups of shield and helmet, should make it quite easier for you!
СообщениеCheeQu#431610 янв. 2019 г., 20:51:23