[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Thats a thing :O? so just use the cluster skill tree with the divine flesh gear and annoint?
I'm level 70 with 2.3k life with this build.... Lol
My brother wants to try this build and asked me to take a look. I'm curious about Embalmer gloves. The pseudo-5L doesnt do anything for wither totems, right? or am I missing something?
It's my first playthrough, and I started maps today. My 2nd map I got an Exalt drop ... I'm a noob, and I keep getting 1 shotted in white tier1 maps .. I need gear suggestions, and I'll make sure my profiles public. Thanks!! Sense i'm using darkscor im guessing I need chaos resist?
Последняя редакция: ChronoKross#7716. Время: 2 мая 2020 г., 7:01:27
ChronoKross написал:
I'm level 70 with 2.3k life with this build.... Lol
I think we need to start stating the obvious in the guides which is:

buy rares with life (assuming it's a life based build which this one is)

Your chest has 31 life, it should have 100+, it's only a 4-link anyway with 1 resist, there's no redeeming quality of it, even on SSF it would be bad. You can even use cheapo uniques like Atziri's Splendour or Cherrubim's Maleficence for now (don't use dendrobate = 0 life).

Helm, neck, rings, belt, all of those should have high life rolls on them not just crafted life (it's lower than what you can have innately on item).


Use this, click on filters on the right side, change "body" to any other slot you have rare, change amount of life (for example rings can't roll 100 but can roll 60+), you can tweak any other stats you want (like specific resist or other stat you need like intellect / strength), if you're not SSF / console these items are dirt cheap atm.

Remember you can use cheap anoints on the neck to cap resists / stat requirements early on until you can afford better anoints.

Also buy a drillneck, it's super cheap and better than hyrris.

Use your 4 jewel sockets to get life and other useful stats, the ones you have look like you just picked them from levelling. If you play trade league there's so much good stuff you can often buy for 1-5 chaos (can be easily farmed in low maps, blood aqueduct, quarry etc.)

Also! Buy jeweller's touch prophecy to get easy 5-link.

You can also check for 6-link chests for around 15c but they might have crap stats or be pre corrupted (can't easily reroll colours of gems), so if you're starved on currency 5-link on semi-decent chest might be better.

And yes, if you use Darkscorn your chaos resist should be at least above 0, you can add chaos resist to the filters to buy items with some.

You can use 1 cheap circle of nostalgia to patch chaos resist if you manage to cap elemental resists with other slots, keep in mind you will not get good mods on that nostalgia and will have to buy better one later on, but the cheap ones give big chunk of chaos resist from what I've seen.

Anyway, buy rares with life. This should double your life pool if you shop smart.
Последняя редакция: Viktranka#3883. Время: 2 мая 2020 г., 14:16:22
jbmcarth написал:
My brother wants to try this build and asked me to take a look. I'm curious about Embalmer gloves. The pseudo-5L doesnt do anything for wither totems, right? or am I missing something?

Correct. Embalmers simply have good stats for this build. And the reason why wither totems are in embalmers is because embalmer is dex/int base, what means easier off-coloring (as rest of the gear is all dex based).
My builds:
My site:
Viktranka написал:
ChronoKross написал:
I'm level 70 with 2.3k life with this build.... Lol
I think we need to start stating the obvious in the guides which is:

buy rares with life (assuming it's a life based build which this one is)

Your chest has 31 life, it should have 100+, it's only a 4-link anyway with 1 resist, there's no redeeming quality of it, even on SSF it would be bad. You can even use cheapo uniques like Atziri's Splendour or Cherrubim's Maleficence for now (don't use dendrobate = 0 life).

Helm, neck, rings, belt, all of those should have high life rolls on them not just crafted life (it's lower than what you can have innately on item).


Use this, click on filters on the right side, change "body" to any other slot you have rare, change amount of life (for example rings can't roll 100 but can roll 60+), you can tweak any other stats you want (like specific resist or other stat you need like intellect / strength), if you're not SSF / console these items are dirt cheap atm.

Remember you can use cheap anoints on the neck to cap resists / stat requirements early on until you can afford better anoints.

Also buy a drillneck, it's super cheap and better than hyrris.

Use your 4 jewel sockets to get life and other useful stats, the ones you have look like you just picked them from levelling. If you play trade league there's so much good stuff you can often buy for 1-5 chaos (can be easily farmed in low maps, blood aqueduct, quarry etc.)

