Will the 2nd curse work? from gloves for example or from ring?
we have Diabolist with his own curse and im not sure...
Hi jlh165 and Qlidascope/Before start im apologize about my english.
I try it yours builds and mix it for my new way and comfortable play.Im not sure good is that or not>and have a question, mb me need change something,uber elder deathless but really want little bit more damage,and in pob im not correctly undestand how I can check how chaos dmg work on minions if you use 4 white sockets. This pastebin take it from mine 2 setup on triad gip(i also have it).
This mine 2 pastebin:
1)https://pastebin.com/X3XnZDEE Shaper Touch +5 Auras -Im play on this right now
2)https://pastebin.com/rPfss2NR Chaos(Triad gip) +5 Auras - And try it this but not sure about this triad gip white sockets(in POB its show less DPS then with Shaper Touch)
mskLoup написал:
Will the 2nd curse work? from gloves for example or from ring?
we have Diabolist with his own curse and im not sure...
Enemies will always only have 1 curse on them. AG hits an enemy and curses that 1 enemy with Vulnerability. Diabolist casts a mass Enfeeble overwriting Vulnerability. AG hits again overwriting Enfeeble. AG swings so fast it's basically permanent Vulnerability on his target but Enfeeble on anyone else.

ViniVeg написал:
Hi jlh165 and Qlidascope/Before start im apologize about my english.
I try it yours builds and mix it for my new way and comfortable play.Im not sure good is that or not>and have a question, mb me need change something,uber elder deathless but really want little bit more damage,and in pob im not correctly undestand how I can check how chaos dmg work on minions if you use 4 white sockets. This pastebin take it from mine 2 setup on triad gip(i also have it).
This mine 2 pastebin:
1)https://pastebin.com/X3XnZDEE Shaper Touch +5 Auras -Im play on this right now
2)https://pastebin.com/rPfss2NR Chaos(Triad gip) +5 Auras - And try it this but not sure about this triad gip white sockets(in POB its show less DPS then with Shaper Touch)
I'll take a look later, but generally speaking PoB needs to be manipulated in order to provide accurate informations. Sometimes this can be done via configurations, sometimes you have to manually enter in the mods on a piece of gear, sometimes you have to manually calculate.

For example, to receive damage from frenzy/power charges, go into configuration and select minions have the charges. To calculate increased damage taken from Skitterbots, manually enter something like "enemies taunted by you receive 24% increased damage" and then select enemies are taunted in the configuration tab. If you want to factor in the damage boost from Kingmaker, you have to manually enter in something like "minions deal 16% more damage." I forget the exact phrasing, but as long as it's not red, PoB recognizes it as a legitimate calculation. Just note it won't calculate many minion stats (thus converting increased crit damage to a comparable more damage).
Последняя редакция: Aldonés#1294. Время: 11 нояб. 2019 г., 13:38:41
ViniVeg написал:
Hi jlh165 and Qlidascope/Before start im apologize about my english.
I try it yours builds and mix it for my new way and comfortable play.Im not sure good is that or not>and have a question, mb me need change something,uber elder deathless but really want little bit more damage,and in pob im not correctly undestand how I can check how chaos dmg work on minions if you use 4 white sockets. This pastebin take it from mine 2 setup on triad gip(i also have it).
This mine 2 pastebin:
1)https://pastebin.com/X3XnZDEE Shaper Touch +5 Auras -Im play on this right now
2)https://pastebin.com/rPfss2NR Chaos(Triad gip) +5 Auras - And try it this but not sure about this triad gip white sockets(in POB its show less DPS then with Shaper Touch)

If you can check plz wich one more better for Dmg and survalibity/ Or Just more dmg/ Really i Play with Enduring Cry and Impale like in Qulida and also play with ES like you (And have now 5.2k on cyclone charges) without 3k ES. Dps is not bad but and not good. Just if calculate with you dps and survalibity im far from that or not? Really not good user in POB.
Последняя редакция: ViniVeg#5584. Время: 11 нояб. 2019 г., 13:50:07
Can't figure out how my guardian died. I tried to summon him today but no dice.
I'm at 350 in the mine, it's not that dangerous. The damn golem has half his life and it's alive and well and no zombies (same life as him) died either. There are things down there that can one shot me even with 9,4K life but the guardian has 10 times that, huge leech and some regen. And I didn't even notice it yesterday, I mean I would have noticed fortify missing from the zombies.
To be honest I'm thinking this may be some bug in the game. I've seen other people reporting being unable to summon him and not noticing him die the previous day.
From League Starter to Shaper – Cheap, Tanky, Fast and Fun Physical ST – Very Detailed Guide

Gannicus, God of the Arena – Deathless Uber Elder for Everyone
ViniVeg написал:
Hi jlh165 and Qlidascope/Before start im apologize about my english.
I try it yours builds and mix it for my new way and comfortable play.Im not sure good is that or not>and have a question, mb me need change something,uber elder deathless but really want little bit more damage,and in pob im not correctly undestand how I can check how chaos dmg work on minions if you use 4 white sockets. This pastebin take it from mine 2 setup on triad gip(i also have it).
This mine 2 pastebin:
1)https://pastebin.com/X3XnZDEE Shaper Touch +5 Auras -Im play on this right now
2)https://pastebin.com/rPfss2NR Chaos(Triad gip) +5 Auras - And try it this but not sure about this triad gip white sockets(in POB its show less DPS then with Shaper Touch)

The major difference in our 2 pastebins are the following:

Baron helm enchant - I have one, you don't atm.
You didn't add vulnerbility on hit from AG gloves
You don't have the attack speed nodes from the deathattunement cluster, i do as i run talisman.

