[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

fitsu написал:
My End Result:


(The 60/58% increased dmg on gloves & boots is assuming soul prevention is up as PoB can't calculate that atm).

Sometimes I'll swap discipline to anger and my watcher's eye to a crit multi on anger one... Just for hilarious damage.

Pretty happy with how it's all gone, the guide was awesome. Went my own way with a couple of bits... Could potentially upgrade a couple jewels to have 2 crit multi stats on them (also gonna slam mine with Leo later), but that's 6+ ex per jewel for a very minimal damage increase. Also could use a Spell Damage base for gloves, but it took a lot of alts to hit that roll so cba doing that again haha.

Otherwise, I kinda feel like there's nothing else that could be upgraded (outside of mirror-tier gear which I cannot afford). Awesome build, great fun to play and managed uber elder in 1:45 which is my fastest ever.

If anybody has any critiques I'd love to hear em, always looking to improve!

What are these "of the order" flasks? I can't find any info on that and POB doesn't support it. Is this something real in the game right now or did you just manually edit those for some reason?
HarrowHallow написал:
Hey, I usually don't post on forums nor ask for advice often but could anyone take a look at my CoC character and tell me what I could improve on?

you deviated quite a lot from the build so it makes a little harder to evaluate. but here's what i would change:
-the biggest thing is your cyclone aps is way too high at 4.6. read this section from the guide to see why
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The MOST IMPORTANT part while figuring out our gear, is to make sure our attack speed does not exceed the CoC trigger limit. CoC can trigger a spell reliably 6.06 times per second (it has a 165ms cooldown)** (increased by the "Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed" mod of at least 14% - keep reading to see why we need at least 14%)**.

Therefore, we need to make sure we hit enemies slightly slower than 6.06 times per second and NOT more than that, as it will reduce our DPS.

Cyclone hits 2 times per "Attack". So 3 Attacks per Second or slower is about the optimal attack speed we want (unless we have 14%+ Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed on our belt or boots).

** "WhAt aRe yOu talkIng AbOut?! The CoC cooldown is 150ms, not 165ms!!!" - Check This post by u/psychomap which explains why this is and which also explains why we need at least 14% Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed for it to have any effect whatsoever.

"How to achieve 3 Attacks per Second?" With a 8% or 9% Attack Speed (NOT more than that) Cospri's Malice, Starkonja's Head, no attack speed on the rest of the gear and with this specific tree, we should reach 3.0 Attacks per Second WHILE NO ONSLAUGHT FLASK IS USED (don't use it for single target. We can still use it for better clearspeed through packs though since we crit many enemies and which means attack speed doesn't matter that much. We can also just use a Basalt Flask instead).

Once we have at LEAST 14% Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed from our belt or boots, the maximum CoC triggers per second become 7.57, as explained by the post i linked above. So the optimal Attack Speed for Cyclone would be 3.75 Attacks per Second or slower.

To achieve that, we will upgrade to a 14% Attack Speed Cospri's Malice and also use our Onslaught Flask on bosses from now on. Simple as that!

If you want to keep using Basalt Flask instead of Onslaught, take the "Coordination" node in the passive skill tree and 8% Attack Speed (not more than that!) from rare gloves or a jewel. Coordination node and 8% Attack Speed with swords from a single jewel is the most cost-effective way to do this. (Big thanks to Aim_Deep for this idea!).

You can always check your Attack Speed at your hideout (Don't forget to select Cyclone. If you have around 2.0 Attacks per Second you are looking at Default Attack). Look for 3 Attacks per Second or 3.7 Attacks per Second with 14%+ Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed. Make sure to also test it with Onslaught Flask if you plan to use this flask.

-your health is really low at 5k. i would refund the doom cast nodes to get some more life on your tree.
-cwdt should be at level 1 and all linked skills can't have more than a level requirement of 38 to trigger with cwdt
-get two 21/0 ice novas. quality on ice nova isn't important and 21/0 vaal ice novas are pretty cheap.
-your gems are very different from the build so it's hard to make recommendations. melee movement skills are better because of cospri's melee crit trigger. your golem should be linked to cwdt and at level 3. vaal haste is bad because we want to limit our aps to 3.75.
Последняя редакция: qaizr#7884. Время: 28 янв. 2019 г., 12:47:45
Tusenchi написал:
If anyone would like to take a look at my char and see where improvements could be made i'd appreciate it. Got about a 7 ex budget.

get a couple cheap 21/0 vaal ice novas. the vaal version is cheaper than the regular ice nova and quality doesn't matter.

your chaos golem should be level 3 for cwdt.

you can craft something on your gloves. if there's a prefix open i'd go for inc damage while leeching.

i would refund the infused nodes for another jewel slot.

everything else looks really good.
Последняя редакция: qaizr#7884. Время: 28 янв. 2019 г., 13:30:20
Barn3y_Gumble написал:
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Hey there! First of all: Thanks for your awesome build, it is so much fun and enemies are melting ultra fast!

Anyway, I would ask for some advice from your side in order to even more improve the build.

