UnknownBeef написал:
Ah, thanks. I'm playing standard so I'm unfamiliar with how the blight stuff works.

Sorry for the late answer, and yeah as Jlh was saying its cause of annointments on amulet in 3.8 which basicly allocates a notable for "free" on the skill tree. Although if you want to not use annointments, I.e. talisman of the greatwolf you should check out my current characters skill tree (Qlida_Baronesss) in 3.9. It uses the talisman and have gone for death attunement with normal pathing.
many thanks for the build

i use pure phys version
and i took my 1st 100 lvl with it, bought HH and have 70 ex for now that i dont know how to spend
now i will try chaos version if i could find boots and gloves on the market
and go in the deep delve

by the way subscribe Qlida on twich =)
Последняя редакция: mskLoup#0185. Время: 6 нояб. 2019 г., 1:13:13
mskLoup написал:
many thanks for the build

i use pure phys version
and i took my 1st 100 lvl with it, bought HH and have 70 ex for now that i dont know how to spend
now i will try chaos version if i could find boots and gloves on the market
and go in the deep delve

by the way subscribe Qlida on twich =)

Grats on the level 100 and the headhunter :D! You actually don't need the chaos for deep delves c:
So I am almost done with the atlas for the first time! I have only two maps left, Hall of Grandmasters and Shaper himself. I cant find anyone to do HOGM for me, can this build safely do it on hardcore? I assumed I couldnt because minions probably didnt scale well with PVP. Any suggestions? Shaper I feel relatively confident with since guardians went down without losing any life.
avatardavis написал:
So I am almost done with the atlas for the first time! I have only two maps left, Hall of Grandmasters and Shaper himself. I cant find anyone to do HOGM for me, can this build safely do it on hardcore? I assumed I couldnt because minions probably didnt scale well with PVP. Any suggestions? Shaper I feel relatively confident with since guardians went down without losing any life.
Hmm, in HC I’m not entirely sure, though through trial and error I was able to clear it. I “may” even be able to do it deathless now. Obviously trial and error won’t work as well for you. Socket minion life into your zombies. They’ll die quite easy still. On the later groups you’ll be resummoning them a lot, sometimes having to retreat and resummon. Blood Magic helps with that. Don’t take AG in, or he’ll die. Standard rules apply to block characters, but it may be worthwhile to level up a block chance reduction gem for zombies rather than other setups. Or possibly grabbing and gemming 4 TV for the occasion...not sure if that would work.

Generally I would dash in and convocate. I died several times though, so use your own judgment. I’m simply too unskilled and too lay to succeed at HC.
For POB and Skitterbots, do you guys just set it to "Enemies are Shocked"?

I think I remember reading from a separate thread that the increase to shock isn't the default one, but a separate one that increases enemy damage taken by 24%, so they would add a Granite Flask with "Enemies taunted by you take 24% Increased Damage" onto POB instead of checking the box where enemies are shocked.
dokidokidango написал:
For POB and Skitterbots, do you guys just set it to "Enemies are Shocked"?

I think I remember reading from a separate thread that the increase to shock isn't the default one, but a separate one that increases enemy damage taken by 24%, so they would add a Granite Flask with "Enemies taunted by you take 24% Increased Damage" onto POB instead of checking the box where enemies are shocked.
Selecting “enemies are shocked” in PoB will calculate the maximum shock value of 50%. Skitterbots grants a 24% shock aura. If you can add the effect onto flasks though, that’s good to know. I’ve tried gear and jewels, didn’t even think flasks.

Yes you can, mine is set like this.

You also need to check the "Enemies are taunted by you" in configuration.
Последняя редакция: dokidokidango#1768. Время: 6 нояб. 2019 г., 13:27:59
edited cause im dumb. i figured it out
Последняя редакция: emjay2d#7873. Время: 6 нояб. 2019 г., 14:22:59
It’d be nice if all these work arounds weren’t necessary. I can’t imagine it would take much coding to allow you to manually enter configurations the program already calculates. I’ll have to go fix my PoB later today.

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