[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

Hey. I like this build, waiting for optimization and new variations for 3.6
mic01851165 написал:
keefyxo написал:
Insanely fun build, thanks so much for posting and I've downed uber elder a few times with it now since it's so fun :) ty!!

Here's my gear for anyone interested. Pretty easy and fairly low cost?

Carcass Jack is a very interesting choice for mapping, since Loreweave's 80% may not be necessary , provided with enough defensive layers/ dodge/ spell dodge/ enfeeble.

Also this build is arguably the most enjoyable/ fluid build you can use in Delve. Just spin forward non-stop, freeze/ kill/ and shatter everything in the path. As long as you don't stop spinning forward, you won't die :)
(Only exception is in deep delve high mod Vaal Outpost. Sometimes some disgusting mod like hexproof + penetration + accuracy up + more dm + unlucky can make Outpost's rares one-shot you regardless of how well you geared)

I thought the build had enough survivability with 8k +ehp. Loreweave would obviously assist but as a softcore player going higher damage was more appealing to me haha. Also bricked 2 loreweaves at the corruption altar and had this carcass jack so that helps that decision a bit ;)
mic01851165 написал:

That freaking Watcher eye alone is worth 100 ex or more..

I believe we're talking about multiples mirrors here.

This type of eye doesn't exist on league or standard.
(as far as indexed items are concerned)

Yes you do.
Manifesto quote:
Critical Strike Chance
Previously, an effect that could critically hit was capped at 5% minimum critical chance, and 95% maximum critical chance. We've set both of these caps to 0% and 100%.

Effects that gave enemies an additional chance to be critically hit have all been changed to instead increase the chance of critical hits against them, or give additional critical chance before modifiers, as if the attacker had critical bonuses against the target rather than an additional chance added on top.
Kill the evil or zombies will become reality!!

IGN: Sid_Ashley
Последняя редакция: Sidashley#3319. Время: 4 марта 2019 г., 18:55:26
Sidashley написал:
Manifesto quote:
Critical Strike Chance
Previously, an effect that could critically hit was capped at 5% minimum critical chance, and 95% maximum critical chance. We've set both of these caps to 0% and 100%.

Effects that gave enemies an additional chance to be critically hit have all been changed to instead increase the chance of critical hits against them, or give additional critical chance before modifiers, as if the attacker had critical bonuses against the target rather than an additional chance added on top.

This is nice and all, but before we get the full picture of Cast on Crit change, don't be happy too soon. Any change to Cast on Crit, being increase ICD or decrease damage may drastically changes the fate of this build.

I really hope to play this build again in Synthesis because this is by far my favourite build atm.
Guys, what can u say about new 100% cap crit. chance and how it affects this build? Are we gonna to push this in upcoming league? I think it's gonna be op as f*ck on this kind of builds.
PilatTao14 написал:
Guys, what can u say about new 100% cap crit. chance and how it affects this build? Are we gonna to push this in upcoming league? I think it's gonna be op as f*ck on this kind of builds.

If they did not touch cyclone and ICD of Cast on Crit, I expect a massive buff to Assassin.
Will you update it to be viable in 3.6 ? This build interest me after my league starter :)
I guess this build already received a nerf...

Ice Nova cast time from 0.8 to 0.7 - this lowers the cast time by 12.5%.

BUT: They state above this rebalance, that initial hit damage also has been decreased accoring to cast time decrease. Therefore: 12.5% less cast time results in 12.5% less damage. Which hits us hard imo
thats what i was able to put together during betrayal, pretty neat


hope to see some guide updates for 3.6 soon, maybe this will be my league starter this time

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