jlh165 написал:
It appears PoB won't calculate minion increased critical strike multiplier. I presume this is in error, especially since it will calculate for ICD. Kingmaker grants a considerable amount of damage. We're looking at nearly 16% more damage with 180% crits vs 130% crits.

What are your thoughts on Pulverise instead of Melee Phys? I'm looking at 9.6% less dps on Slam, but I get 34% increased AoE and Slam goes from ~66% uptime to ~79% uptime. I suppose in reality Slam and Default attack are pretty close in damage for single target, so it's probably not worth it unless you want the AoE. I suppose it would be worth considering for mapping.

Any thoughts on replacing Infused a Channeling with Poison Support and then socketing The Golden Rule? It wouldn't be too effective against bosses, but you would still get several poisons off on packs, and it would do very little damage. I'm thinking not, but I'm not sure.

PoB misses a ton of things sadly, so yeah i usually make up for some of the things it fails to calculate by just checking the 30% shock in PoB.

I've tried out pulverize and didn't really like it. I prefered fearsome force over it, even though we do get more slam uptime with less dps and higher AoE. Maybe both is the way to go? Not sure. I just think that the slams we do kills everything already ^^

Hmm, another socket and skillgem swap.. I guess we could do it, however 8% flat reduction is pretty nice if you ask me. Have you tried it?
Thx Qlida for this strong build – have been enjoying it so far!
At the moment I am level 97 and have been using the ES variant to push survivability. To get the maximum out of the hybrid style I grabbed the life/ES nodes on the right side along some nodes in the center to get two more brawn jevels to push above 1500 str. The problem is that I would really like to get the jewel to the left with lethal pride, but cannot seem to find any build-suggestions for hybrid incorporating the lethal pride. Any ideas?

dokidokidango написал:
Here is my PoB, unsure if I configured it correctly:
As far as Carrion Golem is concerned, it's correct. The golem gives you 4.2% more dps. This drops down to 3.2% once you get L30 zombies.

Qlidascope написал:
I've tried out pulverize and didn't really like it. I prefered fearsome force over it, even though we do get more slam uptime with less dps and higher AoE. Maybe both is the way to go? Not sure. I just think that the slams we do kills everything already ^^

Hmm, another socket and skillgem swap.. I guess we could do it, however 8% flat reduction is pretty nice if you ask me. Have you tried it?
I haven't tried it, but the idea would be to use both. Total dps serves no purpose for mapping, and quite honestly is high enough for most bossing to not matter. Blight bosses and presumably deep delve bosses are the only time I think more dps would be noticeable to me.

As far as I can tell I have 16 zombies doing 913,000 - 1,660,000 dps each depending on Pride exposure. It would go up more if I picked up Skitterbots, but I'd rather have the ES from Discipline. I'm also using Mask of the Tribunal of AG instead of more dps. I'm still using Astramentis, have no lab enchants, and don't have your sexy 8L weapon.

My Stats
- 6538 life
- 8375 ES (regen from SO 2574)
- 90% phys res (with flasks)
- 77% fire res
- 76% cold/lightning res
- -32% chas res :(

The only time I am close to death is if I get careless in delve darkness, miss chaos degen on me, or lag out on Uber Elder. I can't remember the last time I used VMS and felt it saved my life. I might drop it completely eventually.

Oh, I also find Flame Dash vastly preferable to Leap Slam if Faster Attacks isn't socketed. If I drop VMS I'll probably try it out with FC first.

Edit: Selecting Enemy is shocked will calculate a full 50% shock value.
Последняя редакция: Aldonés#1294. Время: 3 нояб. 2019 г., 14:14:48
That's some crazy good stats, jlh165! How do you get to 8375 ES? I've managed 5,5 Es with Geofri (8 with spirit off. on).

jlh165 написал:
It appears PoB won't calculate minion increased critical strike multiplier. I presume this is in error, especially since it will calculate for ICD. Kingmaker grants a considerable amount of damage. We're looking at nearly 16% more damage with 180% crits vs 130% crits.

do you think it is worth to run the host chieftain to generate power charges with the additional crit multi from kingmaker?
Giammafix написал:
jlh165 написал:
It appears PoB won't calculate minion increased critical strike multiplier. I presume this is in error, especially since it will calculate for ICD. Kingmaker grants a considerable amount of damage. We're looking at nearly 16% more damage with 180% crits vs 130% crits.

do you think it is worth to run the host chieftain to generate power charges with the additional crit multi from kingmaker?
Host Chieftan is worth it even without Kingmaker. Minions have 5% crit chance, with 3 power charges that jumps to 35% crit chance.

Crit chance 0 power charges = 5%
Crit chance 3 power charges = 35%
Crit damage no Kingmaker = 130%
Crit damage yes Kingmaker = 180%

5% crit, 130% damage
.95 + .05 * 1.3 = 1.015 (101.5% base damage)

35% crit, 130% damage
.65 + .35 * 1.3 = 1.105 (110.5% base damage)
~8.9% more damage with 3 power charges vs 0

35% crit, 180% damage
.65 + .35 * 1.8 = 1.28 (128% base damage)
~15.8% more damage with Kingmaker vs not (both with 3 power charges)
~21.1% more damage with Kingmaker and 3 power charges vs not

In any case you can see that Host Chieftain grants about 8.9% more damage when all 3 power charges are in effect.
Soo i tested the golden rule today with poison, it did give alot of chaos resist at times, however the pack density had to be SUUUPER high to give anything else than 10-20 Chaos resist, so i wouldn't go for it.

