[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

I imported him on PoE and cannot reach the 900K you say... with his setup.

It's an interesting variation nonetheless!

Mind that I pushed CheeQu's version to 1.4 Million damage per Ice Nova back in Betrayal, so anything is possible with nice gear :)
StackOverflow написал:
For those that have been using Atziri's Acuity, how do you find Vaal Pact helping you for survivability?

I have been debating trying them out along with the Doryani Vaal gem to get larger HP and ES but it does suck to lose crafted gloves damage increase.

I'm doing this in Legion HC, but I can't afford Acuity yet so I pathed down to Vaal Pact from the Maruader life wheel. It feels really good, really comfy. I'm using soul tether + Daoryani gem so I'm sitting at 5800hp/2700ES and haven't had any close calls up to T12-13 doing rippy mods.
My gear is also garbage because I just respec'd from frost blades, so don't look at my character because it's very undergeared.

Im also running fort on cyclone, flesh+stone gem, enfeeble, pandemonious(blind+chill), cwdt+ic and 33% block. So I rarely take damage and when i do, it instantly leeches back. When I'm geared properly I should have 6500hp/3200es. Obviously I take a big hit to DPS numbers, but in HC you can't dps if you're dead
Hey hey, can you check out my CoC assassin in Legion and tell me where should i improve rn asap? Still tryna figure out how i can get to 3.75 APS cuz i got 15% CD on boots.
Thx a lot.
Cronewz написал:
Picklepickle0 написал:

oh I've used this one https://pastebin.com/9gNkYKCW

for the CDR, I wouldn't need it since I have two skills socketed on chest, and CDR would be needed if i go over 13.(something) APS As discussed around 10 pages back.

Though I don't really have problems killing, its just the speed of killing them i.e. like the gif OP posted

Currently updated using glacial cascade on my 2nd skill on chest and seems to be better at bossing, haven't tested on shaper yet tho

As far as i know, two Cospri's share their cooldowns, don't they? And 2 spells in your chest is not setup for bosses, it's nice for clear, but for fat guys better use ice nova + conc effect. Throw in ring with shock on focus and some offhand (or shield) for dps + 14% CDR belt = u might notice some changes. :)

Here's the one I've found at like page 385/384 why no CDR is needed

No cooldown recovery is needed due to using more than one spell. The base cooldown for Cospri's and Cast on Crit is .15 seconds, so if you are critting less than 6.67 times per second (allowing for system lag), then you can use one spell in your Cospri's and one in your Cast on Crit setup.

When you add a second spell in the Cosrpri's or a second Cospri's, or to Cast on Crit, they trigger in sequence.

Using my setup as an example:
- Crit 1 - Ice Nova from chest / Frost Orb from left Cospri's
- Crit 2 - Arc from chest / Ice Nova from right Cospri's
- Crit 3 - Ice Nova from chest / Frost Orb from left Cospri's
- Crit 4 - Arc from chest / Ice Nova from right Cospri's
- etc.

As each spell is triggered, it cannot trigger again for .15 seconds. If dual wielding, you will hit, and trigger, with each weapon alternatingly. (ie. Left, Right, Left, Right ....)

So as long as I do not crit more than twice every .15 seconds, I should never have a spell on cooldown.

I did used to have 14% CDR but there wasn't really any difference, hence not me not using it anymore to cap all res, since they do trigger alternatively. I'm sitting at 8.1 APS, even tried with just 1 skill on chest, seems to trigger normally.

But I will surely try to put conc effect for my ice nova in chest. Thanks for the input man :D
LordAzuRa написал:
I imported him on PoE and cannot reach the 900K you say... with his setup.

It's an interesting variation nonetheless!

Mind that I pushed CheeQu's version to 1.4 Million damage per Ice Nova back in Betrayal, so anything is possible with nice gear :)

Do you have a pastebin available ? 1 mil per ice nova...seems quite high.
How important is the "Shocks nearby enemies for 2/3/4 seconds when you Focus" I have
but I'm looking for upgrades now and I'm just curious how important that shock is vs cold damage + crit multi on a ring. Thanks
Is this worth for me to buy a multicrafted rapier for 8 exe ?
travisiscool написал:
How important is the "Shocks nearby enemies for 2/3/4 seconds when you Focus" I have
but I'm looking for upgrades now and I'm just curious how important that shock is vs cold damage + crit multi on a ring. Thanks

It's 20% more damage.
Последняя редакция: Cronewz#1590. Время: 5 июля 2019 г., 16:21:44
Sizleke написал:
Is this worth for me to buy a multicrafted rapier for 8 exe ?

3 ex craft + to do those pen affix alone can be pain in the ass (needs much of trading). If you are lucky enough - about 4 ex total, for most cases 5-6 ex is fair price. 8 ex is a bit high, but if u have much of currency - not that crucial.
Последняя редакция: Cronewz#1590. Время: 5 июля 2019 г., 16:22:54
Cronewz написал:
Sizleke написал:
Is this worth for me to buy a multicrafted rapier for 8 exe ?

3 ex craft + to do those pen affix alone can be pain in the ass (need it to trade much). If you are lucky enough - about 4 ex total, for most cases 5-6 ex is fair price. 8 ex is a bit high, but if u have much of currency - not that crucial.

We need a delve fossil to do that craft for the ele pen no ? I havent play since bestiary so fossil's and delve arent my things lol , i doesnt have so much currency
Последняя редакция: Sizleke#1195. Время: 5 июля 2019 г., 16:24:23

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