[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Since you all post nice weapons. I have this nice HH version.

I have a question regarding 100% Deli build.
Is it always the "final" step of this build for the most dps + tankyness?

I can switch right now but im not sure if i should. I wanna farm delis though.
What do you guys think about Hardened Scars annoint over tribal fury and then dropping a gem for Awakened Ancestral Call instead?

Curious if you think that would be "good" or not.

EDIT: Never mind, I just realized Hardened Scars only works during Life Flasks.
Последняя редакция: Touchstone#6149. Время: 23 янв. 2021 г., 15:03:08
I crafted these 2 claws, both with open prefix. They unfortunately do not have chaos damage to attacks. I also have awakened added chaos gem.

PoB says this is more poison damage. Is it worth it to use over double wasp nest for now until I can recraft?

You have the wrong flask setup for the version of the build you are following.
You've mixed up some things.

Coralito's flask will give you dps increase on bosses.

Upgrade your belt, its total garbo.

About the flask. Ive tried Coralito, but everyone on PoeNinja doesn't use it, so i figured i would try this tankier setup.

Belt is garbo, can agree fully, but wont "really" boost dps.
Claws must be next step then. Thanks for reply my man!
For anyone buying the Watcher's Eye. An alternative mod you can go for is "Damaging Ailments you inflict deal damage 15% faster while affected by Malevolence". Current price is 6ex.

This works if your poison duration is already very long. going from 8 seconds to 7 second duration won't matter. But your poison dps will go up by around 11%, almost the exact same increase with the dot multi Watchers.

The dot multi watchers costs 15ex. You can save yourself 9ex by getting this one. This Watchers doesn't work if your poison duration is very short.
Bustled написал:
I crafted these 2 claws, both with open prefix. They unfortunately do not have chaos damage to attacks. I also have awakened added chaos gem.

PoB says this is more poison damage. Is it worth it to use over double wasp nest for now until I can recraft?

Yeah its worth but you need accuracy without Wasps.
Xiaobear6 написал:
For anyone buying the Watcher's Eye. An alternative mod you can go for is "Damaging Ailments you inflict deal damage 15% faster while affected by Malevolence". Current price is 6ex.

This works if your poison duration is already very long. going from 8 seconds to 7 second duration won't matter. But your poison dps will go up by around 11%, almost the exact same increase with the dot multi Watchers.

The dot multi watchers costs 15ex. You can save yourself 9ex by getting this one. This Watchers doesn't work if your poison duration is very short.

Agreed. Especially better for Viper Strike.
Touchstone написал:
What do you guys think about Hardened Scars annoint over tribal fury and then dropping a gem for Awakened Ancestral Call instead?

Curious if you think that would be "good" or not.

EDIT: Never mind, I just realized Hardened Scars only works during Life Flasks.

You proc easily Fortify with Whirling Blades.

Dropping to using Ancestral Call is not worth it.
Shapezechos написал:

No cluster jewels? Any one using them with this build? Also.. what are the good ones for this?

Thank you.

Not really worth using.
Hey !

I'm playing tr pf right now but i plan to swap to your build when i have currency (i'm only 82).

Got this jewel when searching for pf jewel,

Is this any good for this build ? I don't know if it has any value.

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