[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

Hey I just made this build and I was looking for advice. The damage feels incredible but the survivability is lacking a little bit and idk whats causing it. I get some random one shots by times but I am res capped, using a loreweave (78% res) and running at arround 6,7k hp + 600 shield

Is there anything I'm doing wrong?

Your damage comes from spells not really from attack skills, so the craft on your belt is not really doing you anything.

Similarly the increased melee damage on your ring is not doing you much. Cast on Crit spells are not melee damage, and thats basically all of your damage.

Looks fine otherwise. I'd get a pandamonius amulet as your next big upgrade.
The patch in half an hour should fix the fortify bug. This was in the notes.

Fixed a bug introduced in 3.6.2 which prevented several melee supports (such as Multistrike) from working when the skill they were supporting was also supported by a triggering Support (such as Cast on Critical Strike Support).
Oh good, I've actually had fortify linked through the entire life cycle of this bug and not enjoyed the -20% damage :P Curious to see how much tankier I will feel when I already feel decently tanky.

Curious: Does fortify reduce damage from the darkness in Delve? It should I think right?
Speaking of Delve - I'm guessing the best defensive watchers eye for delve is still the gain ES on hit with discipline?
Well, with the fortify bug fixed, I immediately went into the uber elder fight.
I had five keysets prepped so I could burn them and learn the fight. I was prepped for war!

Killed him with the first keyset in two portals no problem. I am almost disappointed it wasn't more of a struggle for my first kill. Sadly only a ring drop.

I used cyclone, and didn't swap it out for blade flurry or anything. Damage was easily more than good enough, even with fortify in the 6L. No way I would take it out. I was downing each phase extremely quickly, and easily shredding the portals. Here was my complete set of gear I used to kill him. I normally wear bubonic trail boots, but swapped out to roots for the fight.

Overall, I am a big fan of this build. Fast mapper, clearly capable of bossing, and fun to play. This was also my first ever level 96 character. I don't think I am going to try and push the level any higher now though.
Последняя редакция: FilthyMonkey#0591. Время: 27 марта 2019 г., 23:31:09
Just curious why you have zealotry over herald of ice? Is it better?
Herald of ice is better for clear, what with exploding packs. The build doesn't really need that much help with pack clear though. Zealotry is more damage, particularly if you start involving watcher's eyes. Consecrated ground is pretty nice to have too. Hatred is even more damage than zealotry, if you want to go that route. No consecrated ground though, and it is a little less multiplayer friendly to all the chaos occultists.

Keep in mind, the actual build guide as posted calls for a ESoH watcher's eye and discipline. I am not really following that part, and am running acro+phase acro as an extra layer of defense instead.

I just spawned and killed another uber elder. No problems. Dropped the following. Not useless, but not really big money.

Edit: Just killed an uber-atziri like it was a normal atziri too. It wasn't even a fight. Worthless armor atziri's splendor dropped.
Последняя редакция: FilthyMonkey#0591. Время: 27 марта 2019 г., 23:31:52
Loving the build so far, I'm just looking into endgame upgrades. Would the "Skills fire an additional projectile" corruption on Cospris make a huge difference in terms of damage?
without knowing the exact numbers i would say you lose a lot of dmg. your only projectile is frostbolt. and while its dmg is okayish, its not your mainsource. all your dmg comes from the ice novas. and you would take away 25% critmulti for them.

sure, we need frozen trail to get 3 orbs in total (where only 2 are needed). but then you would need to compensate this with a jewel with 25% critmulti. on top FT is cheap to corrupt for some useful implicit.

all in all i would day its not worth.
Последняя редакция: unleashed666#6103. Время: 28 марта 2019 г., 18:02:09

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