[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

If I'm using a circle of nostalgia with reduced herald of agony reservation, is there a good aura to add to increase damage?
Sabbea написал:
If I'm using a circle of nostalgia with reduced herald of agony reservation, is there a good aura to add to increase damage?

Fenumus Weave with Aspect of Spider (see the endgame optimization). Alternatively Flesh & Stone is nice for extra defense.
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thedeathbeam написал:
Sabbea написал:
If I'm using a circle of nostalgia with reduced herald of agony reservation, is there a good aura to add to increase damage?

Fenumus Weave with Aspect of Spider (see the endgame optimization). Alternatively Flesh & Stone is nice for extra defense.

Fenumus looks tasty, but I just picked up an embalmer with despair on hit. I hate self casting and doubt I'll ever find a Fenumus with despair on hit.

Planning to drop the wither totem set up and add Kaom's (I have a 6l darkscorn). I'm already feeling very tanky with 6k life, low tolerance, divine flesh, and 89% chaos res.

Fenumus does look like a good replacement for running wither, but not sure what to do about despair then (guess I could just self cast again).
Where's your life leech coming from?
On the POB it's telling me you have 583.7.

I'm doing fine clearing mobs but I can't sustain long enough to take down bosses unfortunately.
warxtreme написал:
Where's your life leech coming from?
On the POB it's telling me you have 583.7.

I'm doing fine clearing mobs but I can't sustain long enough to take down bosses unfortunately.

Mostly just blood rage/blood drinker. For sustain issues, you can get body with mod every 5 seconds regenerate 15% of life, soul raker annoint, blood of the karui, some lgoh etc etc, plenty of options.
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Hello, what quiver base is best for crafting on?

I just unveiled this bow - seems like it might work out pretty well for a build like this!

Just got lucky with a high templar!
Последняя редакция: warxtreme#0751. Время: 27 марта 2020 г., 12:46:29
Isent the ultimate tree is to have lone messenger + ironreflex for vaal moltenshell? also how you feel about
Low Tolerance
+8% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Poison
Poisons you inflict on non-Poisoned Enemies deal 300% increased Damage

we can also stack this if we want.

Also anyone of you guys cleard Simulacrum with this build?

Meh after looking over the build i think its not realy necessary to include a hog into that buidl if you can get 10m+ dmg with scourge arrow alone.
But aiam still curiouse about the cluster jewel Low Tolerance
Последняя редакция: mysticzero1#6445. Время: 27 марта 2020 г., 15:58:36
Последняя редакция: ExpGears#5847. Время: 27 марта 2020 г., 17:07:15

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