[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Reazion написал:
xaeror35 написал:

What affixes do we want on our Circle of Nostalgia ring? It seems most of them are semi good. Do we go for chaos resist and increased buff effect? Or do we go for buff effect and increased chaos? Or is it worth buffing crawler?

Buff effect is always useful. As for the other affix, i'm not sure. Personally i'd have large issues capping chaos resist without the "#% to chaos resistance while affected by HoA"

You most definitely want the chaos res on there. With resist catalysts you can get up to 85% chaos resists from that slot alone.
For the second affix go for either Herald of Agony Buff Effect or Increased Chaos Damage while Affected by Herald of Agony.
They are both almost equally strong.
Buffing the Crawler doesn't make sense, as we don't scale it's damage anywhere else.

Surtido написал:
I'm triying to see what I'm lacking right now. But I'm half the damage from the original build pastebin. (https://pastebin.com/GfmMLjAp)

Didn't look at the pastebin, only your character.
Work on your second claw as soon as possible.
Use metallic + aberrant + corroded + shuddering fossils.

Your quicksilver (or other utility flask) should have "of warding" as a suffix.

Your amulet needs work. Get a hunter base and go for chaos damage over time multi/life/resists/+1 chaos skills.

Do you have Aspect of the Spider active?

Rest of the gear doesn't look too bad.
Последняя редакция: blastinMot#6703. Время: 30 янв. 2021 г., 23:41:24
How are you dealing with Militant faith bricking the Ambidexterity notable?
J_correa написал:
How are you dealing with Militant faith bricking the Ambidexterity notable?

That happens with some jewels. Sell it and buy another one.
blastinMot написал:

Surtido написал:
I'm triying to see what I'm lacking right now. But I'm half the damage from the original build pastebin. (https://pastebin.com/GfmMLjAp)

Didn't look at the pastbin, only your character.
Work on your second claw as soon as possible.
Use metallic + aberrant + corroded + shuddering fossils.

Your quicksilver (or other utility flask) should have "of warding" as a suffix.

Your amulet needs work. Get a hunter base and go for chaos damage over time multi/life/resists/+1 chaos skills.

Do you have Aspect of the Spider active?

Rest of the gear doesn't look too bad.

Thanks, yep, working on the second claw. I simulated on pathofbuilding using the same that the "original" build, but still my damage is 1/2 of that one. Yep, using spider and witchfire etc. I already tried with all the original gear and nothing, I still lack 500mil dps per poison. I think it should be related to the calcs and conditions.
Последняя редакция: Surtido#5008. Время: 30 янв. 2021 г., 22:04:53
Surtido написал:
I already tried with all the original gear and nothing, I still lack 500mil dps per poison. I think it should be related to the calcs and conditions.

Take a look at the configuration tab.
Especially if "Is the enemy a Boss?" is set to Shaper/Guardian/Sirus.
Also you can set up how many Spider and Withered Stacks you have non.
Make sure both PoBs use the same number of stacks.
Hit the jackpot on this Stygian Vise with Alt/Regal. What should I craft on it?

Thinking harvest craft Fire Res or Attack speed during flask effect and then benchcraft Flask increased effect.

Thoughts? Better ideas?

Последняя редакция: white0ut#6738. Время: 31 янв. 2021 г., 2:30:55
blastinMot написал:
rand0m_taskk написал:
Hey Vennto,

Looking at your profile it shows that you're doing to transcendence version while using The Perfect Form. Any reason for that? I imagine you have the currency to pick up a 6L loreweave if you wanted to.
He's probably going for a double corrupted Loreweave.

Blast is right. I am double-corrupting loreweaves left and right right now to hit some nice stats before I swap, just because I am lazy and people forget that build worked totally fine before. Thorstein came up with the new update and its definately stronger, but nontheless perfect form is still fine.
For the transcendence version, I've put militant faith near the Golem's Blood while taking iron grip and the endu charge on top(vigour), and a cluster jewel with enduring composure to permanently keep the endurance charges not relying in Swagger.

That spot with militant faith gives 140 devotion.

normally i struggle a little bit with the endgame challanges when going for 40/40, but not this time. this build rocks!
__FEL__ написал:

normally i struggle a little bit with the endgame challanges when going for 40/40, but not this time. this build rocks!

Been spying on your character over poeninja for a few days. Impressive stuff. :)

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