[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

Any advice how to emprove my gear for 5-9ex please? i think about better gloves with more dex and res so i can switch my ring for ring with warlord's mark and jewel with res switch to jewel with multi and spell damage and mb about watcher's eye discipline what should i do first?
i have no problem with shaper, guards and stuff like this but when comes time for real damage like uber elder and depth 270 delve boss i feel how damage lacks in that moments
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and i have nice helm but i think it's gona be hard to find so many dex on items to put it in without goin 2H sword whitch i trying to craft now but without results
Последняя редакция: zaniros#7762. Время: 25 янв. 2019 г., 22:05:04
Hi, can anyone check my profile, and please let me know how best I can improve from here on? Can't really do uber-elder at this point (which was my original intention) so I'm just doing delves for EXP.
Can anyone tell me what a good replacement for the pandemonious is?
Hi guys,

I've been playing for a bit more than a month now and straight up rushed this build (it looked way too cool that I couldn't resist), I'm at a point where the little knowledge I have about the game isn't enough to get me further into optimising it, so, if possible, I'll love some help :) (check my profile & say what you think).

I feel like i'm lacking survability, i'm not dying much yet when it happens it's a straight one shot. At this point i'm only trying to level up so I can get more HP & my last socket.

Thanks in advance for the help !!!
Последняя редакция: sangolat#0547. Время: 25 янв. 2019 г., 23:16:24
posiaden123 написал:
Can anyone tell me what a good replacement for the pandemonious is?

mb somethink like this i think
has anyone done uber-elder here without 100ex investments?
PoE nowadays looks more and more like a fork server with tons of custom weird experimental stuff rather than original game with carefully thought out balance brough live to players.
judikator написал:
has anyone done uber-elder here without 100ex investments?

I did, was about 14-16ex worth of gear
judikator написал:
has anyone done uber-elder here without 100ex investments?

I started league with this and did it first try with stage 1 gear.
Im having a hard time getting my hands on minmax'ed jewels. What would be the best approach to craft my own? What base and iLvl and what method?
BertilFalukorv написал:
Im having a hard time getting my hands on minmax'ed jewels. What would be the best approach to craft my own? What base and iLvl and what method?

Crafting specific jewels is kinda difficult beacuse of the wide range of mods they can get. Normal Cobalt jewels can roll any mod on any ilvl version. On Hypnotic Eye Abyss Jewels I would use minimum ilvl 82(max life) to craft on. You could try to use Frigid and Prisitine fossils to craft with, if not go for the alt-aug-regal crafting method. Not sure if Beastcrafting can be of use. Be prepared to sell off good jewels u get from crafting that doesnt have the stats you are looking for, it will keep the cost down and may even give u currency to buy the overpriced GG jewels u want that are for sale.

You can see the range of mods on poe.db


I have also set up live searches for the best combos of jewels.

Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
Последняя редакция: Dkodr#6088. Время: 26 янв. 2019 г., 8:16:30

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