[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Viktranka написал:
ChronoKross написал:
I'm level 70 with 2.3k life with this build.... Lol
I think we need to start stating the obvious in the guides which is:

buy rares with life (assuming it's a life based build which this one is)

Your chest has 31 life, it should have 100+, it's only a 4-link anyway with 1 resist, there's no redeeming quality of it, even on SSF it would be bad. You can even use cheapo uniques like Atziri's Splendour or Cherrubim's Maleficence for now (don't use dendrobate = 0 life).

Helm, neck, rings, belt, all of those should have high life rolls on them not just crafted life (it's lower than what you can have innately on item).


Use this, click on filters on the right side, change "body" to any other slot you have rare, change amount of life (for example rings can't roll 100 but can roll 60+), you can tweak any other stats you want (like specific resist or other stat you need like intellect / strength), if you're not SSF / console these items are dirt cheap atm.

Remember you can use cheap anoints on the neck to cap resists / stat requirements early on until you can afford better anoints.

Also buy a drillneck, it's super cheap and better than hyrris.

Use your 4 jewel sockets to get life and other useful stats, the ones you have look like you just picked them from levelling. If you play trade league there's so much good stuff you can often buy for 1-5 chaos (can be easily farmed in low maps, blood aqueduct, quarry etc.)

Also! Buy jeweller's touch prophecy to get easy 5-link.

You can also check for 6-link chests for around 15c but they might have crap stats or be pre corrupted (can't easily reroll colours of gems), so if you're starved on currency 5-link on semi-decent chest might be better.

And yes, if you use Darkscorn your chaos resist should be at least above 0, you can add chaos resist to the filters to buy items with some.

You can use 1 cheap circle of nostalgia to patch chaos resist if you manage to cap elemental resists with other slots, keep in mind you will not get good mods on that nostalgia and will have to buy better one later on, but the cheap ones give big chunk of chaos resist from what I've seen.

Anyway, buy rares with life. This should double your life pool if you shop smart.

The link you provided for shop filtering has helped tremendously; Although things are more expensive this league than that in the videos (lol). I'm slowly gearing, deff will need practice, but thanks. You've been more than helpful. I've just started playing so I don't want to invest too much money yet. Time will tell

I'm up to 4.1k health 100shield
Последняя редакция: ChronoKross#7716. Время: 2 мая 2020 г., 23:06:48
How do I access these special trees in POB the Divine flesh 1?
i am using this character to delve specifically and clearing is smoother than i thought it would be but my only issue is single target. this is the first time ive used a skill like this and dont know if i am using it wrong but its ruining my experience for this build.. if i can get any pointers on how to increase my single target (maybe switch mirage out for vile toxins), other than that the build is lovely.
Been really enjoying this build guide all league. Currently I am climbing the leveling hill past 93 and just barely failed to defeat Sirus on my first go (item kit IP). Couple of questions...

I noticed that Vaal Grace is listed on the PoB now. Are you just using the active skill or are you finding reserved mana to run the aura somehow as well? I don't have enough left with precision, herald, and skitter bots active. (Side note on skills: took me a long time to notice that plague bearer was gone from the build and that it was actually kinda hurting me to use it at later levels)

What's your take on getting to max channel vs rapid firing with only one pod (with the +1 pods helm enchant)? Do you always channel to max pods with 5 stacks? I sometimes find myself shooting as fast as possible at single targets and it seems to be good. Does Blood Rage factor into this? I almost never activate it and have a hard time tracking when it has fallen off.

bran_donk написал:
Been really enjoying this build guide all league. Currently I am climbing the leveling hill past 93 and just barely failed to defeat Sirus on my first go (item kit IP). Couple of questions...

I noticed that Vaal Grace is listed on the PoB now. Are you just using the active skill or are you finding reserved mana to run the aura somehow as well? I don't have enough left with precision, herald, and skitter bots active. (Side note on skills: took me a long time to notice that plague bearer was gone from the build and that it was actually kinda hurting me to use it at later levels)

What's your take on getting to max channel vs rapid firing with only one pod (with the +1 pods helm enchant)? Do you always channel to max pods with 5 stacks? I sometimes find myself shooting as fast as possible at single targets and it seems to be good. Does Blood Rage factor into this? I almost never activate it and have a hard time tracking when it has fallen off.


Vaal grace is used for bossfight , or when u are in a tight spot pop it , saves life along with withering step.

for mana problem use enlighten lvl 4, i run aspect of spider,malevolence,herald, lvl 1 precision.

blood rage increase attack speed if you are mapping its nice to use it along side if u have frenzy charge gloves and frenzy quiver, grab the frenzy +1 in skill tree near herbalism , really makes you charge up to 5 stacks darn fast, especially if u have extra pod its worth it. Its not worth it when the map is small or tight space like prison-ish map that is bad for us. maps like promanade works wonders or tropical forest
tommyb0i1 написал:
i am using this character to delve specifically and clearing is smoother than i thought it would be but my only issue is single target. this is the first time ive used a skill like this and dont know if i am using it wrong but its ruining my experience for this build.. if i can get any pointers on how to increase my single target (maybe switch mirage out for vile toxins), other than that the build is lovely.

hmm , for single target yes switch the vile toxin, heck even when mapping im not using mirage, you could really upgrade alot of things still. example on gear your belt , rings another circle of nostalgia, helmet get -9 chaos resist with that enchant, quiver that gives increased poison damage along side with others.

gears aside , your skill points could save a little here and there, example the route to your divine flesh go along thick skin side, remove the 2 4% life node there (always go for at least 5% or 4% life with something useful). get jewel node near the herbalism , you could equip another jewel that gives chaos damage heck even resist if you want.
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Последняя редакция: thedeathbeam#7125. Время: 4 мая 2020 г., 9:33:54
I'm having a hard time figuring out of skill effect duration is a stat we want on cluster jewel notables or not. Does it increase poison duration? Also it seems bad because it increases the time before pods explodes, lowering our clear speed?

I'm also looking for a good glorious vanity near pain attunement with resists / wither on hit / chaos damage / max chaos res. Does anyone has a seed to share?
Последняя редакция: Pyromancer4#0620. Время: 4 мая 2020 г., 12:51:59
Pyromancer4 написал:
I'm having a hard time figuring out of skill effect duration is a stat we want on cluster jewel notables or not.
Pretty sure you want ailment duration like "20% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies" from Circling Oblivion, but it comes with skill effect duration too. If you also have Wasting Affliction (Damaging Ailments deal damage 10% faster) it should compliment each other well.
Pyromancer4 написал:
I'm having a hard time figuring out of skill effect duration is a stat we want on cluster jewel notables or not. Does it increase poison duration? Also it seems bad because it increases the time before pods explodes, lowering our clear speed?

I'm also looking for a good glorious vanity near pain attunement with resists / wither on hit / chaos damage / max chaos res. Does anyone has a seed to share?

I have a glorious vanity (5074) socketed near pain attunement that gives cult of chaos (+1% to Maximum Chaos Resistance, +19% to Chaos Resistance) and 10% cold res. Is there a way to replicate that without spending a million divines?

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