Here is my current gear:

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As you see (legacy flasks) we talk about standard.

My next plan now would be to switch out my (bad) rings, for "Mark of the Shaper" + 2nd shaped mod ring to get the bonuses - of course also Watchers eye with the ES on hit mod.

So here a few questions, maybe you find the time to answer them:

1.) My Cospris has 11% increased attack speed, this is to much, right? So I need to get a lower one right?

2.) My current crit chance is 49%, with all power charges up. This seems for me to be quite low, what is yours with your gear? When I switch the rings now, I again lose crit chance due to dropping of my Gifts from Above - is the loss of crit worth the gain in damage?

3.) How to improve my crit chance further - my jewels are pretty bad though. Did I miss anything?

Best regards and thanks for your time


4.) From skill tree lvl 89 to 91 you re-speced the spell crit nodes in the shadow region and also some in the which region - why did you do that? Where they capped already or are they not needed?

if you make your character tab public it's easier to check out your build

your cyclone aps needs to be less than or equal 3 without cdr or less than or equal to 3.75 with cdr. the guide explains this in detail.

when enemies are chilled/shocked and your diamond flask is active your crit chance goes up a lot. yours is probably a lot higher than 49%.
p.s. get a diamond flask

crit chance is pretty easy to get. so you're better off getting crit multi (cold/spell/ele/holding a shield) on your jewels.

you want an elder ring to go with mark of the shaper to get the 70+ inc spell damage. try to find an elder ring with an open suffix so you can craft the focus shock craft.
Последняя редакция: qaizr#7884. Время: 28 янв. 2019 г., 13:21:34
caleblohz написал:
Hi, can i ask when i check my attack per second, how come it is only 2 when it should be 3? im level 92 now seems weird, am i missing anything? please help! will be good if someone checks my profile and check out my gears if im doing anything wrong!

your character tab is private. you can make it public in your privacy settings.
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i would swap out ele focus for inc aoe/conc effect. ele focus makes it so you can't chill or shock, which reduces your damage a lot. i'm surprised cheequ recommends ele focus in the guide.

get a couple cheap 21/0 vaal ice novas. the vaal version is cheaper than the regular ice nova and quality doesn't matter.

your chaos golem should be level 3 for cwdt.

you can craft something on your gloves. if there's a prefix open i'd go for inc damage while leeching.

i would refund the infused nodes for another jewel slot.

everything else looks really good.

Unfortunately i can't craft on my gloves. Thought i could when i bought them there is a cheeky +8 evasion prefix in there.

I'll take your advice and throw a conc effect in there. Chaos golem i can do that no problem. And the 21/0 gems i'll handle as well.

Thanks for the advice!
Dkodr написал:
lionexx написал:
So, how could we make this build faster for mapping? Clearly the DPS is there, but the speed is lacking, is the only options really 30+ move speed on boots, and Devoto's if you go Devoto's path? Or am I missing something?
I have 201% movespeed with flask and Phase run active, 76% when Cycloning. It feels pretty good. Unfortunately Vaal Haste is out of the question beacuse of the attack speed balancing.

Using Soul of Lunaris and Soul of Garukhan. Alchemist flask nodes help.
Fangs of The Viper, Harrier and Prcision nodes has movespeed. Unnatural Instinct and Might of the Meeks add a good chunk as well. I don't use Devotos though.

Thank you, yeah, those are all options that I have looked at, usually the speed is fine, when monsters are around, but sometimes you run into small empty pockets, not that big of a deal of course, it is fast enough overall, I just like super speedy :P
Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world.

Follow me on twitch, even though I never stream!
I see we can craft "Cooldown recovery speed" but 12% max (lvl 2 bench)

What AS we need in order to have 12% on belt, I wanna clear my boots
Tusenchi написал:
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i would swap out ele focus for inc aoe/conc effect. ele focus makes it so you can't chill or shock, which reduces your damage a lot. i'm surprised cheequ recommends ele focus in the guide.

get a couple cheap 21/0 vaal ice novas. the vaal version is cheaper than the regular ice nova and quality doesn't matter.

your chaos golem should be level 3 for cwdt.

you can craft something on your gloves. if there's a prefix open i'd go for inc damage while leeching.

i would refund the infused nodes for another jewel slot.

everything else looks really good.

Unfortunately i can't craft on my gloves. Thought i could when i bought them there is a cheeky +8 evasion prefix in there.

I'll take your advice and throw a conc effect in there. Chaos golem i can do that no problem. And the 21/0 gems i'll handle as well.

Thanks for the advice!

after thinking about it i realized you still chill and shock with ele focus because it only applies to the gems linked with ele focus. but ele focus negates all but one of the hypothermia mods (the DoT mod doesn't do anything for us). so i feel like conc effect is still a better option.
sangvinu2 написал:
I see we can craft "Cooldown recovery speed" but 12% max (lvl 2 bench)

What AS we need in order to have 12% on belt, I wanna clear my boots

someone did the math and figured out we need at least 14% cooldown recovery. anything lower won't work and anything over is superfluous.

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