I edited your pastebin abit and checked some other stuff that you didn't check, such as power and frenzy charges, feeding frenzy and what not on your configuration. Other minor dps differences may just originate from small differences in gear. But your current setup should be quite strong.


As for the chaos convertion you have to drop pride for haste, impale for withering touch, get spirit offering extra phys as chaos and such for it to actually be better, although at this point chaos convertion is more a nice to have than more dps.
Aias_o_Telamonios написал:
Can't figure out how my guardian died. I tried to summon him today but no dice.
I'm at 350 in the mine, it's not that dangerous. The damn golem has half his life and it's alive and well and no zombies (same life as him) died either. There are things down there that can one shot me even with 9,4K life but the guardian has 10 times that, huge leech and some regen. And I didn't even notice it yesterday, I mean I would have noticed fortify missing from the zombies.
To be honest I'm thinking this may be some bug in the game. I've seen other people reporting being unable to summon him and not noticing him die the previous day.

He's quite squishy compared to the zombies, and jeez even a stone golem with the same links. My bet is that he died to some fireball shotgun or waterpool thingy from blight. Did you trade your skillgem in any way aswell?
jlh165 написал:
This is quite annoying. I don’t know if it’s because people just naturally stop playing after a while or us talking about Dread Banner, but I cannot find an enchanted Baron for the life of me except the guy selling one for 30 ex. I saw 3 right after we discussed it but wanted to gauge the market before buying...fail on me. I’m pretty much done myself, just want to get the Blight wings before I stop for good.

At this point in the league it is quite hard to say tbh. But then again people do still check in on the guide, which is nice. ^^
Qulida/ Im check you Necromancer in Blight leagie and try to make like yours with endurance charges but make also like jih for ES/ And also zombies have chance for Impale. I ask about my witcher eye jewel for Clarity(mana to es) and also pride for Impale-so this from wither eye pride give chance for impaly work also for zombies?
Im correctly look for you charchter on blight?Or need look for you charcter 100lvl on standrat league?
Also have question- on Blight league you have enchant on baron Spirit ofering grants for chaos damage and same time you use Shaper Touch(Glovles) this enchant is really nedeed? And im not correctly undestand about |You didn't add vulnerbility on hit from AG gloves| -How me do it this or im not added in POB? Also about |You don't have the attack speed nodes from the deathattunement cluster| Im not take it because i have on amulet this deathattunement and take attack speed nodes on Ravenous Horde on this nodes give it more attack speed and also dmg.And can you tell me which enchant need roll to baron if i use like you Impale on wheapon for zombies also pride and withcer eye for impale. Can you check plz this> I really whana to undestand all wht i do wrong.

Now I Have 5331HP and 2936ES>When I Use cyclone my ES rise to 5038ES with full resistance and overcap for 115-121%.
And also have some problem with zombies when im run to fast Leap Slam they are stay far away and sometime cant going from doors and all time i Use Convocation by hand(Bind on R button) to teleport for me all zombies- its should be like this?
Now i check you pastebin and wht you change but really not undestand for what me need take this nodes before deathattunment.
ViniVeg написал:
Qulida/ Im check you Necromancer in Blight leagie and try to make like yours with endurance charges but make also like jih for ES/ And also zombies have chance for Impale. I ask about my witcher eye jewel for Clarity(mana to es) and also pride for Impale-so this from wither eye pride give chance for impaly work also for zombies?
Im correctly look for you charchter on blight?Or need look for you charcter 100lvl on standrat league?
Also have question- on Blight league you have enchant on baron Spirit ofering grants for chaos damage and same time you use Shaper Touch(Glovles) this enchant is really nedeed? And im not correctly undestand about |You didn't add vulnerbility on hit from AG gloves| -How me do it this or im not added in POB? Also about |You don't have the attack speed nodes from the deathattunement cluster| Im not take it because i have on amulet this deathattunement and take attack speed nodes on Ravenous Horde on this nodes give it more attack speed and also dmg.And can you tell me which enchant need roll to baron if i use like you Impale on wheapon for zombies also pride and withcer eye for impale. Can you check plz this> I really whana to undestand all wht i do wrong.

Now I Have 5331HP and 2936ES>When I Use cyclone my ES rise to 5038ES with full resistance and overcap for 115-121%.
And also have some problem with zombies when im run to fast Leap Slam they are stay far away and sometime cant going from doors and all time i Use Convocation by hand(Bind on R button) to teleport for me all zombies- its should be like this?
Now i check you pastebin and wht you change but really not undestand for what me need take this nodes before deathattunment.

Nothing about Watcher’s Eye will directly affect zombies. Intimidate does indirectly because once you hit the target, the enemy is intimidated, and mods on the enemy affect zombies. For zombies to impale, they need to have Impale Support linked to them and/or be in range of Dread Banner aura. All other sources will only apply to you.

The chaos damage from the helm enchant is still very much beneficial to us. It doesn’t grant quite as much damage in physical/chaos build, but it still grants a considerable amount of damage.

Where you link Convocation to doesn’t really matter. If minions get too far out of range they will naturally teleport to you, but if you wind up in the middle of monsters without nearby zombies, use Convocation.

Sorry if I misunderstood anything you were asking.

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