How do I reach 4 spectres?
Hellsmith написал:
How do I reach 4 spectres?

2 by default
+1 from 21 lvl Raise Spectre (gem will become 25 lvl due to the Baron and ascendancy)
+1 from Death Attunement

Freyja's Sanctuary HO:
Последняя редакция: meltingrime#5146. Время: 5 февр. 2020 г., 15:31:12
DocRoberts написал:
LegendaryMewtwo написал:
It's best to aim for 77/76/76 before spirit offering procs or you're going to have a pretty rough time in elem weakness maps on awakener 8.
Or you can just use a flask with curse immunity (and not enduring mana flask which doesn't work half the time for some unknown reason)

But with bad gear and slow clear speed, I'd also suggest to have overcapped resistances.

That's interesting, I actually found my Enduring Mana pot to be one of my most useful ones, and never noticed it not working.

Having a mana pot basically gives you a free ring/amulet mod so you dont need to craft -3 channeling mana. Also, covers non-regen maps where even if you did have -3 channeling, you wouldnt be able to spam convocation/flamedash.
LegendaryMewtwo написал:
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DocRoberts написал:
LegendaryMewtwo написал:
It's best to aim for 77/76/76 before spirit offering procs or you're going to have a pretty rough time in elem weakness maps on awakener 8.
Or you can just use a flask with curse immunity (and not enduring mana flask which doesn't work half the time for some unknown reason)

But with bad gear and slow clear speed, I'd also suggest to have overcapped resistances.

That's interesting, I actually found my Enduring Mana pot to be one of my most useful ones, and never noticed it not working.

Having a mana pot basically gives you a free ring/amulet mod so you dont need to craft -3 channeling mana. Also, covers non-regen maps where even if you did have -3 channeling, you wouldnt be able to spam convocation/flamedash.
If you'll keep an eye on it, you'll notice that curse immunity doesn't work from it half the time. And you have mana issues only because you aren't using Shaper's gloves. Also you have much less ehp and es per second and the difference in damage is less than 2% anyway (and if you want dps, you can get almost 1% if you divine your weapon to 28%). You can get Enfeeble from Diabolist and he casts much stronger version.
Последняя редакция: DocRoberts#4869. Время: 5 февр. 2020 г., 19:11:49
DocRoberts написал:
If you'll keep an eye on it, you'll notice that curse immunity doesn't work from it half the time. And you have mana issues only because you aren't using Shaper's gloves. Also you have much less ehp and es per second and the difference in damage is less than 2% anyway (and if you want dps, you can get almost 1% if you divine your weapon to 28%). You can get Enfeeble from Diabolist and he casts much stronger version.

Yeah it was about a 50% difference in ES at the time I got the gloves, and probably still is (sold all my shaper's touches so can't currently verify)... which sounds pretty bad, but ultimately for me it was fun to have a pair of unique gloves and +5 to all auras :) Also, if I can get an Enlighten4 I can comfortably swap Flesh/Stone with Discipline, which I don't believe Flesh/Stone benefits too much from +lvls

Regarding the Diabloist, I use Ruins Hellions instead which casts Rallying Cry, and apparantly has damage reduction tied to the taunt


Also, thanks for the tip on the divines, didn't realize that 2% extra attack speed was that impactful.
Последняя редакция: LegendaryMewtwo#0792. Время: 5 февр. 2020 г., 20:08:39
LegendaryMewtwo написал:
Regarding the Diabloist, I use Ruins Hellions instead which casts Rallying Cry, and apparantly has damage reduction tied to the taunt

Yes, he is cool but his taunt is not that useful on trash (where you need it the most) and damage from rallying cry is pretty low anyway, so I've replaced him by Diabolist for deep delves. And I don't see any point in using discipline with this build (especially without Shaper's gloves). It gives 265 flat es (before aura effect), watcher's eye mods aren't very useful for us and Shaper's touch still give you more es without discipline anyway (~2k more on my character).

Also a lot of people keep asking me how it plays without fortify. I'm probably the only one here who never used fortify in the cyclone setup in this league and I'm at 915 depth and keep pushing just fine. Only now I've made some changes to my basic setup in order to squeeze fortify on boots (might craft them in the near future), because I cannot use AG at that depths anymore (He died yesterday to some explosions from frost golems at ~850 depth without any scary mods and experimental passive tree with lots of minion life and phys reduction didn't help him: he had ~110k life and 35% extra es from it and still died instantly).
Последняя редакция: DocRoberts#4869. Время: 5 февр. 2020 г., 23:35:55

Was going to try crafting a nice hunter stygian and decided to roll it decently before using a hunter exalt and I hit this. Will probably craft strength or flask mod as a suffix.

Also made these really nice fortify boots, I will probably multimod life and maybe movespeed + cannot be frozen once I unlock the craft.

Other than getting a couple more 21/20 gems I dont think theres really much else I can improve. Ive got 1800 strength and 18 zombies doing a bit over a million dps each.
IGN: Raise_Ur_Donger
hitmantb написал:
When does this build feel unkillable? I am coming from a mana guardian and first T14 map, I died four times.

I have 5000 HP, 1500 energy shield without spirit offering. Crafted the mace.

Only 1200 strength for now, didn't expect to die so fast on T14. I thought this is a one button cyclone build and I wasn't trying to cyclone into mobs either . . .

Resists are capped, maybe I need to get more chaos resistance? Or maybe I should just use the same gear on baron guardian.

Your Mana Guardian Hoag build/guide is amazing but I want to switch builds to, to switch things up and thought about this build
Thanks for your guide,i'm finally kill Sirus,the other boss and Guardian as well.See you in the next league
I got bored at night and I made such a helmet. don't ask why. I can not answer.

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In the game he looks prettier.
Последняя редакция: selfowner#1274. Время: 6 февр. 2020 г., 7:00:53

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