[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Took this build to 90 after a league start with Animate Weapon.

It's fun, damage and clear is excellent with Pestilent Strike (non-cluster jewel) and surviveability is great as long as Molten Shell is up.

Thanks for the guide. I failed miserably at fossil crafting, spending several exalts and a lot of time buying fossils but never getting the added chaos and 60% to double poison stats. Rather than spending 10+ex on buying the weapons i'm going to move on to an impale Facebreaker cyclone. Good luck all!

EDIT: i'm seeing these claws are now 2.5-3 ex, they were 5 last time I checked!
Последняя редакция: trolley#6661. Время: 24 марта 2020 г., 3:52:20
First of all, great build!!
Level 94 now and enjoy it very much!
Have a lot of fun and the clearspeed is insane!

The only thing i don't understand is when i use this pastebin (i use pestilent strike), where DPS is around 9 million DPS and then import my character, DPS goes down to just arround 1.2 million DPS.

What am i doing wrong? Even when i use the original claws (WORKAROUND) it doesnt matter much. And my items aren't that bad i think, or do i miss someting important?

Anyone know if Prismatic Catalysts work on the Circle of Nostalgia's Chaos Resistance + Chaos Resist While Affected by HoA?
Hmm.. atm im trying to craft my claws but im thinking.. can we get some explosions in this build? Like with Unspeakable Gifts from cluster jewels, and if yes where we should put this?
RichRamp написал:
Hmm.. atm im trying to craft my claws but im thinking.. can we get some explosions in this build? Like with Unspeakable Gifts from cluster jewels, and if yes where we should put this?

I found a medium cluster with wicked pall, unspeakable gifts, and unwaveringly evil. I put it near the jewel socket that follows the two evasion % passives.

Linked is the PoB: https://pastebin.com/smpS58B1

EDIT: Forgot to say, Unspeakable Gifts is great, especially when it chains.
Последняя редакция: DoYourBestBear#7838. Время: 24 марта 2020 г., 15:32:09
Hey dude, thanks for taking a look and apologies for pinging a message ingame.

I've just picked up Fenumus Weave which enables Aspect of the Spider.

The issue is even with Enlighten level 3 I don't have the -mana enchants yet to use all 3 (Aspect of the Spider, Malevolence and Herald of Agony). Which one of the 3 should I drop until I get the Ring enchants for -mana so I can use all 3? Or am I doing something wrong?

As is stands at the moment with all buffs I can only use 2-3 casts of Venom Gyre till I'm out of mana.

Последняя редакция: NeedBlackupYo#3441. Время: 24 марта 2020 г., 16:58:55
I have the problem that I can no longer suck up mana from wave 19 onwards, and therefore can't get any further. do you have a plan what you could do
Последняя редакция: Skura#0796. Время: 24 марта 2020 г., 16:37:02
Skura написал:
I have the problem that I can no longer suck up mana from wave 19 onwards, and therefore can't get any further. do you have a plan what you could do

I use Enlighten Lv. 3, -8 mana cost on ring, & 1 Gemini Claw for the extra +14 mana leech. I have no issues clearing everything in Simulacrum.
DoYourBestBear написал:
RichRamp написал:
Hmm.. atm im trying to craft my claws but im thinking.. can we get some explosions in this build? Like with Unspeakable Gifts from cluster jewels, and if yes where we should put this?

I found a medium cluster with wicked pall, unspeakable gifts, and unwaveringly evil. I put it near the jewel socket that follows the two evasion % passives.

Linked is the PoB: https://pastebin.com/smpS58B1

EDIT: Forgot to say, Unspeakable Gifts is great, especially when it chains.

Think you meant Large Cluster, medium only gives you 2 notables max, Large gives 3.
Should we even care about cluster jewels? The difference of damage between normal tree and your tree with cluster jewels is huge. Am I missing something? I'm loving the build so far, but I'd like to know if it's worth it to pursue cluster jewels.

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