[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Vennto написал:
Hey boys, I made a cute little claw (with a terrible name lmao...)
still gotta divine the t1 flat chaos and inc damage with poison, and gonna try to tailor orb, but besides some pure phys unholy might claw this seems like the highest raw DPS we can get out of a claw?

Nope, best dps we can get is what I produced a few days earlier, though you might come really close with this. Here it is for reference.

The problem with Poison deals damage 15% faster is it is processed differently in PoB so you need to know where you can see it. Aside from that, I would die buying 350 Essences, this is just a pain :D

I just made a bit of jewellery with Envy Essences and that alone was so annoying while I got like 100 Essences "only".

Apart from that: Really nice weapon, no need to upgrade any further, that is pretty much as good as it can get.

Hey Vennto,

Looking at your profile it shows that you're doing to transcendence version while using The Perfect Form. Any reason for that? I imagine you have the currency to pick up a 6L loreweave if you wanted to.
Spent a few days farming for the Aspect of the Crab beast and I finally got one today, then I crafted a new amulet for it, but when I went to add the skill onto the ammy I found out that my beast is level 77 and it is impossible to add that craft onto my item.

Here's the amulet and for those experienced with beastcrafting these, am I gonna be able to beastcraft it if I get a level 82 beast(amulet ilvl is 84)?
Последняя редакция: Ragnaroz88#6071. Время: 30 янв. 2021 г., 15:46:19
rand0m_taskk написал:
Hey Vennto,

Looking at your profile it shows that you're doing to transcendence version while using The Perfect Form. Any reason for that? I imagine you have the currency to pick up a 6L loreweave if you wanted to.
He's probably going for a double corrupted Loreweave.

Ragnaroz88 написал:
Spent a few days farming for the Aspect of the Crab beast and I finally got one today, then I crafted a new amulet for it, but when I went to add the skill onto the ammy I found out that my beast is level 77 and it is impossible to add that craft onto my item.84)?
Tried to look into this, but couldn't find an answer easily.
What exact message do you get?
If the button is clickable, just click it. It won't change the item level of your amulet.
Последняя редакция: blastinMot#6703. Время: 30 янв. 2021 г., 16:52:50
blastinMot написал:

Ragnaroz88 написал:
Spent a few days farming for the Aspect of the Crab beast and I finally got one today, then I crafted a new amulet for it, but when I went to add the skill onto the ammy I found out that my beast is level 77 and it is impossible to add that craft onto my item.84)?
Tried to look into this, but couldn't find an answer easily.
What exact message do you get?
If the button is clickable, just click it. It won't change the item level of your amulet.

Never did the Bestiary thing before so I didn't realize you first have to do the boss fight and then you can craft. Whoops. xD

Anyway, finally made the switch to Transcendence and the build is feeling even more durable, loving it so far. Here's the PoB link if anyone is interested.

Still sitting on Coralito's flask as I don't want to lose that sweet deeps.
Последняя редакция: Ragnaroz88#6071. Время: 30 янв. 2021 г., 18:00:41
Riptheripper написал:
this build is dogshit

Why you say that?

What affixes do we want on our Circle of Nostalgia ring? It seems most of them are semi good. Do we go for chaos resist and increased buff effect? Or do we go for buff effect and increased chaos? Or is it worth buffing crawler?
Последняя редакция: xaeror35#2761. Время: 30 янв. 2021 г., 18:31:49
xaeror35 написал:
Riptheripper написал:
this build is dogshit

Why you say that?

What affixes do we want on our Circle of Nostalgia ring? It seems most of them are semi good. Do we go for chaos resist and increased buff effect? Or do we go for buff effect and increased chaos? Or is it worth buffing crawler?

Buff effect is always useful. As for the other affix, i'm not sure. Personally i'd have large issues capping chaos resist without the "#% to chaos resistance while affected by HoA"

I'm triying to see what I'm lacking right now. But I'm half the damage from the original build pastebin. (https://pastebin.com/GfmMLjAp)

This is mine.

My lvl still 92, no watchers eye, the weapons are not perfect.. but EVEN if I set the "original build" jewels, helmet, even support skills I'm still with less than a half damage. I even tried to set more strenght...

Nothing I move changes the difference

original -> 1 million per poison DPS
mine -> 570 mil per poison DPS

I even have more poison duration and poison damage :(

Thanks guys, I going mad with this :p
God I just spent 900chromatics trying to get 3G 2B 1R on my loreweave.
Still didn't get it. I really want to switch to pestilent strike now but loreweave is killing me.

This is how my gear will look like when I switch. Still need min. 2 aug chaos. For -max chaosres on helmet, chaos dmg on wep. Will try to get harvest non green to green and hope for a 50/50 win on the red socket kek. I'm actually broke from crafting all that gear.

woops actually this is my ring.

Последняя редакция: NameMerken#1803. Время: 30 янв. 2021 г., 20:38:11
NameMerken написал:
God I just spent 900chromatics trying to get 3G 2B 1R on my loreweave.
Still didn't get it. I really want to switch to pestilent strike now but loreweave is killing me.

This is how my gear will look like when I switch. Still need min. 2 aug chaos. For -max chaosres on helmet, chaos dmg on wep. Will try to get harvest non green to green and hope for a 50/50 win on the red socket kek. I'm actually broke from crafting all that gear.

woops actually this is my ring.

How are you rolling your loreweave? If you're looking for 3G 2B 1R, it should take an average of ~137 chromas using 1G craft in crafting bench
Reazion написал:

How are you rolling your loreweave? If you're looking for 3G 2B 1R, it should take an average of ~137 chromas using 1G craft in crafting bench

That is actually exactly what I did.
Spammed Betrayal till vorici now. Finally can use it.

Edit: managed to switch over to transcendence now. If you see any errors pls tell me about it. Ignore helmet and weapon tho. I'll try finishing them.
Последняя редакция: NameMerken#1803. Время: 30 янв. 2021 г., 21:14:11

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