[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

Garash написал:
Do I understand this correct?

I have 6.9 aps and with elusive it should be quite a bit over 7.5 aps (I have a rcd belt).

But cospris only triggers on crit? So to be under 7.5 aps is only relevant if I can guarantee that I crit 100 % of the time, which I dont. Especially if diamond flask is out of charges.

If I have, as an example, 50 % crit with cyclone wouldnt 15 aps be ok? The values in the example is quite extreme but its just for easy math.

Also, even if I had 100 % crit chance and say 10 aps. Why does it matter? Wouldnt just cospris cast 7 spells in one second and then go on cooldown for the remaining 3, and then repeat that pattern the next second?

The 7.5 aps doesn't affect the Cospris but the Cast on Crit Support which can only trigger a maximum number of times per second. 6 aps (or with 14% icdr 7.5aps) is the optimal breakpoint to get the most triggers per second while not overextend it which would lead to a loss of triggers every few attacks.

How do you guys cap resistance with the Pandemonius? I already have trouble with a rare amulet.
Последняя редакция: Neunzehnhundert93#4648. Время: 27 сент. 2019 г., 18:07:58
Neunzehnhundert93 написал:
Garash написал:
Do I understand this correct?
I have 6.9 aps and with elusive it should be quite a bit over 7.5 aps (I have a rcd belt).
But cospris only triggers on crit? So to be under 7.5 aps is only relevant if I can guarantee that I crit 100 % of the time, which I dont. Especially if diamond flask is out of charges.
If I have, as an example, 50 % crit with cyclone wouldnt 15 aps be ok? The values in the example is quite extreme but its just for easy math.
Also, even if I had 100 % crit chance and say 10 aps. Why does it matter? Wouldnt just cospris cast 7 spells in one second and then go on cooldown for the remaining 3, and then repeat that pattern the next second?

The 7.5 aps doesn't affect the Cospris but the Cast on Crit Support which can only trigger a maximum number of times per second. 6 aps (or with 14% icdr 7.5aps) is the optimal breakpoint to get the most triggers per second while not overextend it which would lead to a loss of triggers every few attacks.

How do you guys cap resistance with the Pandemonius? I already have trouble with a rare amulet.

my res xD + and 2 "might of the meek"", and on gloves only cold res, +40%
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you take tons res on tree, with 2 MoM jewels you take +36 all res, close scion and big nodes hp, + alira
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Последняя редакция: Shmitok02#3637. Время: 27 сент. 2019 г., 23:00:32
Does anyone have a link to a profile or build that is very min-maxed, preferably with a decently high budget
Neunzehnhundert93 написал:
Garash написал:
Do I understand this correct?

I have 6.9 aps and with elusive it should be quite a bit over 7.5 aps (I have a rcd belt).

But cospris only triggers on crit? So to be under 7.5 aps is only relevant if I can guarantee that I crit 100 % of the time, which I dont. Especially if diamond flask is out of charges.

If I have, as an example, 50 % crit with cyclone wouldnt 15 aps be ok? The values in the example is quite extreme but its just for easy math.

Also, even if I had 100 % crit chance and say 10 aps. Why does it matter? Wouldnt just cospris cast 7 spells in one second and then go on cooldown for the remaining 3, and then repeat that pattern the next second?

The 7.5 aps doesn't affect the Cospris but the Cast on Crit Support which can only trigger a maximum number of times per second. 6 aps (or with 14% icdr 7.5aps) is the optimal breakpoint to get the most triggers per second while not overextend it which would lead to a loss of triggers every few attacks.

How do you guys cap resistance with the Pandemonius? I already have trouble with a rare amulet.

Hmm dont know why I have so hard to wrap my head around the cooldown, heh. But either way. If its not cospri but rather coc you adjust for, isnt the problem the same?

Suppose I have rcd belt and 7.5 aps with 75 % crit chance. Wouldnt I still fail to trigger coc 25 % of the time due to the crit chance?

But with say 10 aps and 75 % crit chance Id have something like a hit every 100 ms,and a cooldown of 150ms. So I either crit and have a cd of 150 ms which means that the first concequtive hit would be when coc still is on cd but the one after would not. So there is a gap of 50ms.

But if I didnt crit there would be a new oppurtunity to crit in 100 ms. So 50 ms earlier compared to the 7.5 aps scenario.

So it seems either go 7.5 aps or slightly lower to reduce the risk of activating coc while on cd, with the risk of a non crit doing essentially the same thing (wait the cooldown duration before the next oppurtunity to crit) or go like 15 aps and have a higher risk of activating while still on coc cd, but the oppurtubity to crit again after a non crit is available much faster.

But the strategy you employ depends on your crit chance. If you have like 100 crit chance there is no risk of not critting so you want to be at 7.5 aps to avoid being on cd next time you crit. But if not, well then it is rather complex to determine what to do. Or is there something I miss?
Последняя редакция: Garash#5869. Время: 28 сент. 2019 г., 5:34:18
Will the tree be updated for 3.8?
How are people dealing with the their APS with the the mistwalker node / elusive buff.

Are you taking less attack speed so that when you have elusive up, your attack speed is 7.5?
Timidx3 написал:
How are people dealing with the their APS with the the mistwalker node / elusive buff.

Are you taking less attack speed so that when you have elusive up, your attack speed is 7.5?
I have done that yes.
Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
is it possible to use headhunter? or would the resist be to hard to cap?
Garash написал:

I had a look into your profile: With all the IAS in the scion area you gain through Unnatural Instinct, aren't way above the 7.5 aps threshold? I am asking because i am figuring out if speccing into scion starter area is a good idea.
For anyone interested: You can run Hatred, HOI, Skitterbots and a Lvl20 precision with a lvl4 enlighten by annointing Charisma (2 golden oils, so not really cheap). It depends on your mana pool how many mana is left. So in my case i have around 45 unreserved mana, which is enough for casting vortex and flame dash occasionally. Cyclone costs no mana when using Inspiration along with a -3 mana to channeling skills enchant. Might be not worth the struggle anyway

Edit: I forgot about the minus 15% mana reduced Hatred enchant
Последняя редакция: Sollkomol#0963. Время: 1 окт. 2019 г., 4:11:20

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