TheChosenOne_ написал:
So with this setup

theres quite a few good uniques that can be used early on to get some of these stats. First week setup could look something like this.
Helm: The Baron
Amulet: Astramentis
Body armour: Geofries sanctuary / Queens hunger / Belly of the beast.
Boots: Alberons warpath
Gloves: Meginords vise
Rings: Strength, Life, Resists -> Look for one with avians aspect on, it is pricey to craft.
Belt: Meginords girdle.
Jewel: 2x Efficient training

5 Link femur

We can do any content in the game including UE, any metamorph/t16 and lvl 8 sirus? No need to spend 10s of ex for each item?
Sorry guys I got lost, is the pastebin in the guide correct? Has anything changed? Qlida's has everything very different in the profile, which build variation is considered the most popular right now?
kebal написал:
Sorry guys I got lost, is the pastebin in the guide correct? Has anything changed? Qlida's has everything very different in the profile, which build variation is considered the most popular right now?

Imo follow the guide, you will quickly hit a point where you become knowledgable enough to pick and choose passives based on the gear you find and the direction you want to head.
TheChosenOne_ написал:
TheChosenOne_ написал:
So with this setup

We can do any content in the game including UE, any metamorph/t16 and lvl 8 sirus? No need to spend 10s of ex for each item?

I prefer 4L holy relic (for aoe), 5-6L skeles in chest (for single target), 4L zombies to support version of a build. Until you get 6L femurs / craft +3
Can you guys please have a quick glance at my gear and tree, and maybe tell me what I should focus on upgrading next?

I got an Enlighten 4 banked and I'm not sure how I should proceed with fitting in another aura.
Hey guys,

Sold up everything yesterday, and started this build. I really would help me if someone takes a look at my gear and three.

- What should I upgrade next? (I guess the boots?).
- Anything in my three I should change?
- Gems / Aura's etc. tips?

Thanks in advance!

hy again,

i finish my challanges 40/40 and i make lvl 100 now i want to min-max my gear
ATM i have 1732 streng , i wil want to go for 1800 for + 1 zombie

this is my current :

what i need to improve first ? atm my lethal pride is 5% increased streng and +40 streng

what is better for ring's ? 80+ streng or 60+ streng and minion damage ?

i have like 100ex + to change my gear with better one
Finally decided to swap out:

I'm still getting used to the slower cyclone/move speed, but hopefully the higher stats make up for it. I can now get a 16th Zombie and my chaos res is no longer negative:

Последняя редакция: LegendaryMewtwo#0792. Время: 9 февр. 2020 г., 21:18:01
This is completely theoretical for me since I doubt I’ll ever get this far this league, but any thoughts on crafting this chest:

Hunter + Elder
- +1 zombie
- 9-10% maximum life as extra maximum energy shield
- slam for last prefix (probably Hunter slam)
- +3 crafted modifiers
- 9-12% strength
- 21-25% effect of offerings (must divine to 25% to receive any ES benefit)

You’d probably have to remove Aspect of the Avian completely, so an overall dps loss but a ton of extra ES. We’d get 29-30% maximum life as extra ES (currently 15%), and the recovery portion from SO would be 20%. Strength should remain relatively close, but it will depend on how much other % strength you have and exactly how much flat strength you’re calculating from Saqawal’s. You get +1 zombie and 7% additional chaos damage from SO, but again that won’t cover the dps loss from the Aspect (Aspect grants ~19% more dps).
Aldonés написал:
This is completely theoretical for me since I doubt I’ll ever get this far this league, but any thoughts on crafting this chest:

Hunter + Elder
- +1 zombie
- 9-10% maximum life as extra maximum energy shield
- slam for last prefix (probably Hunter slam)
- +3 crafted modifiers
- 9-12% strength
- 21-25% effect of offerings (must divine to 25% to receive any ES benefit)

You’d probably have to remove Aspect of the Avian completely, so an overall dps loss but a ton of extra ES. We’d get 29-30% maximum life as extra ES (currently 15%), and the recovery portion from SO would be 20%. Strength should remain relatively close, but it will depend on how much other % strength you have and exactly how much flat strength you’re calculating from Saqawal’s. You get +1 zombie and 7% additional chaos damage from SO, but again that won’t cover the dps loss from the Aspect (Aspect grants ~19% more dps).

Losing the 10% mana reso would suck... that said a hybrid 6L +1 Spectre chest would be interesting.

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