[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Hit this craft today, pretty damn stoked.

can anyone confirm or tell me how good brush with death cluster jewel notable is? low tolerance/ brush with death is exceptionally expensive. low tolerance definetely makes a difference. paired it with circling oblivion right now to get some extra clear from poison hopping time.
Awesome build! I would like to ask 2 questions:

1. For some reason I cant use whirling blades to cross rivers, jump up/down from cliffs etc. Is it ok to use flamedash instead?

2. I am doing the cobra lash build and I use viper strike for bosses, however I was wondering if there is any ranged alternative for high single target dps?

Hi, completely new to POE here. Been browsing the forums for league starter builds and the playstyle of this build appeals to me.

Would this build be usable for a new player? Specifically, is there enough instruction in the guide for someone who doesn't know anything, or is some level of knowledge/experience expected?

I'm a seasoned player in the ARPG genre, just not in POE.

Thanks for the amazing build, Torstein!

1. For some reason I cant use whirling blades to cross rivers, jump up/down from cliffs etc. Is it ok to use flamedash instead?

Whirling blades is great because it's very fast and unlimited movement plus fortify and the dex requirement is automatically met.

Flame Dash is fine, except you may have difficulty meeting the int requirement for level 20 (not sure), it's limited by charges and has a casting animation that slows it down a bit. I'd single slot it - or Dash - just for getting across obstacles but use Whirling Blades as your main movement skill.

can anyone confirm or tell me how good brush with death cluster jewel notable is? low tolerance/ brush with death is exceptionally expensive.

Brush With Death significantly improved my quality of life while clearing. I feel safe non-stop clearing regardless of whether Molten Shell is on cooldown or not; generally I save it for the more dangerous packs rather than frantically mashing the button.

I'd recommend crafting cluster jewels yourself. The number of notable passives per jewel type is quite small, making it fairly easy to craft what you need cheaply. With mediums, you can usually get away with buying a 5 passive base rather than 4 because one of the small passives can be ignored by pathing the opposite direction through the notable you want.

The most difficult part after getting one notable + jewel is getting the 2nd notable you want with a regal. Low Tolerance seems to be more rare than Brush With Death, so I'd aim for that with your alteration then try to get Brush with your regal.
Aphidsc написал:
Hi, completely new to POE here. Been browsing the forums for league starter builds and the playstyle of this build appeals to me.

Would this build be usable for a new player? Specifically, is there enough instruction in the guide for someone who doesn't know anything, or is some level of knowledge/experience expected?

I'm a seasoned player in the ARPG genre, just not in POE.


Although it's hard for me to judge how easy the build would be to follow as a completely new player, my own experiences with this, is that it's a very easy to follow build, and the value you get from everything works together nicely enough that it shouldn't pose much of a problem.

If I could make a suggestion, if you really do want to follow this build, maybe also have a look over at Enki's Arch Witch guide, as I know there's a lot of external guides and explanations linked from there with a focus on newer players:https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1147951

You're welcome to ask any questions here, or even whisper ingame.

My IGN is CoronaMask for this char.
x12pl написал:
Just killed Sirus 8 with viper strike (I use pestilent for mapping). The build is really good, I am glad I went with it as leaguestarter. It's really tanky. With about 12ex of gear you can have around 5.5m dps on flasks according to PoB.
Overall 10/10, best build guide I've read. Thanks Torstein.

tyvm man! :D I appreciate it!
Jeite написал:
Just to be clear :)

Is it better to run a cluster setup instead of the upper right part of the tree, ie the standard pob build tree ?

Cluster setup is more offensive oriented
unhappymeal написал:
TorsteinTheFallen написал:
unhappymeal написал:
Ah my favourite poster with a new build that is exceedingly fun. What is the recommended 4-link for Pestilence Strike while leveling up? Is it Pestilence Strike, Ancestral Call, Added Chaos and Deadly Toxins?

Pestilent Strike - Melee Phys - Ancestral Call - Deadly Ailments

Thanks! I really appreciate you making these builds. What I love is that they perform in the upper echelon and feel smooth from start to finish, without relying on whole tree respecs or crazy stuff (Saviour + other weapons).

PS> Is multi-strike more valuable on a four-link or does it wait for 5+?

You can use these 4 gems before Multistrike gets available.
Kildri написал:
Hit this craft today, pretty damn stoked.

that's a POG my friend!

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