[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]
" Bought Lorevawe and 2 good jewel. Boost me very much. |
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Im in my second season ever and first where i have beasten shaper.
The build is lots of fun and working great, thanks for posting this! Now i habe a problem, i just tried my first uber elder and got beaten hard barely managed to get 125/200 dmg (about 3 quaters) Any advice you could give me, as for invest i rarely see anything i need anymore, maybe i have just bad movement, but any tipps would be appreciated. |
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" is it high? I checked yours. yours is higher than mine. I am confused. Can you tell me pls? |
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is it high? I checked yours. yours is higher than mine. I am confused. Can you tell me pls?[/quote] This is the reason y you need a belt with atleast 14% anything more is just more anything less is no good The MOST IMPORTANT part while figuring out our gear, is to make sure our attack speed does not exceed the CoC trigger limit. CoC can trigger a spell reliably 6.06 times per second (it has a 165ms cooldown)** (increased by the "Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed" mod of at least 14% - keep reading to see why we need at least 14%)**. Therefore, we need to make sure we hit enemies slightly slower than 6.06 times per second and NOT more than that, as it will reduce our DPS. Cyclone hits 2 times per "Attack". So 3 Attacks per Second or slower is about the optimal attack speed we want (unless we have 14%+ Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed on our belt or boots). ** "WhAt aRe yOu talkIng AbOut?! The CoC cooldown is 150ms, not 165ms!!!" - Check This post by u/psychomap which explains why this is and which also explains why we need at least 14% Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed for it to have any effect whatsoever. "How to achieve 3 Attacks per Second?" With a 8% or 9% Attack Speed (NOT more than that) Cospri's Malice, Starkonja's Head, no attack speed on the rest of the gear and with this specific tree, we should reach 3.0 Attacks per Second WHILE NO ONSLAUGHT FLASK IS USED (don't use it for single target. We can still use it for better clearspeed through packs though since we crit many enemies and which means attack speed doesn't matter that much. We can also just use a Basalt Flask instead). Once we have at LEAST 14% Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed from our belt or boots, the maximum CoC triggers per second become 7.57, as explained by the post i linked above. So the optimal Attack Speed for Cyclone would be 3.75 Attacks per Second or slower. To achieve that, we will upgrade to a 14% Attack Speed Cospri's Malice and also use our Onslaught Flask on bosses from now on. Simple as that! If you want to keep using Basalt Flask instead of Onslaught, take the "Coordination" node in the passive skill tree and 8% Attack Speed (not more than that!) from rare gloves or a jewel. Coordination node and 8% Attack Speed with swords from a single jewel is the most cost-effective way to do this. (Big thanks to Aim_Deep for this idea!). You can always check your Attack Speed at your hideout (Don't forget to select Cyclone. If you have around 2.0 Attacks per Second you are looking at Default Attack). Look for 3 Attacks per Second or 3.7 Attacks per Second with 14%+ Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed. Make sure to also test it with Onslaught Flask if you plan to use this flask. like this IGN ARROWUPYOURAZZ
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you want to aim for 3.71-3.75 for the most dps
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Anyone running a good MF version of this?
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" I wouldn't really suggest this build for MF since the core uniques and rares are all in slots where you would typically use MF. You could do something like what I did with mine to fit a belt and probably the neck. You would then have to give up mark of the shaper and cdr on boots to go full MF. Personally I would just do it on a different character. It also depends how high you want to go, t6 BCs yeah do whatever you want, I will swap my neck out for a Solstice. This is how I went with the gear, I also had to alter the tree a bit because I prefer traditional leech (especially with HH) over regen based mana: Последняя редакция: rapph#3066. Время: 7 апр. 2019 г., 3:21:31
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Great build. However, I got only 44k DPS in POB. Since I had to make some changes to cope with the 3.6 tree, I'm not sure if I did something really stupid wrong or I'm just incompetent with POB (still learing POE)
I would be happy if someone could take a quick look at my build Edit: forgot the link https://pastebin.com/a0Pg6hHe Последняя редакция: RoninSJ#4948. Время: 7 апр. 2019 г., 6:13:56
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" Thank you very much.. I will change my boots for cooldown. |
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" Thank you very much.. I will change my boots for cooldown. |
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