[3.6] Eternity Shroud Winter Orb Trickster (the best one)
Bottled Faith is getting removed for next league.
Also, if this doesn't get nerfed into the ground I'm thinking about playing it. If it does, I'll probably go cyclone. I've played Blade Vortex, Storm Brand, and Arc Traps the last few leagues, and want something similar ish, but I've never played a trickster before, and haven't used Winter Orb. Any tips for how the skill feels, or suggestions for leveling? Do people use Winter Orb right when they get access to it, or level with Storm Brand and switch over? |
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" I started with the Ghazzy (beltimber \ frostferno) winter orb \ ice spear build and transitioned to this build when I got a shroud drop, but leveling is pretty similar. I used Arc til near postgame, but you could likely go winter orb earlier (whenever you get a tabula, or enough mana regen to run a 4l without issue it'll start to feel smooth). Realistically, winter orb at 28 or whenever you get it is fine (preferably wait a bit for GMP, though LMP is probably ok), but you'll want to pick something else up for single target. I felt like 6L winterorb was fine up til red maps -- there you'll want some investment to take down bosses (for a budget suggestion, you can run that Ghazzy style build on a less than ex budget and clear uber elder pretty well imo.) WO kind of feels like BV in the 'cast to build stacks' but it is a lot smoother since it is ranged. You feel a lot safer since youre not in the thick of it. Targetting can be kind of annoying if your damage is lacking, since it'll mostly fire off at what is closest to you. Not really a big deal when you're 1/2 shotting mobs, but can be super annoying before that. Once you get Shroud and a nice complement of shaper stuff this build just melts through things like butter. Once I got a shaped pyre, it made uber elder pretty trivial (I can still get one shot if I make a mistake, but damage wise you kill stuff so fast it doesnt matter). Последняя редакция: seandigs#7075. Время: 24 мая 2019 г., 17:20:25
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How do you increase the survivability of this build? Ive been trying to get max life additions on my jewels etc but I feel like im still squishy, the 0.% fire leech on my ring isnt enough to sustain my health pool at times.
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" Atziri's promise should be giving a decent amount of sustain, though if you need more maybe use a cinderswallow. I found it was overkill though. Also unspec out of that jewel down near harrier until you get unnatural instinct, super inefficient pathing there as is. Take those 7 points and maybe get the life nodes up to blood drinker, other ones near purity of flesh and the one by devotion imo. should give you another ~500 hp (though you lose like 8% dps). Alternately, spec up to Dark Arts and use the remaining 2 points for a couple close life nodes The build is kinda squishy overall but as long as you dodge the telegraphed stuff you'll probably be ok |
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" You will never be able to tank hits as a Trickster. Your survivability is avoiding hits and killing fast. That said, 3 of your jewels have no life on them. Swap them for a 7% life one. You can also spec out of a DPS node like Nimbleness and use those 3 points to get Blood Drinker and the jewel socket next to MoM (fill with 7% life). Those changes alone will get you an extra 42% life. |
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" " Thank you guys for the fast reply, I will follow ur advice and hopefully it gets better. Последняя редакция: imRadial#5438. Время: 26 мая 2019 г., 11:17:18
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" You should try it with Chaos instead of Fire using Aberrant fossils. I tried the fire at first and then did chaos just to see and it's a pretty big difference. I have no problems running around without using Cinderswallow, just for lazy play. I feel like it's better to have that on the ring and it leech every hit not just when I have a flask active. Helps a lot on bosses too. |
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+Unnatural and Watcher (hatred cri and zealtory with inc dmg) What can i improve ? | |
Path of Exile is Broken
This build proves it. This is a great guide and an awesome build, but it shows just how broken this game has become. The author talks about the cost of this build. Let's look at his gear: Eternity Shroud - At least 2 mirrors Helm - At least 60 exalts Weapons - At least 17 exalts each Unnatural Instinct - 25 exalts Shaped Pyre Sapphire Ring - 20 exalts Watcher's Eye - 5 exalts Bottled Faith - 25 exalts and on and on. Basically the op's gear is worth several mirrors, not anything close to 100 exalts. Even without the corrupted body armor the cost is closer to 200 exalts. Now why do I care about this? I followed this guide and made this build. I then compared the op's PoB to mine. He is doing about 10 times the dps I am. I know my gear is not optimized for this build. I know I am missing a bunch of the elite gear he has, but 10 times the dps? To make matters worse. I can easily kill Uber Elder with my gear. So if my 500K dps kills the end game boss, what does 5M dps do? It's a joke. The fact that two people can do the same build and kill the same end boss, but one does 10 times the dps of the other is laughable. So how could I better my gear? I would only have to play one character each league, and spend almost my entire time farming crafting bases so that I could either sell them or craft on them to come up with the currency necessary to buy the high-end gear for this build. GGG needs to fix this. The game is a joke in its current state. This experience makes that abundantly clear. This is a crafting game, and only a crafting game if you want to play any meta build. Clotho Последняя редакция: Clotho#2317. Время: 28 мая 2019 г., 0:21:48
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Well, you said it yourself.
This game IS a crafting game if you want to get to such high DPS values, and I'm glad it is like this. As you stated you can easily beat end-game bosses with a less DPS version due to gear, which means the build works and all is good. If you want to get that UE kill in 1 minute though it's pretty obvious you need to minmax quite a bit, and that is gated behind expensive crafts, trading and RNG. UE it's not meant to be done in one minute. And UE it's not something you'll care about, at that point you only care about getting the very best item combo. You don't need a double corrupted Shroud to start with, you don't need helm enchant at all, weapons are expensive because the base is, you can settle with a 20%ele implicit and still steamroll content, Unnatural Instinct are sought after by many builds, so that's obviously another expensive item, Pyre is pure RNG, I got mine in under 100 chances, Eye is totally skippable to me and I'm currently playing with no bottled-faith. That said, what makes this game great is the huge variance you can find in it, plus those prices are made by people, and if I manage to double corrupt a meta item like shroud it's obvious I'll ask a shitload for it! It is about meta, but mostly it's about minmaxing meta, and if you wanna get into it just face the fact it WILL be expensive :) |
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