[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

I know of levels, especially some gemms like my balistas need it but how is it that bosses still take forever? Even with cursing on despair and popping my plague bearer they still take ages especially t16 mobs. Invested a lot of currency shouldn't feel gated that I can't do higher content with it. Any suggestions? Also aware of the helm enchant but ran out of currency.

Последняя редакция: cryyyy#1417. Время: 13 янв. 2020 г., 7:06:13
Marthuk написал:
Had a question about the skill investment for the wheel with the "watchtowers" talent. Is it really worth taking?
The points would be better invested elsewhere I think. Siege ballistas did nearly nothing for me, spell totems were much more effective at stacking wither on enemies.

cryyyy написал:
I know of levels, especially some gemms like my balistas need it but how is it that bosses still take forever? Even with cursing on despair and popping my plague bearer they still take ages especially t16 mobs.
Are you charging up scourge arrow to full stacks? Also, awakened support gems are relatively cheap upgrades and might be helpful.

I have played my SA Pathfinder since league start, but I was getting annoyed dying a lot, despite quite good gear. So I leveled a pure Phys Necro last week and I die a lot less on that char. However, I'm thinking about continuing to build up my Pathfinder, since she's a lot fast in maps / delve and still decent for bossing. I might consider selling my Necro gear, so there should be some 25 - 30 ex in there.
Anyhow, any Ideas on what to go for next on my Pathfinder?
I'm thinking about several things:

1) Try out different Glorious Vanitys, until I find one with a usable +1% max Chaos resistance node (and maybe some other useful nodes). This should help a lot with dmg reduction.

2) Chest with "physical damage taken as chaos damage" and some better rolls in general (could get extremely expensive).

3) Impresence and despair Aura -> I would need to drastically change my other gear to fit resistances. Also I already have Despair on hit on my gloves. I had Fenumus weave before, but sold them. I'd rather have Malevolence then Skitterbots, which also allows for higher precision levels. Is there any way to fit Malevolence / Fenumus / Precision / Despair (aura) and Herald of Agony?

4) I still have open prefixes on my Amulet and my Belt ... anything good to do there? Edit: suffix on my belt ... maybe buy an Orb.

5) Dex Base Scourge Arrow helmet, should give a bit more Evasion and would reduce Str requirements a lot.

Any ideas would be welcome!
Последняя редакция: Schmocke#2525. Время: 13 янв. 2020 г., 8:44:26
Guys, what is better for general mapping and bossing:

with Despair on hit

combo with Despair + Blasphemy? Can't figure it out by myself
ponama написал:
Guys, what is better for general mapping and bossing:

with Despair on hit

combo with Despair + Blasphemy? Can't figure it out by myself

If you're able to stay in close range, the Spider's Web and Maddening Presence debuffs can be very strong defensively (enemies get 40% reduced movement speed, 10% less damage, up to 15% increased damage taken).
Ive followed a lot of builds and i've never followed one that performed so poorly once I got to maps.
GrappIer написал:
Ive followed a lot of builds and i've never followed one that performed so poorly once I got to maps.

I checked your profile to see if I can help and noticed that out of your 11 characters only 2 made it to Level 90...

That makes me assume that Leveling/Gearing characters seems to be a general problem for you, regardless of the build.

Can you describe where your problems are with Scourge Arrow?
Its a super strong skill, but you kinda need to have a basic idea what you are doing.

Your character looks like you have abandoned him, but if you need help I am here!


Последняя редакция: markuskanada#3454. Время: 13 янв. 2020 г., 10:33:21
Thank you for making this build and guide! I love it so far, it's way more fun for me than necro. I still don't know how I'll do in high tier maps, I can't seem to get any maps over T5... (I'm noob). But anyways I just got a Darkscorn with the first 2 exalts I found, and about to transition to Divine Flesh build.

I can't afford the optimal Circle of Nostalgia (or gold oil for the double chaos res annointment) so i wanted to ask: What is more important for my circle of nostalgia ring (I'm going to combine 1 with the chaos res during agony), +% chaos damage, or +% increased buff effect of herald of agony?
Последняя редакция: Heysatan#6899. Время: 13 янв. 2020 г., 11:08:11
So I have pretty good gear now I think, conqs melt and also killed Sirus 8. Here's what it looks like:

I have around 20ex to improve from this. Already working on getting better jewels, what else can I do ?
Schmocke написал:
I have played my SA Pathfinder since league start, but I was getting annoyed dying a lot, despite quite good gear. So I leveled a pure Phys Necro last week and I die a lot less on that char. However, I'm thinking about continuing to build up my Pathfinder, since she's a lot fast in maps / delve and still decent for bossing. I might consider selling my Necro gear, so there should be some 25 - 30 ex in there.
Anyhow, any Ideas on what to go for next on my Pathfinder?
I'm thinking about several things:

1) Try out different Glorious Vanitys, until I find one with a usable +1% max Chaos resistance node (and maybe some other useful nodes). This should help a lot with dmg reduction.

Experimenting with different Glorious Vanity's can give you a lot, and in my experience it's quite cheap, you only to pay a few chaoses (if any) per attempt (buy for X, try, sell for X-3c), and there can be some particularly nice combos if you move your vanity jewel up to the pain attunement cluster (reachable notable passives).

For an example, see my current variant:
Скрытый текст

Schmocke написал:

2) Chest with "physical damage taken as chaos damage" and some better rolls in general (could get extremely expensive).

This is a good one, but you may also (while Hunter's exalt slamming) roll a +1 curse instead, which could be used to add temporal chains on hit (on venumus gloves) in addition to despair. You have a very similar chest to my own, and I'm yet to decide whether I should slam it with a hunter's exalt or not (or try to craft an even better one with an open prefix before trying this).

Schmocke написал:

3) Impresence and despair Aura -> I would need to drastically change my other gear to fit resistances. Also I already have Despair on hit on my gloves. I had Fenumus weave before, but sold them. I'd rather have Malevolence then Skitterbots, which also allows for higher precision levels. Is there any way to fit Malevolence / Fenumus / Precision / Despair (aura) and Herald of Agony?

This is the improvement among the ones you list that I would start with! I did a similar migration last week and it gave me a huge boost in damage and QoL when mapping.

I'm running Malevolence / Fenumus / Precision / Despair (aura) and Herald of Agony but with a level Precision. I'm thinking about fiddling around with Aul's Uprising to see if I can use the same setting but with higher leveled precision.

Schmocke написал:

4) I still have open prefixes on my Amulet and my Belt ... anything good to do there? Edit: suffix on my belt ... maybe buy an Orb.

Someone else can probably give better advice here, but increased flask effect on belt is OK.

Schmocke написал:

5) Dex Base Scourge Arrow helmet, should give a bit more Evasion and would reduce Str requirements a lot.

Any ideas would be welcome!

I would try to upgrade some of your jewels: more damage and more resists, which in turn could allow you to replace your non-nostalgia ring with a damage one (e.g. another nostalgia).

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