[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play
Papr1kaa написал:
So I have pretty good gear now I think, conqs melt and also killed Sirus 8. Here's what it looks like:
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I have around 20ex to improve from this. Already working on getting better jewels, what else can I do ?
Imagine Impresence with an Allocates Dirty Techniques annointment and a You can apply an additional Curse corruption, combined with temporal chains on hit on your fenumus gloves \o/
So I have pretty good gear now I think, conqs melt and also killed Sirus 8. Here's what it looks like:
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I have around 20ex to improve from this. Already working on getting better jewels, what else can I do ?
Imagine Impresence with an Allocates Dirty Techniques annointment and a You can apply an additional Curse corruption, combined with temporal chains on hit on your fenumus gloves \o/
That sounds juicy, I'll try to get it! (Edit: didn't realise you can't annoint corrupted items, I don't feel so good anymore haha)
Also btw, while experimenting with glorious vanity's I got this:
Is this as op as I think ? Would allow to replace the 4 link totem setup and get something else, only problem is it's only 25% chance to wither so that maybe too low for it to work
Последняя редакция: Papr1kaa#1360. Время: 13 янв. 2020 г., 12:34:51
Imagine Impresence with an Allocates Dirty Techniques annointment and a You can apply an additional Curse corruption, combined with temporal chains on hit on your fenumus gloves \o/
That sounds juicy, I'll try to get it! (Edit: didn't realise you can't annoint corrupted items, I don't feel so good anymore haha)
Hehe yeah you'd have to annoint it first, then corrupt it (and hope the annointment stays - tbh I don't know if corruptions can remove annointments for the rolls where the do not brick the item).
Papr1kaa написал:
Also btw, while experimenting with glorious vanity's I got this:
Is this as op as I think ? Would allow to replace the 4 link totem setup and get something else, only problem is it's only 25% chance to wither so that maybe too low for it to work
The damage is nice, but I don't know about the wither tbh. Wither totems are really nice for quickly adding max stacks (15). You hit a lot of times when SA, though, so maybe it is quite OP if this stacks up quickly :)
Why would path of builds have my damage higher with drillneck
instead of this poison quiver? I thought this type of yellow quiver was a late game go-to over drillneck
Still learning a lot of PoE mechanics so would appreciate if anyone had an idea on this :) Is Drillneck truly a better quiver or is there some bug I'm not understanding. If so what is it that boosts the DPS so much higher than the one that fits the build?
Why would path of builds have my damage higher with drillneck
instead of this poison quiver? I thought this type of yellow quiver was a late game go-to over drillneck
Still learning a lot of PoE mechanics so would appreciate if anyone had an idea on this :) Is Drillneck truly a better quiver or is there some bug I'm not understanding. If so what is it that boosts the DPS so much higher than the one that fits the build?
Yes, drillneck is indeed way better because of the huge amount of flat phys + inc damage and attack speed it has. Drillneck is pretty hard to beat in pure dps without either perfect rolls or hunter quiver. We go for frenzy quiver because having frenzies on single target is superior to drillneck, bt without the frenzy mod or chaos multi mod on hunter quiver i would just stick with drillneck.
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i am new with playing this build. I searched a bow build who isnt a glas canon for a long time but nothing makes really fun. Then i found this Scourge Arrow Build. Really funto play. Ty for this :)
So i am fresh finish to equip my char and play only maybe 5 maps to test if i like this build or not. I tryed some T16 Maps and wonder that i can still alive on bossfights :) Run arrond and fire some green tomatos into the boss :-D nice
So can anyone look over my Equipment AND the Passive Tree please? Maybe a get any wrong and i dont see it...
A question to boss fights i have. i channel scourge arrow to 5 stacks or attack fast like a mashin gun vs bosses? So i drop my Wither Totems.. put on Blood Rage and attack?
btw.. here is my current gear i am using. Resistence all capped:
ty for help i say :)
Always max out your channeling when fighting bosses. Do the machine gun to keep the damage going if the boss is in some spammy bullethell phase but whenever you can max out the channel without putting yourself in danger. If you are looking to improve something with your gear then I would say get a new quiver.
hmm... whats wrong with my quiver? :-)
Anything else what i can do better in the future?
Enjoying the build a lot! Doing T16s with no problem, maybe with the exception of some rippy metamorphs, but that can be solved with kiting :). I think I'll be sticking with these equips to 100 aside from divining some things.