[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

kelkanator написал:
Bloodzy написал:
VantsLoL написал:
Anyone here using dual cospri's? Can you guys link me pob or w/e to check it out? im watching windz stream and i would like aswell to go dual cospri's but he has hh and a collar for it...

Yep, here you go! It's much better then the Lycosidae

Assassin Build: https://pastebin.com/rGH9jerM
(feels better and very smooth, more dmg)

Scion Build with unnatural instinct + 2x MotM: https://pastebin.com/fHwLjTc2

How are you chilling if both cospri's have elemental focus? Is the chill purely from the Cyclone + Vortex? I was running 2 Cospri's with FB (other with Frost Nova) Hypothermia and Inc Crit damage as I thought the chill was important to this build.

I don't run elemental focus in my 6L. I run added cold (it was between that, controlled destruction, and increased crit dmg and I liked added cold the most for the bump in damage for my cyclone as well). It's a big drop in damage vs ele focus but like you said, being able to chill and even freeze is really important offensively (due to our amulet + hypothermia) and defensively.

You will see this reflected in the path of building for the assassin build

Let me know if you have any other questions!
premierunio написал:
Its worth to play double Cospris?

btw. Guys in low investment what can i improve? 1 ex max, also link setups are decent?

just a newbie questions but :3

okay first of all put FB above Ice nova in Cospri
this is only my guess of feeling playing it last league(kill uber elder easy with one death) - buy watcher's eye and you will forget what dead is
your chaos golem doesn't trigger by CWDT since it has too high level
you have too much problems in your gem set up, check guide carefully
Последняя редакция: unhack#7330. Время: 16 июня 2019 г., 15:22:09
Bloodzy написал:
I don't run elemental focus in my 6L. I run added cold (it was between that, controlled destruction, and increased crit dmg and I liked added cold the most for the bump in damage for my cyclone as well). It's a big drop in damage vs ele focus but like you said, being able to chill and even freeze is really important offensively (due to our amulet + hypothermia) and defensively.

You will see this reflected in the path of building for the assassin build

Let me know if you have any other questions!

Ok that makes sense! Thanks for explaining.

I currently have a Blasphemy + Frostbite set up. Do you think getting rid of that for Vaal RF and Blood and Sand is better? Here is my current POB - https://pastebin.com/wpbfzbYS - I'm not having any issues and am just really getting going with maps (currently t3-4 and blowing through them). I know I need some gear improvements but I'm just building up currency to improve my gear. Any ideas for ways to improve? Thanks!
still waiting for information about new gems for us)
Is the 2x Might of the Meek and Unnatural Instinct still a worthy god tier upgrade?
Check ur own PoB and see the increase in eHP :) For me 2x meek was worth it.

Build is great and there is stuff you can add like the biggest upgrade for me and other CoCster was Dying Sun.

Dying Sun = 2 extra Frost bolt projectiles and 25% Area increase. Great for this build.

This build just destroy everything :) Even my notebook, which is why Im moving on so I can actually do content.

It is a great league starter as well since you only need Widowmaker and a 5L to start doing hard content with it. Cospri is not really mandatory, only exponentially increases your deeps.
So.. I have a 13% IAS Cospris and im not using starkonjas.. My aps is at 9.8. I tried duplicating my sword in POB and put in a low APS one, but its still was way over the 3 APS the build recommends in the very important gearing spoiler (8.something iirc).

I dunno, I put the slower sword in and it lowered my dps so I dont know if something else has changed in the 2 leagues since this was written?

Anyone have any advice?
Последняя редакция: taosk8r#2478. Время: 16 июня 2019 г., 19:38:11
so whats the word on using dual cospri?? there's another guide up for dual cospri but has very little description and barely any replies so i dont know how good it is?? anyone have any input on the dual cospri and if so mind linking a build or pastebin with some lvling guides/?? many thanks in advance.
any suggestions on how to make this build faster?
Myst3ryMan99 написал:
any suggestions on how to make this build faster?

30ms on boots and flask. when i clear map i have 180ms

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