[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

ok 1 more question 5 min ago i 6 link lore so my question since i use schield charge with fortify .
what wil be best fo 6 link ? i know inc aoe/conc efect will be fine but does crit multi wil be good also ?
Shecutor написал:
ok 1 more question 5 min ago i 6 link lore so my question since i use schield charge with fortify .
what wil be best fo 6 link ? i know inc aoe/conc efect will be fine but does crit multi wil be good also ?

Read the guide mate.
Have now geared up a bit and wonder if the DPS would now be ok for endgame?

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Would appreciate any tipps on my gear. Lvl 89 now and it feels like my HP (5.5k) is a bit low?
Последняя редакция: StorgutBorsit#7471. Время: 4 янв. 2019 г., 11:53:25
Geo_ituz написал:

I have to tip my hat to you on this one. Damn fine build guide, fine BUILD, best fun and game plat style i have had in my last few leagues.

My honest opinion is this may even make me play Standard when it moves across!

Brilliant work and should any changes happen i do hope you keep up the amends as needed.

Thank you.

Thank you too! Glad you enjoed the read as well as the build!

Yes Ill do my best to update the build whenever it is needed!
GeneralDurph написал:
So if im running EB with the watchers eye that gains es on hit whilst using discipline, can i essentially reserve almost all of my mana and not have to worry about cyclone mana cost issues?

Run blasp/enfeeble (35) discipline (35) and either hoi (25) or aspect of spider (25) for 95% mana reserved?

Also, between the two, is hoi, or aspect of the spider better overall for the build? Hoi i imagine adds a tiny bit more dps, while spider adds another layer of defense.

What I gathered is that you don't need to use discipline aura, you use vitality and get the life leech. Then you have about 500 ES to use as mana.
Sometimes I cyclone through mobs but deals no dmg, I guess it is becuz the lack of crit?

And I think my char is a lil bit squishy, sitting at 5k5 hp at lv 90.

Besides that, really good build overall, thanks a bunch.

Anyone can suggest what item I should go next?
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Последняя редакция: aka2411#2361. Время: 4 янв. 2019 г., 12:17:34
aka2411 написал:
Sometimes I cyclone through mobs but deals no dmg, I guess it is becuz the lack of crit?

And I think my char is a lil bit squishy, sitting at 5k5 hp at lv 90.

Besides that, really good build overall, thanks a bunch.

Anyone can suggest what item I should go next?
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I would drop the gifts from above ring for another with more life. Also, drop the flask wheel and complete the life wheel ASAP. You can drop one 'Increased AoE' in order to complete it faster. Change the enchant in the helmet.

Blue gems, in general, improves better with +level than +quality. Both your Ice Nova have 23 quality. You should sell them and get 2 with level 21 and 20 quality.

Your belt have 'increased elemental damage with attacks' - this mod is useless for us, our damage comes from spells, not attacks. Cyclone damage is minimum.
teslabear написал:
GeneralDurph написал:
So if im running EB with the watchers eye that gains es on hit whilst using discipline, can i essentially reserve almost all of my mana and not have to worry about cyclone mana cost issues?

Run blasp/enfeeble (35) discipline (35) and either hoi (25) or aspect of spider (25) for 95% mana reserved?

Also, between the two, is hoi, or aspect of the spider better overall for the build? Hoi i imagine adds a tiny bit more dps, while spider adds another layer of defense.

What I gathered is that you don't need to use discipline aura, you use vitality and get the life leech. Then you have about 500 ES to use as mana.

Vitality vs Discipline:

- Are you using EB? -> Vitality with life gained on hit

- Not using EB? -> Discipline with ES gained on hit.

The second option will be a lot tankier. I recommend Discipline.
StorgutBorsit написал:
Have now geared up a bit and wonder if the DPS would now be ok for endgame?

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Would appreciate any tipps on my gear. Lvl 89 now and it feels like my HP (5.5k) is a bit low?

Yep DPS should be up there. Life could easily 6k+ even at that level if you go for 110 life on all rares. It's quite easier than other leagues since you can now craft hybrid life on gear. Im at about 7k life at 96lvl
hi. my good sir CheeQu thanks for awesome guide/Build. it works perfectly. please take look at my gear if you have time:
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am i doing it right? :D (3 more rings to go for loreweave)
Последняя редакция: lordfratos#1059. Время: 4 янв. 2019 г., 13:10:19

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