[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Yeah Stone Golem will most likely give you close to all regen you need BUT it dies too easily, if you think Plague Bearer is hard to manage, believe me Stone Golem is harder :P
Z0ld3n написал:
Yeah Stone Golem will most likely give you close to all regen you need BUT it dies too easily, if you think Plague Bearer is hard to manage, believe me Stone Golem is harder :P

L20 CWDT with L20 stone golem seems to work ok, it's up most of the time. Can link it to some minion gems too if I decide to remove plague bearer.
At the beginning of the guide, you note that Nature's Reprisal solves the issue of SCOURGE ARROW dps, by poisoning nearby enemies ..... But reading the skill it only does that during flask (potion) effects... Who goes around popping flasks all day for that added affect/dps???? You are aware of this? I'm currently using this build.
ChronoKross написал:
At the beginning of the guide, you note that Nature's Reprisal solves the issue of SCOURGE ARROW dps, by poisoning nearby enemies ..... But reading the skill it only does that during flask (potion) effects... Who goes around popping flasks all day for that added affect/dps???? You are aware of this? I'm currently using this build.

Basically everyone playing the game. Flasks are huge DPS boost for any build, and for Pathfinder they are even stronger.
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So when this guide was written that was taken into consideration? Leveling I hardly use flasks, and I haven't played end game yet, so I'm just curious. I was excited to get nature's Reprisal, until I realised it only worked during flask effect =( and he States it as a big deal. Doesn't seem big deal to but idk
ChronoKross написал:
So when this guide was written that was taken into consideration? Leveling I hardly use flasks, and I haven't played end game yet, so I'm just curious. I was excited to get nature's Reprisal, until I realised it only worked during flask effect =( and he States it as a big deal. Doesn't seem big deal to but idk

Yea. And when leveling you should basically always have at least quicksilver up. You can also get enduring mana flask that lasts for quite a while (and fixes mana issues at same time). But you should get used to using flasks in PoE as they are usually at least half of damage and huge chunk of survivability for most builds, they are super powerful.
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ChronoKross написал:
So when this guide was written that was taken into consideration? Leveling I hardly use flasks, and I haven't played end game yet, so I'm just curious.
Yeah, if you take any pathfinder build it will 100% use flasks because that's what the spec is about, buffing flasks (at least half of it). Playing pathfinder and not willing to use flasks is like playing elementalist and not using golems or playing berserker and not using warcry... wasting big potential.

While levelling it doesn't matter much but if you're new player I'd recommend finding a guide on flasks and ensuring your loot filter shows them, you will get some from quests too, but I've seen too many people go to maps / end game and then wonder "I'm kinda dying a lot, what gives" and they have low level life / mana flasks and no other kinds, they didn't roll proper affixes or quality on flasks etc.

Basically every build assumes you will use flasks with certain affixes like remove bleed / curses and most will use movespeed flask, some defensive ones (dodge, evasion or armor) and some offensive ones (a lot of unique ones go here).
Yikes... Wouldn't be so bad if flask effects lasted longer, but having to remember to pop one like every 4 secs? That's kind of upsetting. That alone kind of makes me regret picking the class, not going to lie.
I'm looking at guides, and a lot say Pathfinders don't rely on flasks as much as other builds?
Ignore that last statement.

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