Also! Buy jeweller's touch prophecy to get easy 5-link.

You can also check for 6-link chests for around 15c but they might have crap stats or be pre corrupted (can't easily reroll colours of gems), so if you're starved on currency 5-link on semi-decent chest might be better.

And yes, if you use Darkscorn your chaos resist should be at least above 0, you can add chaos resist to the filters to buy items with some.

You can use 1 cheap circle of nostalgia to patch chaos resist if you manage to cap elemental resists with other slots, keep in mind you will not get good mods on that nostalgia and will have to buy better one later on, but the cheap ones give big chunk of chaos resist from what I've seen.

Anyway, buy rares with life. This should double your life pool if you shop smart.

I've tried using Poe/trade to search for rares with specific substats like 100+ life, high resist rolls, 5/6 link, but always get no results, so I'm assuming I'm using it wrong... I guess I need to watch some vids. on how to use it. I've been limited to uniques. Appreciate you taking some time to help
ChronoKross написал:
I've tried using Poe/trade to search for rares with specific substats like 100+ life, high resist rolls, 5/6 link, but always get no results, so I'm assuming I'm using it wrong... I guess I need to watch some vids. on how to use it. I've been limited to uniques. Appreciate you taking some time to help
Don't bother with poe.trade, just use the default website, poe.trade has a tendency to show long sold items and generally be annoying.

I think this is the best guide I've ever watched about how to buy items for a fresh char cheaply: https://youtu.be/ZET4C5HAz3s
Последняя редакция: Viktranka#3883. Время: 2 мая 2020 г., 17:29:40
Viktranka написал:
ChronoKross написал:
I've tried using Poe/trade to search for rares with specific substats like 100+ life, high resist rolls, 5/6 link, but always get no results, so I'm assuming I'm using it wrong... I guess I need to watch some vids. on how to use it. I've been limited to uniques. Appreciate you taking some time to help
Don't bother with poe.trade, just use the default website, poe.trade has a tendency to show long sold items and generally be annoying.

I think this is the best guide I've ever watched about how to buy items for a fresh char cheaply: https://youtu.be/ZET4C5HAz3s

This is unrelated- but sense you been helpful

I currently have 3 normal, and 2 premium stash tabs, and 100 coins, should I grab a currency tab and an extra premium tab ya think?
ChronoKross написал:
I currently have 3 normal, and 2 premium stash tabs, and 100 coins, should I grab a currency tab and an extra premium tab ya think?
Well it's every person's personal opinion and their money too, so I can't tell you "what's best to buy", but in my personal experience currency tab and map tab are the most useful.

Especially since altas rework when maps of the same name can roll different level and whatnot, I can't imagine playing end game without map tab because it's awful to find anything. Map tab also highlights stuff like which map is in the region you have conqueror atm (each conqueror has their own border) or underlines maps you already completed so you can see which maps you should do if you want to unlock zana mods.

I only use 1 premium tab to sell stuff, I don't use "dump tabs" or quads because I'm more casual in my play and don't spam 100s of maps per day to need this.

Use good loot filter and vendor obsolete items, I'm on the packrat side and still 4 f2p tabs are enough to stash anything that doesn't go to specialized tabs or to sale tab.

Also when sale tab is full I either lower the prices or throw away items that didn't sell, high value items usually sell on spot (well "high value" for me, I found exactly 3 items worth above 1ex this league and I'm lvl 93 so...) Items people put buy orders for (fossils, scarabs) I just whisper them from the bulk trade option (it goes like "I wanna buy your 10 chaos for my 5 fossils" and they usually buy, some are afk if they put low price).

Fragment tab & divination is also nice to have because otherwise you have to aggressively spend / throw away the stuff you won't use.

Essence / delve / unique I don't think is super prio. Uniques I either put for sale, or if worthless, vendor. Essences / fossils stack to an extent so shouldn't take a lot of space.

Tbh if you like the game and want to invest in it / sponsor GGG it's a good idea to buy supporter pack, you basically get 55$ of shop points for 60$ so you only pay 5$ for the armor set (I only use wings from mine and it's still cheaper than paying for wings from shop).

If you didn't buy "first blood" pack you can consider that too, you pay 20$, you get 20$ back in shop points and a free stash tab too if I remember correctly.

Anyway this is my personal opinion, not some "financial advice", so take it with a grain of salt.

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