[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Solemplow написал:
Hey !

I'm playing tr pf right now but i plan to swap to your build when i have currency (i'm only 82).

Got this jewel when searching for pf jewel,

Is this any good for this build ? I don't know if it has any value.

Pretty much perfect jewel, all 4 mods are good for the build.
How much mana do you guys have with all auras and enlighten 3?(spider,malev,hoag,artic)

I'm at 39 with 17mana cost on venom gyre on clear and 9 on single target.
Sometimes it kinda feels like I run out of mana and can't keep up with the skillcost, tho it says I'm at 132.8 mana leech on hit rate, which should easily keep up. Is it actually that 1% chance to miss that I'm noticing lol.
TorsteinTheFallen написал:
Solemplow написал:
Hey !

I'm playing tr pf right now but i plan to swap to your build when i have currency (i'm only 82).

Got this jewel when searching for pf jewel,

Is this any good for this build ? I don't know if it has any value.

Pretty much perfect jewel, all 4 mods are good for the build.

Okay thanks, feel weird tho, nobody want to buy it even for 30c.
NameMerken написал:
How much mana do you guys have with all auras and enlighten 3?(spider,malev,hoag,artic)

I'm at 39 with 17mana cost on venom gyre on clear and 9 on single target.
Sometimes it kinda feels like I run out of mana and can't keep up with the skillcost, tho it says I'm at 132.8 mana leech on hit rate, which should easily keep up. Is it actually that 1% chance to miss that I'm noticing lol.

Enlighten 4 will fix it, in the meantime add -mana on amulet.
I've been cruising through yellow maps with budget gear. Saved up some exalts. Just looking for a recommendation of where to start investing. I was going to craft weps but i think i need better armor first since this league is rippy.
Do you only use loreweave if you go Transcendence?
For militant faith, do you need a roll over 8k?
Последняя редакция: Scooby21#2509. Время: 23 янв. 2021 г., 17:43:30
can you do Transcending version with venom gyre?
Hi! I loved the build in Harvest and want to go Pestilent Strike again soon. Has the ascendancy changes affected this build too much?
Is the Fortify linked with Ances.Prot making the totems live that much better ?
Having thoughts to change that fortify for Vaal Haste...
TorsteinTheFallen написал:
NameMerken написал:
How much mana do you guys have with all auras and enlighten 3?(spider,malev,hoag,artic)

I'm at 39 with 17mana cost on venom gyre on clear and 9 on single target.
Sometimes it kinda feels like I run out of mana and can't keep up with the skillcost, tho it says I'm at 132.8 mana leech on hit rate, which should easily keep up. Is it actually that 1% chance to miss that I'm noticing lol.

Enlighten 4 will fix it, in the meantime add -mana on amulet.

Im using the enlighten 4 but still have the same amount of mana. Im lvl 76 tho
I feel like my damage is very good as of now - how do you feel about increased AOE enchant to add to clear speed?

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