[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

Hohenheim_ написал:
LordAzuRa написал:
Here's my PoB in "Burst Mode" when I want to kill a boss :)

I manage perfect res balance with Acuity's equipped but lose a bunch of damage, I wear acuity for Uber Elder.

I think my damage is higher than yours, but you have more eHP

Yours is actually higher when enabling Shocked. Very nice variation :)

May I ask how much you've spent on it?

Unfortunately you've setup your character differently to mine. You've checked 'shocked' which is 50% increased damage taken. Shock from our ring only applies 20%, so you can't tick that for accurate readings. Instead add an additional 20% to your Cospri's for a decent estimation.

Also, that isn't your shaper DPS and you've got both RF and Vaal RF activated.

Accounting for all those changes, you damage sits at 383,839.0, while this new build sits at 818,823.3. That's a little bit more of a fair comparison.

As for how much I've spent... Uhhh... Too much. UI and Meeks were 15ex all up (already had one Meeks). Sword was crafted for around 4000 alts and then the necessary ex to go with it (I think 5 or 6?), I think my most expensive Jewel was 1ex, rest were either crafted or like 25 chaos.

Gloves were 20c, boots were 3.5ex, Loreweave is mine (took like 1200 fusing and around 2ex in divines), Shaper ring and Pandemonius are self found, diamond ring around 7ex. Helm around the same. And then a crap load in divines for most of the gear to balance resists and min-max as best I could.

So maybe... 50ex? And various socketing currency/blue orbs. That's for the currency version. Plus previous iterations is probably 100ex, but I've resold most of that gear to afford this stuff.

The constant Uber Elder and Shaper runs to test my DPS and eHP have paid off a couple times, which helps.

Can you give me tips on how to craft this? spent close to 10ex already and havent hit the combo of attack speed/double dmg and coc yet.
Are you using a shaper base with the requisite ilevel?
mrpetrov написал:
Are you using a shaper base with the requisite ilevel?

ilvl86 shaped
already 6linked and colored. just need the stats. :(

nvm just hit it. only lvl18 coc and 20% attack speed/DD. is that good enough?
Последняя редакция: basti#7223. Время: 21 янв. 2019 г., 13:42:45
basti написал:

nvm just hit it. only lvl18 coc and 20% attack speed/DD. is that good enough?

You know you can't craft Hits Can't Be Evaded on Standard?
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Uriacesjaces написал:
mrpetrov написал:
Uriacesjaces написал:
Can we just swap Lyco for another weapon with "hits cannot be evaded" and put more crit/spell dmage or other stuff ?

It will stuff up the build, as Lyco means your cospri's hits cant be evaded, so if you lose lyco your cospri will be subject to an accuracy check.

oh the effect is only for the weapon which has the crafted mod ?

That is true yes
Are you talking about Std-Std or Betrayal Std when it comes to not crafting hits cant be evaded?

Also i assume that getting this mod is a difficult time as with +1 minimum charges, that it only comes on a weapon and if vagan is during the encounter?
Последняя редакция: xNagato#1407. Время: 21 янв. 2019 г., 15:44:31
First Thx for the build CheeQu.... not planning on getting bubonics .. just trying to figure which tree is best... shorter route to get thru to life wheel by scion.. here is my gear
Последняя редакция: dragnmith1#2944. Время: 21 янв. 2019 г., 15:48:18
Hohenheim_ написал:
LordAzuRa написал:

That did it :) Thanks!

I am a complete noob when it comes to Elemental Equilibrium.
Wouldn't that eventually make it so enemies are more resistant to your cold damage?

Or it only needs ANY hit from another element and it does a kind of +25% but -50% resistance gimmick, so when you hit with Ice and Fire both elements gets -25% resistance?

It Doesnt... "If you hit an enemy with two different elements at the same time it will give -50% Resistance to third element and +25% to both elements used. A hit carrying all three elements types will give +25% to all elemental Resistances.[1]"

Of what I read about it, every hit that deals elemental damage overwrites the previous EE.
Meaning even if you start the first hit with a Fire Damage (like Flame Dash?) your first Ice Nova will overwrite the fire hit and give the monster 25% Cold Resistance.

Meaning that in your current setup you would be giving monsters 25% extra Cold Resistance...

Unless there's something I don't get, in which case I'd love to be enlightened because EE is a crazy damage buff on my build too, so I'd like to get it to work.

The way it works with our build is that Cyclone will proc EE (I have fire damage on my Cyclone), dropping the enemies cold res, then Ice Nova will hit and proc EE back to increasing the enemies cold res, but the next hit will be from my Cyclone, so it starts over again.

This is to say that EE cannot work with Cospri's Malice, as your Cyclone will constantly hit with cold damage.


Just did Uber Elder with Blood Rage. Kinda sucked a little, but got through it deathless. If I can get my hands on a better Watchers Eye I think I would be in a sweet spot. Otherwise another 32% increased attack speed is what I'm after.

Was hard to pay attention, but the times I saw, Elder and Shaper were phased in less than a second, like instant blink from full to 3/4 and so on.

Pretty cool/interesting idea with using a one-hander. As far as I know, though, that 800k+ average hit of Ice Nova only applies to your "initial" ice nova every hit. since you're attacking less times per second as you are casting ice novas due to the frostbolt mechanic, so it isnt really 800k per Ice Nova. The reason is, once your frostbolt procs, your next crit (giving you EE) is an Ice Nova, and the next 2 trigger instantly on top of the frostbolt, not getting EE. With that said, I'm not sure EE is worth overall. It makes the avg hit damage look big in PoB, but I don't think it actually helps overall DPS since you cant maintain it for every spell that goes off. I really doubt it matters, though, as I one-shot and insta-phase everything with the Cospri's setup and you have more DPS than me.
Последняя редакция: Phizeek#5570. Время: 21 янв. 2019 г., 18:17:51
Hohenheim_ I thought about different ways to get frenzy charges during boss fights. There's the unique ring which can roll with chance to get a frenzy on hit, but they're ridiculously expensive (35+ ex). I also thought about replacing life flask with writhing worms jar, which we could kill to proc frenzy via blood rage, but a full pot only releases 4 worms, so at a 25% chance that's on average only 1 frenzy charge per full pot, which is terrible value.

Ancestral protector works, but placing totems is kinda a pain during boss fights and a waste of valuable dps time.
I would perhaps drop the need for Blood Rage, use faster attacks with main skill instead of Inc.Crit, and get crit chance from Hatred Watchers Eye or something.
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