[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

is the precision gem needed with tempered mind to rock dual cospri's?
rxl написал:
is the precision gem needed with tempered mind to rock dual cospri's?
97% hit with it 96% without it
Hi Guys :-) rerolled my ED Trickster to this Build and leveling gems at the moment. Think i got all the important Items and stuff but as i read the past Sites of this Thread i wonder if i builded it correctly and how to improve because of that ApS on Cyclone thing :o Can someone be so kind and take a look at my PoB? https://pastebin.com/6XeUXdNs I have 9.01 ApS :(

I also have that Light of the Lunaris Shield that i want to tryout with the Lethal Pride Jewel (of Kiloava, Glancing Blows)anyone tried that out?

Build is fun so far even if I builded it not correctly xD
dont worry bout attack rate mine is 10.18 or so with all flask active crit 100% hit 100% all is good rocking double Cospris with no cdr%
you can put in conc for bosses but that's up to you
Последняя редакция: dragnmith1#2944. Время: 30 июня 2019 г., 16:44:54

I would like to ask for an opinion about my present setup of gems and items.
I'm using QotF because it's my only 6L chest and i think it's not worst option.
I have about 2,5ex to spend.
Should i sell my QotF and buy somethink better? And how about my passive.
For now I'm sure I should change my CoH Poacher's Mark.

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PoB: https://pastebin.com/gkweezRi

Sickflows написал:
After i've done all Content with this Build ( Uelder easy in 1.30 )
Im gonna swap to MF again and selling some of my CoC Stuff.

Hit me up IGN: SickCoCagane or SickMFagane if you want smth.

lol you bought my starkonjas.
whats the general consensus for best ice nova mtx or lack there of?
Hey can someone look at my character and tell me what to upgrade now ?

I just 6 Linked my loreweave , my tree is shit and some items too but i have a very low budget, i can farm guardians with this gear but i feel like my damage are too low
agent56p написал:
whats the general consensus for best ice nova mtx or lack there of?

Water's the preferred one.
what need to change in my build ??

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