I also tested out pulverize, the AoE from the zombies become bunkers, and could be useful for mapping, especially on the hybrid build, as the zombies are a tad slower.

But here goes, i think this is the discovery of the day:

I swapped triad grip for Shapers touch with 6% life (yes i bow down into the dust, for 50c they're far superior), picked up impale support instead of withering touch, pick up dread banner instead of blood magic and dropped abit of life to pick up champion of the cause.

My math behind the impale is the following:

64% chance to inflict impale for 5 attacks, or 320% chance to inflict one, so on average it should be 3,2 impale stacks with the impale chance we have.

We have 88% increased impale effect, so every "recording" would be 18,8% of physical damage inflicted, with the 3,2x impale stacks the multiplier of impale damage would be 1,6016 if my math is correct and makes sense. In other words my zombies would have ~880k flat dps, and with the impale multiplier 1,407m dps. This is quite abit more than what we had without the impale. Any thoughts on this? I've been testing it out most of the day, and it seems very strong.

In addition we get full stacks on the dreadbanner quite easily, due to the fact that we cyclone and have impale chance ourselves, so when needed we can drop the banner for 20% impale chance giving us a whopping 84% impale chance, aswell as 20% increased effect of impale and 100% increased fortify effect. So far i must say it seems very strong. I wanted some feedback on it before incorporating it into the build. (This also opens up for the posibility to drop the +1 on alberons for reduced mana on Efficient training and brawn).
Qlidascope написал:
My math behind the impale is the following
I don't have time to look into it right now, but I just wanted to double check that you are only accounting for physical damage on impale. It would work best with Brutality and Flesh Offering, but if you use Spirit Offering than none of the chaos damage will impale.
Hi, can someone take a look at my gear and give me recommendations on changes? I don't know why my 14 zombies only do 333,000 shaper dps each and I am unsure which upgrades to go for next. Please take a look at my PoB and give me some pointers if possible. Thanks!

Qlidascope написал:
Скрытый текст
I swapped triad grip for Shapers touch with 6% life (yes i bow down into the dust, for 50c they're far superior), picked up impale support instead of withering touch, pick up dread banner instead of blood magic and dropped abit of life to pick up champion of the cause.

My math behind the impale is the following:

64% chance to inflict impale for 5 attacks, or 320% chance to inflict one, so on average it should be 3,2 impale stacks with the impale chance we have.

We have 88% increased impale effect, so every "recording" would be 18,8% of physical damage inflicted, with the 3,2x impale stacks the multiplier of impale damage would be 1,6016 if my math is correct and makes sense. In other words my zombies would have ~880k flat dps, and with the impale multiplier 1,407m dps. This is quite abit more than what we had without the impale. Any thoughts on this? I've been testing it out most of the day, and it seems very strong.

In addition we get full stacks on the dreadbanner quite easily, due to the fact that we cyclone and have impale chance ourselves, so when needed we can drop the banner for 20% impale chance giving us a whopping 84% impale chance, aswell as 20% increased effect of impale and 100% increased fortify effect. So far i must say it seems very strong. I wanted some feedback on it before incorporating it into the build. (This also opens up for the posibility to drop the +1 on alberons for reduced mana on Efficient training and brawn).

Alright, first a bit of explanation for impale in case anyone reading this doesn’t understand how it works. This is a minion build after all. Impale calculates 10% of hits of physical damage received by the enemy and stores 5 charges on the enemy. The next 5 hits against the enemy from any source (including other people/zombies) will deal 1 charge as reflected damage. Impale is calculated after all mitigation; mitigation is not applied again to impale. It’s possible to increase the number of charges for players but not for minions. All sources of impale on the tree are only for players. There is no limit to the number of charges an enemy can have at once. Minions can receive a chance to impale and impale effectiveness from the support gem and banner only.

I will assume both gems are 20/20. The support in a +3 crafted mace. Also, I can’t guarantee it works this way, but typically each stage rounds down from each source (see below for what I mean).

23/20 Impale Support
- 40 chance to impale
- 64% increased impale effect

Dread Banner
- 20% chance to impale
- 19% increased impale effect
- Additional 10% aura effect
- Additional 50% aura effect when planted at 50 stages
* Both these can be increased from increased effect of non-curse auras from your skills
* Stages only build up when you impale. This will build up very slowly, especially on bosses. As such, I will not calculate it at this time.

Qlida mentioned picking up 31% increased effect on the tree. A L20 Generosity will add another 39% effect at the cost of you generating stages.

Impale Formula
- Number of Impales * Chance to Impale * Impale Damage

- Chance = .4
- Effect = .64

- Chance = .2 * 1.41= .282 (rounds to .28)
- Effect = .19 * 1.41 = .2679 (rounds to .26)

Banner + Generosity
- Chance = .2 * 1.8 = .36 (rounds to .36)
- Effect = .19 * 1.8 = .342 (rounds to .34)

Support + Banner
- 5 * (.4 + .28) * .1(1 + .64 + .26) * 1.17 = ~.7558 = 75.58% more damage 76.38%

Support + Banner + Generosity
- 5 * (.4 + .36) * .1(1 + .64 + .34) * 1.17 = ~.8824 = 88.24% more damage 88.03%

These combined damages will only apply to physical damage dealt and must account for the gem, banner, and any additional skill points used. I’m tired; I’ll double check these numbers later.
Последняя редакция: Aldonés#1294. Время: 3 нояб. 2019 г., 22:22:13

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