[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

artradis написал:
Tchilam33 написал:
Hi, I'm currently doing the build and it's great, but I wonder where we can get the divine flesh from now that the previous node has turned into a cluster jewel node ?

tldr : Where do I put the jewel to get Divine flesh now ?

Thanks ! :)

The Point Blank area was never the best option for Divine Flesh anyway. Conquering Pain Attunement is a better option as:
- You have a notable (Arcane Vision) reachable by a single passive (as well as several reachable by 3 passives) and there are many strong conquered notables (e.g. Revitalising Darkness) depending on the explicit of your Glorious Vanity, and
- On your path there you pick one (non-conquered) intelligence node instead of a dexterity node, which helps mitigate this build's dire need of intelligence.

You can have a look at the tree of my Delirium character for an example of this approach.

Oh thanks a lot ! That'll be my next milestone now then !
Gl & hf
Recently 6L'd a Farrul's Fur;
Is it decent on here?
How does Scourge Arrow damage work? Do we just charge to 5 and shoot, then run around? Or do we have to ramp our damage? Is mirage archer not worth?
In this league, playable with a bow darkscorn?
warxtreme написал:
Recently 6L'd a Farrul's Fur;
Is it decent on here?

Yeah its pretty solid.

ericchongws написал:
How does Scourge Arrow damage work? Do we just charge to 5 and shoot, then run around? Or do we have to ramp our damage? Is mirage archer not worth?

You constantly charge to 5 and release. Mirage Archer is worth it if you want more uptime and more running around.

perftheslayer написал:
In this league, playable with a bow darkscorn?

Yes Darkscorn is very good
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I'm playing this Build on Console, so far is a lot of Fun!
I want to play the Lone Messenger Version of this Build, as the Darkscorn Bow is not available or really really expensive on console.

I have the Fenumus Weave and the Lone Messenger, but struggle a bit with the skill points, which cluster to take so i can insert lone messenger.

Also, when is a good breakpoint to change the setup over to the gem? should i wait to a certain level or can i go for it asap?

flmrauru написал:

I'm playing this Build on Console, so far is a lot of Fun!
I want to play the Lone Messenger Version of this Build, as the Darkscorn Bow is not available or really really expensive on console.

I have the Fenumus Weave and the Lone Messenger, but struggle a bit with the skill points, which cluster to take so i can insert lone messenger.

Also, when is a good breakpoint to change the setup over to the gem? should i wait to a certain level or can i go for it asap?

You can take the one near Point Blank, its only 5 points if you use jsut Lone Messenger.

And you can go for it asap.
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You can't socket small gems directly into the tree as it seems. Have tried that already.

Edit: I've gone trough the wiki, and official posts. It should be possible to socket them. It won't work on Ps4 for some weird reason tho.
Последняя редакция: flmrauru#9697. Время: 26 марта 2020 г., 7:50:05
flmrauru написал:
You can't socket small gems directly into the tree as it seems. Have tried that already.

You definitely can. But you need to socket them to outer jewels (e.g the 3 point ones). So the 3 point proj daage one near phase acro.
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That's the exact spot I'm trying to insert it. It let's me put the jewel in, I can skill lone messenger too. But there's still the cross as if I had a skill point left over. As soon as I change maps the inserted skill point will be refunded. Maybe it's buggy for console. Guess ill shoot a mail to the support.

But thx tho!
Последняя редакция: flmrauru#9697. Время: 26 марта 2020 г., 7:54:45

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